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1 Flow ( Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) Contrary to what we usually believe.. The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times. The.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Flow ( Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) Contrary to what we usually believe.. The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Flow ( Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) Contrary to what we usually believe.. The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times. The best moments occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to the limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile. (Flow: The psychology of optimal experience, 1990)

2 22 HOT TOPIC Meaning at Work Charlotte Rayner Simon Phillips and Sue Wellman

3 3 Objectives Academic background to Meaning at Work Practitioner application of Meaning at Work Our Big Ideas for the future Process of academia and practitioners working together

4 4 References Chalofsky N.E. (2010) Meaningful workplaces: Reframing how and where we work San Francisco, Wiley Pink D. H. (2010) Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us Edinburgh, Canongate Books Rosso, B.D., Dekas, K.H., & Wrzesniewski, A. (2010) On the meaning of work: A theoretical integration and Review Research in Organization Behavior (30) 91-127 Steel, P. and Konig C.J. (2007) Integrating theories of motivation Academy of Management Review (31) 899-913 Steger, M.F. Dik, B.J., Duffy, R.D (2012) Measuring meaningful work, Journal of Career Assessment Vol 20, pp332-337

5 5 What is Meaning at Work? “Following Rosso, Dekas, and Wrzesniewski (2010), we define MW not as simply whatever work means to people (meaning), but as work that is both significant and positive in valence (meaningfulness).” Steger et al, 2012

6 6 Why is this important? Benefits to workers include claims of health and wellbeing, job satisfaction and work group cohesion. Benefits to organisations include claims of links to empowerment, engagement, work becoming more central to individuals, and high tenure.

7 7 Why is this important? Benefits to workers include claims of health and wellbeing, job satisfaction and work group cohesion. Happiness? Benefits to organisations include claims of links to empowerment, engagement, work becoming more central to individuals, and high tenure. Productivity?

8 8 The bad news.... MONEY IS A PROBLEM As a motivator In its connection to effort In its role as ‘reward’ Dan Pink (2010) reviews some interesting problems

9 9 The topic has been studied tangentially for many years e.g. Self Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan) People have three needs: Competence Autonomy Relatedness

10 10 Rosso, Dekas, & Wrzniewski 2010 Literature review of different approaches: Sources and mechanisms of meaning Sources of meaning: Alignment of values, self-realisation, the work itself, feeling of accomplishment, future career, co-workers, customers, family & non-work

11 11 Rosso, Dekas, & Wrzniewski 2010 Literature review which shows different approaches and also we are all different. Mechanisms of meaning: How far work central to me, identity with role, authenticity, self-efficacy, competence, connectedness and belonging in groups, transcendence

12 12 Rosso, Dekas, & Wrzniewski 2010 Final proposal for SOURCES concern two dimensions: Individual Agency Communality Self-directed workOther-directed

13 13 Take a breath!

14 14 State of Play now is effectively the same as 2 years ago.... Rosso, Dekas and Wrzesniewski (2010) still dominant analysis Data = nil

15 15 Back to The Story Meaning at Work – a new topic..... Taking an idea out for a walk The start of cooperative working with Simon The insight for data gathering

16 16 Data from a 2012 study Engagement: Variable (after Bakker) Significance F1 Leadership F2 Vigour & Motivation F3 Absorbed When I am off work I miss my job.812 When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to work.767 I learn a great deal from my manger.859 My manager is inspiring.861 I share all my ideas about work with my manager.715 At my job, I feel vigorous.698 My ideas and opinion are highly valued.731 At work, I feel bursting with energy.649 My manager supports my learning on the job.816 My manager welcomes constructive feedback.809 I am immersed in my work.688 At my job, I am resilient mentally.621 At work I always persevere, even when things don’t go well.628 I can continue working for long periods at a time.800 related to each other. The Table below shows the three Factors. Table 5 One

17 17 Question 1 What do you appreciate in your job now? What the money buys What it does for my self esteem The work is intellectually stimulating It’s important to others I am employed My manager makes it worthwhile I like XXXXX as an employer My colleagues’ company / friendship My job enhances my home life My job develops me as a person My ideas are listened to here – I contribute It’s really enjoyable at work My identity is wrapped up in my job My skills/ abilities are used really well

18 18 Meaning: Variable Loading F1 Job, 31% variance F2 Self, 16% variance F3 Others, 10% Variance My manager makes it worthwhile.670 My job enhances my home life.685 My ideas are listened to here – I contribute.798 The work is intellectually stimulating.728 My job develops me as a person.727 What it does for my self esteem.664 It’s really enjoyable at work.677 My skills/ abilities are used really well.729 What the money buys.814 It’s important to others I am employed.785 My colleagues’ company / friendship.762 Table 7 As factor 3 (Others) had such a low alpha score, it is not valid.

19 19 Thank you

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