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Https:// Utah – 2014. Business Fraud Alert notifies business owners and registered agents when a change has been made to a business’

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1 Utah – 2014

2 Business Fraud Alert notifies business owners and registered agents when a change has been made to a business’ registration record. Email notifications are sent within 24 hours if any of the following changes are recorded by the state:  Edit Business Address  Add/Edit/Remove Registered Agent  Add/Edit/Remove Registered Principal Business Fraud Alert helps combat corporate identity theft and the problems that arise from unauthorized changes made to business records. With the growing threat of identity theft to businesses across the nation, Utah has taken important steps to protect business owners’ investments. Any interested party or individual can sign up to receive notification of changes to any business entity. This makes it possible for multiple individuals to be notified of any change to a single business entity. Launched in June 2013 by the Utah Department of Commerce, Business Fraud Alert gives the 18,200 subscribers an additional tool to combat the risk of fraudulent activities. Subscribers activate the service from the Business Renewal website while renewing a business. Description of the Innovation:

3  Enroll and receive alerts automatically 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.  Automates the process and reduces time spent checking, monitoring, or verifying business registrations.  Unauthorized changes are easier to detect and address in a timely matter.  2013 Subscriptions to Fraud Alert: 13,976 Effectiveness:

4  Previously businesses would need to be vigilant of their business entity status by using the State’s online business entity search. If a change was made to the business entity, they would only be aware if they were constantly checking the website. Originality

5  If all businesses subscribed to Business Fraud Alert it would dramatically diminish the ability of individuals to commit corporate identity theft. This technology enables subscribers to maintain constant vigilance on their business throughout the year. Business Fraud Alert can serve as a simple model for other groups that would benefit from automated notifications. Significance and Transferability:







12 Admin Website  Search for a user by email address  Show email addresses and the businesses they are associated to  Turn off receiving emails  Edit the email address.  Report list of email addresses, entity name, service signup date & time, service expiration date.  Report list of emails sent, including email address, business name, date sent  Report list of “requests” that will expire in the next 30 days

13 FURTHER QUESTIONS? Kathy Berg – Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Corporations and Commercial Code OR Chris Rice – Utah Interactive

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