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Anatomia della Web Tv: il caso italiano di DeAbyDay

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomia della Web Tv: il caso italiano di DeAbyDay"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomia della Web Tv: il caso italiano di DeAbyDay
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA FACOLTA DI LETTERE E FILOSOFIA, SCENZE POLITICHE, GIURISPRUDENZA, INGEGNERIA, ECONOMIA CORSO DI LAUREA INTERFACOLTÀ IN EDITORIA E COMUNICAZIONE MULTIMEDIALE Anatomia della Web Tv: il caso italiano di DeAbyDay Tesi di Laurea di Federica Pauletich Relatore: Prof. Guido Bosticco Correlatore: Prof. Marco Dotti Correlatore esterno: Dott.ssa Silvia Del Ciondolo

2 Web Tv: Scenario Web Tv IpTV Other “New Tv” Characterizing features:
Media Convergence Netizen Prosumer Characterizing features: Editorial plan Television programming Editorial staff Production studio Narrative dimension Web Tv IpTV Other “New Tv”

3 Web Tv in the World The increase in demand for online video is extended: In USA, premium long form like Hulu and Fox, NBC, ABC, Disney

4 Web Tv in the World Brand & Business Tv University and Campus Tv
Lifecasting Micro-Informative Web Television Online Tv Guides Will it blend? Easy to assemble - Ikea

5 Web Tv made in Italy Micro Web Tv
“la moltitudine dei canali online nati da cittadini video maker per caso e per passione” (G.Colletti)

6 Web Tv made in Italy Micro Web Tv Information Denunciation
Homesickness Youth Community

7 Tutorial A tutorial is one method of transferring knowledge and may be used as a part of learning. More interactive and specific than a book or a lecture; target of a tutorial is to provide by examples and supply the information to complete a certain task. Depending on the context a tutorial can take one of many forms, ranging from a set of instructions to complete a task to an interactive problem solving session (usually in academia).

8 DeAbyDay DeAbyDay is the first italian "lifestyle instructional video portal“, born in 2008 by the publisher DeAgostini Casa & Fai da te Cucina Hobby & Tempo libero Genitori & Bambini Bellezza & Stile Sport & Fitness Occasioni Speciali Salute & Benessere Ecologia & Ambiente

9 SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
DeAbyDay The WebTv is organized into channels, each of them with serial blocks of 5/6 videos. + textual content in-depth and blog SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Core target: 60% female 40% male 25-45 years

10 “Natale Ecosostenibile”

11 Natale Ecosostenibile

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