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ANNUAL INDUSTRIAL SURVEY (ENIA) Sergio Fontalva U. Santiago, June 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL INDUSTRIAL SURVEY (ENIA) Sergio Fontalva U. Santiago, June 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANNUAL INDUSTRIAL SURVEY (ENIA) Sergio Fontalva U. Santiago, June 2009

2 ENIA’s main features 1. Main purpose: to characterize the manufacturing production.

3 ENIA’s main features 2. Addressed to all manufacturing establishments With 10 or more employees (companies with only one manufacturing establishment, single-establishment company). Without occupation restrictions (companies that have more than one manufacturing establishment, or multi- establishment company). 3. National coverage. 4. Annual periodicity.

4 Codes and classifications 1.Company ID Unique Registry of Taxpayer (Rol Único Tributario, RUT) 2.Establishment ID Rol (based on the Unique Registry of Taxpayer or RUT) Unique Identifier Number (Número Único Identificador, NUI) (based on the geographic location). 3.Geographical identification Political-administrative division, at regional, province and commune level.

5 Codes and classifications 4. Raw materials and products Central Product Classification (CPC, version 1.0), seven-digit code. 5. Economic activity International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC, third review)

6 ENIA’s forms Characteristics of the forms used Separate forms depending on the features that make up the production phenomenon.

7 ENIA’s forms Form No.1 or F1 (general use) Identification of the company and establishments. Occupation and labour costs. Cost structure by activity (raw materials, basic materials and inputs). Earnings structure by activity (sales and transfers). Capital goods and investments’ characteristics. Non-operating revenues and expenses, or related to non-core activities. Stocks

8 ENIA’s forms Form No.4 or F4 (raw and basic materials, general use form) Generic name of the reported raw material. CPC code related to each reported raw material. Quantities and values of each raw material received. Quantities and values of each raw material purchased. Physical consumption. Physical stocks (initial and final). Percentage of physical purchases that is imported.

9 ENIA’s forms Form No.3 or F3 (Manufactured products, general use form) Generic name of the reported product. CPC code of each reported product. Physical quantities of each product. Manufacturing cost of each reported product. Physical stocks (initial and final). Products sold (values and quantities). Percentage of physical sales that is exported.

10 ENIA’s forms Single-establishment case (for each establishment)

11 ENIA’s forms Form No.6, F6 (fishing boats fleet, auxiliary form) Identification of the company and establishments. Occupation and labour costs. Cost structure by activity (raw materials, basic materials and inputs). Earnings structure by activity (sales and transfers). Capital goods and investments’ characteristics. Non-operating revenues and expenses, or related to non-core activities. Stocks.

12 ENIA’s forms Single-establishment company with fishing boats

13 ENIA’s forms Form No2 or F2 (Consolidad Empresa, auxiliary form) Identification of the company and establishments. Occupation and labour costs. Cost structure by activity (raw materials, basic materials and inputs). Earnings structure by activity (sales and transfers). Capital goods and investments’ characteristics. Non-operating revenues and expenses, or related to non-core activities. Stocks.

14 ENIA’s forms Multi-establishment case

15 Data Collection 1.Construction of a directory for data collection purposes. Registry of companies and establishments to be surveyed. This directory is based on the Marco de Empresas, drafted by INE. Historic data collected by means of the survey and interaction with the respondents is used. 2.Forms elaboration and revision. Changes and consultations are included. Forms’ printing (outsourced by tender process)

16 Data Collection 3.Forms preparation and delivery Preparation of the material to send the surveys by regular post. 4.Tracking Checking that surveys have been received. Updating the directory. Resending the surveys. 5.Data collection (surveys, balance sheets, memories and others) Records’ reception. Records’ reception by electronic means.

17 Data processing 1.All information received is: Analyzed. Validated. Stored.

18 Data processing 2.Survey analysis Non-mechanized process carried out by the analyst. Economic-accounting approach (accounting coherence). High degree of interaction with the source. 3.Data validation Mechanized process at different stages. Looks for completion and coherence (static and dynamic). 4.Validation processes remain open until results are checked against next year’s outcome.

19 Main products 1.Database This database contains detailed data on establishments and complies with statistical secrecy rules. 2.Yearbook Annual publication containing data of relevant variables according to ISIC levels and geographic distribution. 3.Industrial microdata consultation system (SCMI, by its Spanish acronym). Electronic system to consult data and dowload ENIA-related material free of charge.

20 Main uses and users 1.To update the Production and Sales Index (Índice de Producción y Ventas Física, IPVF) made by INE This is a monthly indicator that tracks the evolution of production and sales at the manufacturing sector. 2.To update the Regional Economic Activity Index (INACER, by its Spanish acronym), also prepared by INE This is an indicator that tracks evolution of the regional economic activity. 3.To update the National Accounts (Chile’s Central Bank). Reference documents (Input-Output Matrix). Tracking compilations (Adjustments).

21 Main uses and users 4.National and international bodies OECD, UNIDO, IDB, etc. Ministries, Corfo, trade unions, etc. 5.Other users Universities Consultants

22 Thank you for your attention

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