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9.6 Enhancements Training Session #2. Enhancements to Review CRP and Simulation (Bug ID 1910) Credit Process Management (Bug ID 1629) Return to Vendor.

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Presentation on theme: "9.6 Enhancements Training Session #2. Enhancements to Review CRP and Simulation (Bug ID 1910) Credit Process Management (Bug ID 1629) Return to Vendor."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.6 Enhancements Training Session #2

2 Enhancements to Review CRP and Simulation (Bug ID 1910) Credit Process Management (Bug ID 1629) Return to Vendor (Bug ID ) (If time permits)

3 CRP and Simulation

4 Agenda Overview Quick Demo Functional highlights and demonstration Q & A

5 Overview Allows users to run what if simulations and use shop floor scheduling tools to view capacity requirements. –Similar in concept to MRP companies that are often setup for customer to run MRP over multiple locations at the same time

6 Overview New Workbench with tools to: –Modify/Import MPS forecast and firm planned orders –Modify/Import MRP forecast and firm planned orders –Rerun MRP –Copy to Review file –Create shop orders –View Shop Floor schedule/requirements Workbench is called from Live company so it is seamlessly integrated from a user perspective

7 Overview Can create multiple CRP companies tied to one Live company New tool to create CRP company –Automates setup of common devices tables Item, PO, COP etc. –MRP, SF, Shop Calendar, Dept/WC are unique to CRP company but populated from live data –MPS can be common or unique

8 Overview Shop floor functions have been modified to protect users from accidentally updating Live company (allocations, etc.) when running simulations or thinking they are processing orders in Live company

9 Quick Demo

10 Create new MRP company

11 Creation of new schema and all setup other security –Connection string –Create background scheduler service –Update of company device table to set all appropriate tables as common –NOT Common MRP SHPORD (including calendar and tables) MPS (optional)

12 Create new MRP company Add/update new CRP parameter which has following fields: –Flags company as a CRP company (for warning messages, lookups) –Company code that company is common to –Date/time of last table updates

13 CRP Workbench MPS Planning MPS Forecast MRP Planning and Regen –Forecast Orders –Firm Planned Orders Order Review Simulation –Shop Orders –Workcenters Reset Source Data

14 CRP Workbench – MPS Planning Variation of MPS Exception browser in Item Planning Access to MPS Maintenance Access to MPS Item Maintenance

15 CRP Workbench – MPS Planning

16 CRP Workbench – MPS Forecast tool to maintain MPS Forecast –Allow add/change/delete –Allow copy/upload from spreadsheets –Pivot table like summary grid sheets Added to Navigator as standalone tool

17 CRP Workbench – MPS Forecast Delete (zero) forecast for row(s) selected Remove forecast so item/date is not updated

18 CRP Workbench – MRP Planning and Regen Enhanced MRP Forecast Order Maintenance program and MRP Firm Planned order maintenance –Allow add/change/delete –Allow copy/upload from spreadsheets –Pivot table like summary grid sheets Run MRP regen (existing dibol) –Maintain parameters for CRP company

19 CRP Workbench – MRP Forecast

20 CRP Workbench – MRP Firm Plan

21 CRP Workbench – Order Review Same as existing function with following changes –New Buttons Button to access Order review file parameters Mass select of orders in review –Eliminate Copy from COP –Create Shop Order button limitations No shop order allocation No shop order print No TCM_Notes created

22 CRP Workbench – Order Review

23 New button to mass select planned orders through a given date

24 CRP Workbench – Shop Orders Same as Shop Order tab in Mfg workbench Access to same SF control functions since shop floor environment in not common No allocation of inventory

25 CRP Workbench – Shop Orders

26 CRP Workbench - Workcenter Same as Workcenter tab in Mfg workbench Allow maintenance to Dept W/C ( ) Add button to maintain shop calendar ( ) Add button to Reschedule Late Shop Orders (existing dibol Add button to Change Dept/WC (existing dibol) Add buttons to start and stop the background scheduler (existing dibol)

27 CRP Workbench - Workcenter

28 CRP Workbench – Reset Source Data Refresh key data by copying from Live company to MRP company –TABLES (to update Dept/WC) – ISAM –Shop calendar – SQL –Shop orders – SQL –MPS - SQL –MRP Parameters - SQL –Last MRP Live Run – ISAM, SQL –Purge Order Review (to clear old planned orders) - SQL

29 CRP Workbench – Reset Source Data

30 Q & A

31 Credit Process Management Overview

32 Agenda Overview Credit status table enhancements New order process status table New Order Process history table Order flow Summary of Changes Questions

33 Overview Credit Process Management is designed to separate credit status from order status. It was designed to address common complaints from customers –Enhanced credit algorithms Aging – Days and dollars Re-test rules –Improved and refined process control Planning Production Forms Shipping

34 Overview Order status code will no longer be tied to credit –Will still affect printing/processing same as always –This will allow customers with legacy workflows tied to order status to continue with no changes Order can have a status of A but have failed credit or have functions not allowed

35 Overview Taking advantage of the new credit process we will effectively add a second order process control This will facilitate functions like engineering requirements that are similar but distinct from credit

36 Quick Demo Credit Status – Credit Rules

37 Quick Demo Credit Status – Process Control

38 Quick Demo.Net Maintenance form in Open Orders

39 New Parameter Turn CPM on/off Notification control –Credit followup notes –Heads Up events 9.7 workflow trigger –Both

40 Credit Status Table Expanded to handle CPM Credit rules – for testing credit Re-test rules – to limit re-testing after release Default process control flags –If pass credit –If fail credit

41 Credit Status Table –REPlace image here

42 Credit Status Table - Process –REPlace image here

43 Order Credit Process Table - Process Track process whether on hold or not Process defaults from status table Controlled uniquely by order

44 Order Credit Process Table - Process Place image here

45 Order Credit Process Table - Process New history table of process changes –Primarily for PMWB analysis –Place image here

46 Order Flow Credit check on header add –Add order flag? –Customer aging If not held Check on line add/change –Aging – Dollar/Days –Change in aging dollars/days based on rules Re-check at process points if flagged

47 Order Flow

48 Similar requirements for –Shipments (including one-step) –Invoicing (including one-step)

49 Other order functions Planning functions –MRP/MPS –Allocations –Fulfilment (make/buy to order from COP or via order review) Processed if associated CPM flag allows No new credit check

50 Other order functions Forms –Acknowledgement –Pick Ticket –Packing Slip –BOL –Invoice Process control flag check –Whether order is held or not

51 Other order functions Credit check as part of selection –If flagged for re-test –Based on current credit status E.g. change in aging dollars/days based on rules Order status flag still considered

52 Customer Order Screens CPM form added to Open Order Workbench (maintainable)

53 Customer Order Screens CPM history form added to Open Order Workbench Place image here

54 Customer Order Screens Access CPM maintenance form for shipments and Invoices by right clicking in Shipments grid Place image here

55 Customer Order Screens.Net CPM maintenance form called from dibol Order maintenance (F8) Place image here

56 Customer Order Screens Request Credit Review –Called from CPM form in Order maintenance –Creates heads up event Place image here

57 Customer Order Screens CPM form added to Invoice History form Place image here

58 Customer Order Screens CPM history form added to Invoice History form Place image here

59 AR Manangement Tools CPM status added to AR Aging search criteria

60 AR Manangement Tools CP Sts column added to Customer Order grid in Customer Management

61 AR Manangement Tools Mass Order change functions expanded to update Credit Process record for order –Status –Process control

62 AR Manangement Tools Credit Follow Up Notes –Add Add/Chg by “user” and note type to Credit follow up note search User search good for all follow up notes Type helps filter search

63 AR Manangement Tools Credit Follow Up Notes –New Tab to add credit status flags to search

64 AR Manangement Tools Credit Follow Up Notes –Add Credit Process maintenance button to note Facilitate notification and maintenance

65 Other CP Invoice History Purge modified to purge CPM history records

66 Summary of Program Changes Add new Credit algorithm and process fields to AR Credit Status Table Create conversion process for Credit Status Table Add new COP Order Credit Process table to Order, shipment, invoice and invoice history Add credit process maintenance to CP User authorization Modify Customer Order Maintenance with new Credit Process screen

67 Summary of Program Changes Modify Customer Order Maintenance direct fulfillment to check Order Credit Process table Modify Shipping Maintenance with new Credit Process screen and new check point (including Packing slip) Modify Invoice Maintenance with new Credit Process screen and new check point Create conversion process for COP Order Credit Process Table

68 Summary of Program Changes Modify COP credit logic Modify COP Allocation logic to check Order Credit Process Modify Acknowledgement Print function to check order Credit Process table Modify Pick Ticket Print function to check COP Order Credit Process table Modify Bill of Lading Print function to check COP Order Credit Process table

69 Summary of Program Changes Modify Invoice Print function to check COP Order Credit Process table Modify Copy to review function to check COP Order Credit Process table Modify AR Credit Note parameter screen for additional credit process functions Modify MRP/MPS to check Order Credit Process Modify credit process review screens in Financial Workbench to include Order credit process

70 Summary of Program Changes Add COP order credit process table to Credit Risk Order query criteria Add credit order process to Customer Order Management Workbench as a “maintenance” tab (so we will not have to display in dibol order management) –This may mean adding it to shipment and invoice tab as well. Add credit process to event manager

71 Q & A

72 Return to Vendor Overview

73 Agenda Overview Return to Vendor Maintenance Trigger points Functions –Return Material – Shipping paperwork –Replacement Order –Create Debit Memo Parameter/Event Questions

74 Overview New Tool to facilitate the return of defective goods to vendor Generally triggered by rejection in receipt/inspection Can trigger in IM Misc Scrap transaction (to facilitate after PO line has been closed) All shipping functions (similar to O/P) Function to create replacement order Function to create Debit Memo

75 Overview New Table Typically executed from within triggering program New Standalone RTV Maintenance program

76 Return to Vendor Maintenance Tabs –Return details –Shipping functions –Creation Replacement PO Debit memo

77 Return to Vendor

78 Lookup RTV # By Vendor By PO By Item By reject code?

79 Return Tab Original PO information Original PO status Return details –Reject reason

80 Return Tab

81 Shipping Tab All information to generate shipping documentation –Carrier –Origin –Shipto –BOL –Weight –Volume Data defaults from PO/Line can all be overriden

82 Shipping Tab

83 Creation Tab Replacement PO –Create options Add line to existing PO Add new PO Create blanket release –Default comments Replacement for returned good from PO#12345678-12 Line# 1234 –Reject reason: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX –Vendor RMA number if provided –Debit memo voucher number if created

84 Creation Tab Debit memo –Reference original PO –Use PO price for PPV –Allow addition of freight cost –Un-posted so can be edited before posting

85 Creation Tab

86 RTV Functions F2 – Replacement PO F3 – Print PO F4 – Print Purchase Order ^P – Print Packing Slip ^B – Print BOL ^L – Print Labels ^V – Create Debit Memo ^A – Auto-assign next RTV Number ^D – Delete RTV

87 RTV Functions – F2 Replacement PO

88 RTV Functions – F3 RTV Memo

89 Return Triggers PO Receipts –New checkbox if reject quantity Inspections –Based on “Return” quantity Disposition –Based on “Return” quantity IM Transactions – 31 PO receipts –New checkbox if negative quantity All options open same RTV form & functions

90 PO Receipt

91 PO Inspection/Disposition

92 IM Transaction – Issue to Scrap

93 Other New Parameters –Enable Return to Vendor –Last RTV number odometer New Event – Return to Vendor New RTV_DETAIL table Outside Processing in a future release

94 PO Parameter

95 New Heads Up Event Triggered by creation of RTV_DETAIL record Vendor, Item, Reject Reason as parameters

96 New File RTV_DETAIL Return to vendor detail One record per return All data from all screens If not enter, not yet created and can be created Once created can not be redone Can reprint forms Can access via standalone program Same function will pop up at reject points (without lookup)

97 Q & A

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