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Apuntes de Capítulo 3B Realidades Uno Español 1-2 Kentridge High School Sra. Butsch Nolte.

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Presentation on theme: "Apuntes de Capítulo 3B Realidades Uno Español 1-2 Kentridge High School Sra. Butsch Nolte."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apuntes de Capítulo 3B Realidades Uno Español 1-2 Kentridge High School Sra. Butsch Nolte

2 Apuntes (27.2.14) Oraciones con dos verbos. Sometimes, like when expressing an opinion, you need two verbs for one idea. EJEMPLO – I prefer to eat cold food. The first verb is conjugated. The second verb in the infinitive.

3 Apuntes (27.2.14) Oraciones con dos verbos. In Spanish, we use the same work order. EJEMPLO – Yo prefiero comer la comida fría. The first verb is conjugated. The second verb in the infinitive.

4 Apuntes (27.2.14) Oraciones con dos verbos. Here are some verbs we know already that can or should be used with two verbs: – Deber – Preferir – Necesitar – Gustar – Encantar

5 Apuntes (28.2.14) Los adjetivos. The rules 1.Adjectives end in –o for males and masculine objects. 2.Adjectives end in –a for females and feminine objects. 3.Adjectives that end in –e are both feminine and masculine. 4.Adjectives that end in –or are masculine and change to –ora for feminine.

6 Apuntes (28.2.14) Los adjetivos. The rules 5.Adjetives that end in –ista are masculine and feminine. 6.In Spanish, the adjectives have singular and plural forms for plural objects or groups of people. EJEMPLO: – El libro es blanco. – Los libros son blancos.

7 Apuntes (28.2.14) Los adjetivos. ordenadoordenada ordenadosordenadas horrible horribles deportista deportistasdeportisas

8 Apuntes (28.2.14) “ser = to be” The inifinitive verb ser in Spanish means to be. It is used to describe people and things. to be = ser I am = yo soywe are = nosotros/as somos you are = tú eresyou all are = vosotros/as sois you are = Ud. esyou all are = Uds. son he/she is = él/ella esthey are = ellos/ellas son ¡MEMORIZE THIS!

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