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Update on the Remedial Action at the Wood Hollow Training Area MRS November 6, 2014 Jeff Fitzmayer Parsons.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on the Remedial Action at the Wood Hollow Training Area MRS November 6, 2014 Jeff Fitzmayer Parsons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on the Remedial Action at the Wood Hollow Training Area MRS November 6, 2014 Jeff Fitzmayer Parsons

2 Update on the MEC removal project at the Wood Hollow MRS Field Operations Status summary report—What has been accomplished thus far MEC and MD findings Discussion on path forward for the project AGENDA 2

3 Objective: Conduct surface and subsurface clearance of MEC to a depth of 2 feet below ground surface (bgs) FIELD WORK ACTIVITIES AT WOOD HOLLOW MRS N Wood Hollow TCRA Area Disturbed by Mining Camp Williams Installation Mountain View Corridor 3

4 SURVEYING Camp Williams Installation N = 100 ft by 100 ft grids Wood Hollow TCRA 4

5 BRUSH REMOVAL Brush removal within Wood Hollow  Brush was cut to leave approximately 6 inches of the main stem remaining above the ground surface. 5

6 DIGITAL GEOPHYSICAL MAPPING (DGM)  A Geophysical Prove-Out (GPO) was conducted to test the capabilities of the hand-held F3 electromagnetic sensor (F3 UXO-DGM) and to compare it to the EM61.  The F3 UXO-DGM is the more suitable geophysical sensor. Lighter and more easily carried over rough terrain. Has ground balancing circuitry which significantly reduces background noise. 6 EM61 Deployed in Stretcher Mode F3 Electromagnetic Sensor

7 EM61 VS. F3 UXO-DGM EM61-Mk2, in Stretcher Mode; Abundant geologic interference/clutter F3 UXO-DGM: Ground-balancing capability greatly reduces interference 7

8 Line Spacing = 2 ft UXO Escort DGM Operator Hand-held F3 RTK GPS DIGITAL GEOPHYSICAL MAPPING (DGM) 1,058 grids have undergone DGM surveying 100 ft x 100 ft Grid 8

9 Anomaly map Background Conditions = Green Anomaly = Pink/Red DATA PROCESSING 9  Most QC seeds detected (87%), but a concerning amount were not.  Attributed to the way the F3 responds to some buried metal, and the way the DGM data was being processed. o RESULT: All DGM data required reprocessing and picking of targets.  530 grids have been processed using the revised method  DGM data processing operations are 50-percent complete.

10 10 ANOMALY DENSITY AS OF OCTOBER 22, 2014 Approximately 69,000 targets within the Wood Hollow MRS Boundary Approximately 349 anomalies per acre 10

11 INTRUSIVE INVESTIGATION  Three to four dig teams utilized  Use the F3 for reacquisition  30,358 targets have been intrusively investigated  Intrusive investigation operations are 40-percent complete 11

12 ANALOG DETECTION SURVEYS i.e., “mag and dig” Analog (so called “mag and dig”) surveys were performed in areas where terrain conditions were hazardous for DGM crews, or where site conditions rendered DGM unsuitable (e.g., bedrock outcrops, along fence lines or near other metallic cultural features).  600 “mag and dig” targets have been intrusively investigated  Analog detection surveys are 50-percent complete 12

13 QUALITY CONTROL (QC)  The UXO Quality Control Specialist (UXOQCS) conducts audits and inspections of work processes, records, and procedures. o Ensures all project activities are in compliance with approved plans and procedures.  Daily checks on the equipment to ensure proper operation and function.  Blind seeding of DGM grids and analog Mag and Dig Areas.  Check a subset of all targets investigated in the grid (10%) to ensure they have been adequately resolved.  164 grids have passed QC; 16-percent complete.  UXOQCS notifies the Government Representative of grids available for Quality Assurance (QA) checks. 13 QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA)  Government conducts their own independent QA on the project  Government conducts its own blind seeding of the grids (locations and types of seeds unknown)  Government performs at least 10% field check of all single point DGM anomalies and 10% of analog “Mag and Dig” areas, and reviews all DGM data and dig results. 13

14 14 1000 Ft. SUMMARY OF WORK COMPLETED AND MEC FOUND DURING REMEDIAL ACTION ACTIVITIES 14 Legend 100 x 100 Ft. Grids MRS Boundary MEC DGM Operations Complete Ongoing Intrusive Investigations Analog “Mag and Dig” areas No MEC Clearance Operations: Mining disturbed land; road construction QC Operations Complete N

15 15 MEC TypeQuantity FoundPercentageMax. Depth Projectile, 75mm Shrapnel, Mk I3876%18” 0 Projectile, 75mm HE, Mk I816%24” Projectile, 37mm LE, Mk I36%1” Booster, Fuze, 75mm, Shrapnel, MK I12%4” Total50 75mm Shrapnel, Mk I 75mm HE, Mk I 37mm LE, Mk I MEC: TYPES AND QUANTITIES FOUND AS OF OCT. 22, 2014 15

16 16 Legend 100 x 100 Ft. Grids MRS Boundary MEC DGM Operations Complete Ongoing Intrusive Investigations Analog “Mag and Dig” areas No MEC Clearance Operations: Mining disturbed land; road construction MD 16 QC Operations Complete N SUMMARY OF WORK COMPLETED AND MD FOUND DURING REMEDIAL ACTION ACTIVITIES 1000 Ft.

17 17 75mm shrapnel balls and fragmentsM74 CS grenade Types and Quantity of MD  Artillery Related (dominant type): Associated with 75mm and 37mm projectiles. Includes fragments, shrapnel balls, pusher plates, flash tubes, rotating bands, and fuzes.  Infantry Related (very minor): CS grenade, 35mm practice rockets, 81mm training mortar (plaster?), small arms ammunition casings, links, and clips.  Quantities: Over 19,600 MD items recovered to date. M73 35mm practice rocket MUNITIONS DEBRIS FOUND AS OF OCT. 22, 2014 17

18 18  Depth Range: Surface to >24 inches;1 MD item found at 36”  96-percent of all MEC/MD found at depths of 4” or less  Max Depth of MEC: 24 inches (1 occurrence) 17% 0.5 % <0.5 % 3 % 79% Depths of MEC/MD DEPTHS OF MEC AND MD FOUND AS OF OCT. 22, 2014 18

19 19  Reprocess all previously processed data using the revised DGM processing approach  Complete intrusive investigations of all grids and anomalies generated from new DGM processing method.  Resurvey TCRA area with F3, use new processing method and conduct intrusive investigations on all new anomalies.  Conduct MEC clearance activities for areas outside of, but contiguous to the MRS.  Perform step-out investigations beyond the current MRS boundary in areas where MEC or MD has been found near the MRS boundary.  Mine personnel have indicated the presence of 75mm casings on adjacent parcels; therefore, perform DGM transect survey in the these outlying areas. THE PROJECT MOVING FORWARD

20 N 1000 Ft. Camp Williams Installation Notch and Slivers Clearance Areas Far Outlying Investigation Areas Time-Critical Removal Action (TCRA) Area Step-Out Investigation Area Transects Legend Camp Williams Installation Wood Hollow Munitions Response Site Boundary THE PROJECT MOVING FORWARD OVERVIEW 20

21 21 N TCRA Step-out Investigation Area Camp Williams Installation Step-out Investigation Area Notch and Slivers Notch and Slivers Clearance Areas Far Outlying Investigation Areas Time-Critical Removal Action (TCRA) Area Step-Out Investigation Area Transects Legend Camp Williams Installation Wood Hollow Munitions Response Site Boundary 1000 Ft. THE PROJECT MOVING FORWARD CLOSE-UP 21

22 22 Step-out Investigation Area Far Outlying Investigation Area – PHASE 2 Far Outlying Investigation Area – PHASE 1 Acreage for each area: Block A = 69.5 acres Block B = 298.5 acres Block C = 79.4 acres Block D = 260.7 acres Block E = 267.3 acres Block F = 285.7 acres N N N Phase 1 Transects Phase 2 Transects Legend Far Outlying Investigation Areas 1000 Ft. 22

23 WHAT’S NEXT  The density and the extent of MEC and MD at Wood Hollow is greater than previously thought.  The MEC/MD removal project is not complete and additional work needs to be done.  Work in 2015 will focus on 1.Removing the remaining MEC/MD from the original site, and from areas immediately surrounding the original site. 2.Investigating far outlying areas to determine the extent of MEC/MD in areas not previously suspected to be contaminated. 3.Planning the removal of MEC/MD in any far outlying areas where MEC/MD is found.  The schedule for removal of MEC/MD from far outlying areas will be better known once the 2015 work is completed. 23

24  Oct. 22, 2014 - Field personnel at Wood Hollow packed up equipment and demobilized  April 13, 2015 - Field operations will resume  Field activities will begin in the TCRA and outer contiguous clearance areas.  A DGM transect survey and intrusive investigations will be conducted in the step-out investigation area.  A DGM transect survey and intrusive investigations will be conducted in the far outlying investigation area  Summer/Fall 2015 - Revised MRS boundary established for additional MEC/MD clearance operations 24 SCHEDULE


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