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1 Jean-Michel PAWLOTSKY

2 How to Use Virological Tools for the Optimal Management
of Chronic Hepatitis C ? Prof. Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, MD, PhD French National Reference Center for Hepatitis B, C and delta, Department of Virology & INSERM U841, Henri Mondor Hospital University of Paris 12 Créteil, France

3 Virological Markers in HCV Treatment Monitoring
HCV genotype Tailor ribavirin dose and treatment duration HCV RNA presence and level Decide to treat Assess virological responses Tailor treatment duration to the actual virological response

4 I HCV Virological Tools

5 HCV Genotype Determination

6 HCV Genotypes (Simmonds P., et al. Hepatology 2005;42:962-73)

7 HCV Genotype Determination
Molecular methods (genotyping): Direct sequence analysis Reverse hybridization: “line probe assay“ (Inno-LiPA) Serological methods (“serotyping“) Competitive ELISA

8 HCV Genotype Determination
HCV genome

9 HCV Genotype Determination
HCV genome NS5B

10 HCV Genotype Determination
HCV genome NS5B 5’ noncoding region

11 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
491 patients, HCV genotype 1 (local method) (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

12 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
491 patients, HCV genotype 1 (local method) NS5B sequence analysis (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

13 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
491 patients, HCV genotype 1 (local method) NS5B sequence analysis 1a (n=226, 46%) 1b (n=245, 50%) other 1 (n=11, 2%) 1d (n=4) 1e (n=2) 1i (n=1) 1l (n=1) 1nd (n=3) non-1 (n=9, 2%) 2l (n=1) 3a (n=2) 6 (n=6) (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

14 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
NS5B 1a (n=226) 5’NC region 1a (n=180) 1b (n=39) 1nd (n=7) (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

15 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
NS5B 1a (n=226) 5’NC region 1a (n=180) 1b (n=39) 1nd (n=7) NS5B 1b (n=245) 5’NC region 1b (n=229) 1a (n=8) 1nd (n=8) (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

16 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
NS5B 1a (n=226) 5’NC region 1a (n=180) 1b (n=39) 1nd (n=7) 20% NS5B 1b (n=245) 5’NC region 1b (n=229) 1a (n=8) 1nd (n=8) 7% (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

17 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
1b (n=3) 1nd (n=1) 1a (n=2) 1a (n=1) 1b (n=1) NS5B 1d (n=4) 1e (n=2) 1i (n=1) 1l (n=1) 1nd (n=3) (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

18 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
100% 5’NC region 1b (n=3) 1nd (n=1) 1a (n=2) 1a (n=1) 1b (n=1) NS5B 1d (n=4) 1e (n=2) 1i (n=1) 1l (n=1) 1nd (n=3) (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

19 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
3a (n=2) 1a (n=1) 1b (n=5) NS5B 2l (n=1) 3a (n=2) 6 (n=6) (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

20 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
? 5’NC region 1 (n=1) 3a (n=2) 1a (n=1) 1b (n=5) NS5B 2l (n=1) 3a (n=2) 6 (n=6) (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

21 Subtyping in the 5’NC Region
? 5’NC region 1 (n=1) 3a (n=2) 1a (n=1) 1b (n=5) NS5B 2l (n=1) 3a (n=2) 6 (n=6) ? (Chevaliez S., et al., AASLD 2006)

22 Current LiPA Assay 5’NC region probes 1a 1b 2a/b 3a 4a 5a 6a AC CC
Band positions Marker AC CC 5’NC region probes 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

23 New LiPA Assay 5’NC region probes core region probes 1a 1b 2a/b 3a 4a
6 5’NC region probes Marker CC AC 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23. AC c-l a b core region probes

24 New LiPA Assay Genotype Subtype 1 a, b 2 a, b, c 3 a, b, c, k 4
a, b, c, d, e, f, h 5 a 6 a, c-l

25 Detection and Quantification of HCV RNA

26 Ranges of Linear Quantification of HCV RNA Assays (IU/ml)
10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Cobas Amplicor HCV Monitor v2.0 Versant HCV RNA 3.0 (bDNA) Untreated hepatitis C

27 Advantages of Real-Time PCR Quantification
Improved sensitivity No carryover contamination Extended dynamic range of quantification Precision and reproducibility

28 Real-Time PCR Platforms for HCV RNA
Roche Molecular Systems: Cobas Taqman® HCV Test Amplification: Cobas Taqman® Extraction: Cobas Ampliprep® (CAP/CTM) Abbott Diagnostic Abbott Real-Time HCV Assay Amplification: m2000RT System Extraction: m2000SP (m2000 Real-Time PCR System)

29 Ranges of Linear Quantification of HCV RNA Assays (IU/ml)
10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Cobas Amplicor HCV Monitor v2.0 Versant HCV RNA 3.0 (bDNA) Untreated hepatitis C

30 Ranges of Linear Quantification of HCV RNA Assays (IU/ml)
10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Cobas Amplicor HCV Monitor v2.0 Versant HCV RNA 3.0 (bDNA) Cobas TaqMan HCV Test (Roche) Abbott Real-Time HCV Assay (Abbott) Untreated hepatitis C

31 Roche Real-Time PCR Cobas Taqman® Cobas Ampliprep®
Cobas Ampliprep®/Cobas Taqman® (CAP/CTM) platform

32 Calibration of CAP/CTM HCV AcroMetrix HCV RNA Panel
r = ; p < HCV RNA level in CAP/CTM (Log10 IU/ml) 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 8 Expected HCV RNA level (Log10 IU/ml) (Chevaliez et al., Hepatology 2007; in press)

33 Overestimation of HCV RNA Levels in CAP/CTM vs bDNA
1.5 1.0 0.5 Difference between HCV RNA levels measured in CAP/CTM and in bDNA (in Log10 UI/ml) -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 Genotype 1 Genotype 2 Genotype 3 Genotype 4 Genotype 5 (Chevaliez et al., Hepatology 2007; in press)

34 Overestimation of HCV RNA Levels in CAP/CTM vs bDNA
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 HCV RNA (Log10 IU/ml) Dilutions undiluted 1/5 1/25 1/125 1/625 1/3125 1/15625 1/78125 HCV genotype 1 HCV genotype 2 (Chevaliez et al., Hepatology 2007; in press)

35 Underestimation of HCV RNA Levels by CAP/CTM in Genotypes 2 and 4
-1.5 1.0 -1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 -0.5 Genotype 1 (n=29) Genotype 2 (n=27) Genotype 3 (n=29) Genotype 4 (n=30) Genotype 5 (n=9) Genotype 6 (n=2) (Chevaliez et al., Hepatology 2007; in press)

36 Underestimation of HCV RNA Levels by CAP/CTM in Genotypes 2 and 4
-1.5 1.0 -1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 -0.5 Genotype 1 (n=29) Genotype 2 (n=27) Genotype 3 (n=29) Genotype 4 (n=30) Genotype 5 (n=9) Genotype 6 (n=2) 15% 30% (Chevaliez et al., Hepatology 2007; in press)

37 Abbott Real-Time PCR m2000RT

38 Abbott Real-Time PCR R=0,9658, p<0.0001 m2000sp (Abbott) bDNA 3.0
4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 bDNA 3.0 m2000sp (Abbott) HCV genotype 1 (n=43) HCV genotype 3 (n=19) HCV genotype 4 (n=17) HCV genotype 5 (n=5) HCV genotype 2 (n=11) R=0,9658, p<0.0001 (Chevaliez et al., in progress)

39 II Treatment Algorithms

40 HCV Genotype Determination
1 Types 2, 3 Types 4, 5, 6


42 liver disease severity
HCV GENOTYPE 1 Assessment of liver disease severity

43 liver disease severity Follow-up without treatment
HCV GENOTYPE 1 Assessment of liver disease severity Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment

44 liver disease severity Follow-up without treatment
HCV GENOTYPE 1 Assessment of liver disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks

45 HCV GENOTYPE 1 Bad Good prognosis prognosis
Assessment of liver disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA quantification at baseline and at week 12

46 HCV GENOTYPE 1 Bad Good prognosis prognosis
Assessment of liver disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA quantification at baseline and at week 12 < 2 log HCV RNA decrease Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression

47 HCV GENOTYPE 1 Bad Good prognosis prognosis
Assessment of liver disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA quantification at baseline and at week 12 ≥ 2 log HCV RNA decrease or HCV RNA (-) Continue treatment < 2 log HCV RNA decrease Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression

48 HCV GENOTYPE 1 Bad Good prognosis prognosis
Assessment of liver disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA quantification at baseline and at week 12 ≥ 2 log HCV RNA decrease or HCV RNA (-) Continue treatment < 2 log HCV RNA decrease Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression HCV RNA quantification at week 24

49 HCV GENOTYPE 1 Bad Good prognosis prognosis
Assessment of liver disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA quantification at baseline and at week 12 ≥ 2 log HCV RNA decrease or HCV RNA (-) Continue treatment < 2 log HCV RNA decrease Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression HCV RNA quantification at week 24 HCV RNA ≥ 50 IU/ml Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression

50 HCV GENOTYPE 1 Bad Good prognosis prognosis
Assessment of liver disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA quantification at baseline and at week 12 ≥ 2 log HCV RNA decrease or HCV RNA (-) Continue treatment < 2 log HCV RNA decrease Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression HCV RNA quantification at week 24 HCV RNA <50 IU/ml Continue treatment HCV RNA ≥ 50 IU/ml Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression

51 HCV GENOTYPE 1 Bad Good prognosis prognosis
Assessment of liver disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA quantification at baseline and at week 12 ≥ 2 log HCV RNA decrease or HCV RNA (-) Continue treatment < 2 log HCV RNA decrease Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression HCV RNA quantification at week 24 HCV RNA <50 IU/ml Continue treatment HCV RNA ≥ 50 IU/ml Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression HCV RNA detection at the end of treatment and 24 weeks later

52 HCV GENOTYPE 1 Bad Good prognosis prognosis
Assessment of liver disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA quantification at baseline and at week 12 ≥ 2 log HCV RNA decrease or HCV RNA (-) Continue treatment < 2 log HCV RNA decrease Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression HCV RNA quantification at week 24 HCV RNA <50 IU/ml Continue treatment HCV RNA ≥ 50 IU/ml Stop treatment OR continue to slow liver disease progression HCV RNA detection at the end of treatment and 24 weeks later End-of-treatment virological response Sustained virological response


54 HCV GENOTYPES 2 or 3 Peginterferon + ribavirin 0.8 g qd 24 weeks

55 HCV RNA detection at the end of treatment and 24 weeks later
HCV GENOTYPES 2 or 3 Peginterferon + ribavirin 0.8 g qd 24 weeks HCV RNA detection at the end of treatment and 24 weeks later

56 HCV GENOTYPES 2 or 3 Peginterferon + ribavirin 0.8 g qd 24 weeks
HCV RNA detection at the end of treatment and 24 weeks later End-of-treatment virological response Sustained virological response

57 HCV GENOTYPES 4, 5 or 6

58 serological markers of disease severity
HCV GENOTYPES 4, 5 or 6 Liver biopsy or serological markers of disease severity

59 serological markers of disease severity Follow-up without treatment
HCV GENOTYPES 4, 5 or 6 Liver biopsy or serological markers of disease severity Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment

60 serological markers of disease severity Follow-up without treatment
HCV GENOTYPES 4, 5 or 6 Liver biopsy or serological markers of disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks

61 HCV GENOTYPES 4, 5 or 6 Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon
Liver biopsy or serological markers of disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA detection at the end of treatment and 24 weeks later

62 HCV GENOTYPES 4, 5 or 6 Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon
Liver biopsy or serological markers of disease severity Bad prognosis Good prognosis Follow-up without treatment Peginterferon + ribavirin g qd 48 weeks HCV RNA detection at the end of treatment and 24 weeks later End-of-treatment virological response Sustained virological response

63 III Future Challenges

64 Future Challenges Better tailor treatment duration:
Treat shorter when no more is needed Treat longer when more is needed

65 Shorter Treatment

66 ACCELERATE Trial (Genotypes 2 & 3)
100 86% 76% 80 70% 70% 77% 60 66% 60% 60% % SVR 82% 71% 16 weeks 40 65% 65% 24 weeks 20 n=346 n=303 n=333 n=327 Genotype 2 Genotype 3 (Shiffman et al., EASL 2006)

67 Tailored Duration in Genotypes 2/3
Standard duration group (n = 70) 24 weeks of peginterferon-ribavirin therapy SVR: 76% Variable duration group (n = 213) 12 weeks of treatment if HCV RNA negative* at week 4 24 weeks of treatment if HCV RNA positive* at week 4 SVR: 82% * < 50 IU/ml (Mangia et al., N Engl J Med 2005;352: )

68 Shorter Duration in Genotype 1
Patients infected with HCV genotype 1 Baseline HCV RNA level < 600,000 IU/ml PegIFN-2b + ribavirin Treatment duration: 24 weeks Comparison with historical data from the Manns’ trial (Lancet 2001) (Zeuzem et al., J Hepatol 2006;44:97-103)

69 Shorter Duration in Genotype 1
100 90 80 70 60 24 weeks % Sustained virological response 50 40 48 weeks (historical data from the Mann’s trial) 30 20 10 Week 4 Week 12 Week 24 Time to first negative HCV RNA (< 50 IU/ml) (Zeuzem et al., J Hepatol 2006;44:97-103)

70 Tailored Duration in Genotype 1
PegIFN-2a + ribavirin: 24-LD: 0.8 g/d of ribavirin, 24 weeks 24-SD: g/d of ribavirin, 24 weeks 48-LD: 0.8 g/d of ribavirin, 48 weeks 48-SD: g/d of ribavirin, 48 weeks (Jensen et al., Hepatology 2006;43: )

71 Tailored Duration in Genotype 1
100 90 80 70 24-LD 60 24-SD % Sustained virological response 50 48-LD 40 30 48-SD 20 10 HCV RNA < 50 IU/ml at week 4 HCV RNA ≥ 50 IU/ml at week 4 (Jensen et al., Hepatology 2006;43: )

72 Longer Treatment

73 Patients with HCV Genotypes 2/3
Older age Male gender High BMI Fibrosis ≥ F3

74 Longer Treatment in Genotype 1
100 90 80 70 60 % SVR 50 53% 54% 40 30 20 10 48 weeks (n=230) 72 weeks (n=225) (Berg et al., Gastroenterology 2006;130: )

75 Longer Treatment in Genotype 1
NS 90 NS 80 70 NS 60 48 weeks % Sustained virological response 50 40 p=0.04 72 weeks 30 20 10 Week 4 Week 12 Week 4 Week 12 HCV RNA < 50 IU/ml HCV RNA ≥ 50 IU/ml) (Berg et al., Gastroenterology 2006;130: )

76 Summary The rapid virologic responders may receive shorter therapy, whatever the HCV genotype The slow virologic responders may benefit from longer therapy, whatever the HCV genotype

77 New Algorithms Genotypes 1, 4 (5 and 6 ?) Genotypes 2 and 3 24 weeks

78 Ranges of Linear Quantification of HCV RNA Assays (IU/ml)
10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Cobas Amplicor HCV Monitor v2.0 Versant HCV RNA 3.0 (bDNA) Cobas TaqMan HCV Test (Roche) Abbott Real-Time HCV Assay (Abbott) Untreated hepatitis C

79 Urgent Needs Retrospective analyses of major trials (including HCV RNA retesting with more sensitive, real-time PCR-based assays) Identification of the decision thresholds with the best predictive value: Definition of the early virologic response Definition of the slow virologic response Prospective validation in randomized clinical trials +++

80 Conclusions (1) New virological assays are available
The new LiPA assay will improve accuracy of genotype and subtype determination Real-time PCR assays are currently replacing classical methods for HCV RNA quantification: They bring: - nearly full automation - improved sensitivity - broader dynamic ranges of quantification The current commercial assays still need to be improved in order to ensure accuracy

81 Conclusions (2) The current algorithms use the HCV genotype and HCV RNA level monitoring: To tailor initial therapy To stop therapy in those patients unlikely to achieve a sustained virological response, in order to avoid useless costs and side-effects Future algorithms should now be established to tailor treatment duration to the genotype and the early virologic response, in order to increase cure rates

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