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High-resolution spectroscopy with a femtosecond laser frequency comb Vladislav Gerginov 1, Scott Diddams 2, Albrecht Bartels 2, Carol E. Tanner 1 and Leo.

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Presentation on theme: "High-resolution spectroscopy with a femtosecond laser frequency comb Vladislav Gerginov 1, Scott Diddams 2, Albrecht Bartels 2, Carol E. Tanner 1 and Leo."— Presentation transcript:

1 High-resolution spectroscopy with a femtosecond laser frequency comb Vladislav Gerginov 1, Scott Diddams 2, Albrecht Bartels 2, Carol E. Tanner 1 and Leo Hollberg 2 1 Department of physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 2 National Institute of Standards and Technology, 325 Broadway M.S. 847, Boulder, CO 80305

2 Atomic number: 55 Atomic weight: 132.9 a.u. El. Configuration: [Xe] 6s 1 Nuclear angular momentum 7/2 T melt. = 28.4 o C T evap. = 669 o C Lifetime 6P 3/2 = 30.462(3) ns (1) Lifetime 6P 1/2 = 34.88(2) ns (1) Nucl. dipole moment:  I = 2.5827681(14)  N (2) Nucl. quadrupole moment: Q = - 3.431(1) mbarn (3) HFS 6S 1/2 (4) HFS 6P 1/2 (preliminary) HFS 6P 3/2 (5) 1 C.Amiot et al., Phys. Rev. A66, 052506 (2002) 2 P. Raghavan, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 42, 189 (1989) 3 J. Cederberg et al., J.Chem. Phys. 111 (18), 8396 (1999) 4 International Agreement 5 V. Gerginov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91,072501 (2003)

3 Pulsed laser spectroscopy 1970s: Ideas of 2-photon spectroscopy with pulsed sources from T. W. Hänsch and V. P. Chebotaev; “Narrow resonances of two-photon absorption of super-narrow pulses in a gas” Y. V. Baklanov and V. P. Chebotaev, Appl. Phys. 12, 97 (1977). “Coherent Two-Photon Excitation by Multiple Light Pulses” R. Teets, J. Eckstein, and T. W. Hänsch Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 760-764 (1977). “Two-photon spectroscopy of laser-cooled Rb using a mode-locked laser”, M. J. Snadden, A. S. Bell, E. Riis, A. I. Ferguson, Opt. Commun, 125, 70-76, (1996). “High sensitivity phase spectroscopy with picosecond resolution” J. –C. Diels, B. Atherton, S. Diddams; Proceedings of 5th European Quantum Electronics Conference, 29 195–195, (1994). “United Time-Frequency Spectroscopy for Dynamics and Global Structure”, A. Marian, M. C. Stowe, J. R. Lawall, D. Felinto, J. Ye, Science Express, 1105660, 2004.

4 Experimental setup

5 Femtosecond Laser Spectral Output

6 D 1 line spectrum @ 14nW CW power

7 D 2 line spectrum –CW excitation

8 D 2 line spectrum @ 1.5nW CW power

9 Overlapped spectral components

10 D 1 Line Measurements F-F’Previous 1 (kHz)This work (kHz)Difference (kHz)AC Stark shift (kHz) F3-F3335120562759.7(4.9)335120562753.7(85.0)-6.0 ( 0.1 sigma)Not meas. F3-F4335121730483.2(5.3)335121730500.8(16.4)17.6 (1 sigma)-36.0(31.4) F4-F3335111370130.2(4.6)335111370146.3(10.5)16.1 (1.4 sigma)-20.7(9.5) F4-F4335112537853.9(4.0)335112537861.7(28.0)7.8 ( 0.3 sigma)Not meas. 1 V. Gerginov, K. Calkins, C. E. Tanner, A. Bartels, J. McFerran, S. Diddams, L. Hollberg, to be submitted.

11 F-F’Previous 1 (kHz)This work (kHz)Difference (kHz) F3-F2351730549621.5(5.5)351730549616.3(9.7)-5.2 (0.5 sigma) F3-F3351730700845.9(5.5)351730700766.1(98.5)-79.8(0.8 sigma) F3-F4351730902133.2(5.6)351730902116.9(34.2)-16.3 (0.5 sigma) F4-F3351721508210.5(5.5)351721508195.1(21.7)-15.4 (0.7 sigma) F4-F4351721709496.9(5.5)351721709471.6(167.8)-25.3( 0.2 sigma) F4-F5351721960585.7(5.5)351721960563.5(4.5)-22.2( 3 sigma) D 2 Line Measurements 1 V. Gerginov, C. E. Tanner, S. Diddams, A. Bartels, L. Hollberg, PRA 70, 042505, 2004

12 Cs D 2 Line Optical Clock

13 Frequency reference Combining the optical frequencies of the D lines, the repetition rate and the offset frequency of the femtosecond laser can be referenced to an atomic transition.

14 Optical frequency 351730549621500Hz Repetition rate 998.6390777MHz Component number N=352210 Accuracy 60kHz (1.7x10 -10 ) Instability 3.5kHz (10 -11 ) @ 100s

15 Conclusions 1.One-photon spectroscopy using the output of a femtosecond laser; 2.Optical frequency measurements with accuracy better than 100kHz; 3.SubDoppler spectroscopy with 1nW laser power; 4.Potential femtosecond-laser based optical clocks.

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