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Video Matrix Systems.

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1 Video Matrix Systems

2 V1411 The V1411 matrix has the smallest capacity of all the Vicon Matrix Systems Standard Size is 8 Cameras x 2 Monitors Expandable to 16 Cameras x 4 Monitors (with V1411-EXP Expansion Unit)

3 V1411 Self-contained CPU Limited Programming Capabilities Compatible with: RS-422 PTZ Data Control ViCoax II Up-the Coax PTZ Control Requires External Keypad for Control Rack or wall mount – 2RU

4 V1411 Questions?

5 V1422 Self-Contained CPU Full Matrix Programming Capabilities
32x8 Configuration (non-expandable) Front Panel Keypad Control

6 V1422 Compatible with: RS-422 PTZ Data Control ViCoax II Up-the Coax PTZ Control Supports up to 8 additional Keypads Capable of Host Computer Control Rack Mount – 2RU

7 V1422 Rear Panel 2RU Relay Out J6 Host Port J1 Audio Follower
J5 Serial Printer J2 Alarm Inputs Monitor Outputs J3 Keypads J4 Receivers

8 V1422 Questions?

9 Matrix44 The Vicon Matrix44 describes a family of Video Switching System components consisting of: V1344 Video Switching System V4481SCC-HD Video Switching Card Cage

10 V1344 Self-Contained CPU Components:
V1344SCPU-HDA, an internal CPU that controls matrix switching for up to 128 cameras and 24 monitors. Also provides data control for pan, tilt and lens functions. V1344TDT-HD, the Time/Date/Titler card to provide titling capabilities for up to 8 monitors.

11 V1344 Full Matrix Programming Capabilities 128x8 Configuration Compatible with: RS-422 PTZ Data Control Supports up to 32 Keypads Capable of Host Computer Control

12 V1344 Rear Panel J2 RS232 Printer Port Vertical Sync
J1 RS232 Host Port Status Display Input 1 J3 Keypads 4RU J4 Receivers J7 Alarm Input Video Inputs J8 Control Output Monitor Outputs Looping Output

13 V4481SCC-HD The major difference between a V4481SCC-HD and the V1344 is the absence of an internal CPU card. The V4481SCC-HD requires an external CPU and external titling. With the proper external CPU, a series of V4481SCC-HD Video Switching Card Cages may be assembled to create a 1024x256 Video Matrix.

14 V4481SCC-HD Instead of a CPU card, the V4481SCC-HD uses a V4430ADEC-HD Address Decoder card. The V4481SCC-HD also requires the use of external Titler cages, the V1300X-TCC series.

15 V4481SCC-HD Rear Panel J4 Video Control Input Input 1 Video Inputs
J3 Video Control Output Monitor Outputs Looping Output

16 Matrix44 Video can loop out to another card cage or to another device (DVR, etc). Looping to another card cage: Use the V44RC-21-1 cables to pass 8 videos. Looping to another device: Use the V44RCB-12-1 to loop out and/or terminate.

17 Matrix44 V44RC-21-1 V44RCB-12-1

18 Matrix44 In a one-cage matrix system, camera video must either be terminated or looped to another video product. Termination: V75TR-1 - terminates 8 cameras in a 16-pin connector. V75T – terminates one camera with a BNC connection.

19 Matrix44 V75TR-1 V75T

20 Matrix44 Questions?

21 Matrix66 The Vicon Matrix66 describes a family of Video Switching System components consisting of: V1466 Video Switching System V6680SCC-HD Video Switching Card Cage

22 Matrix66 V1466: This is a self-contained Video Matrix Switching System. Components: V1466SCPU-A, an internal CPU that controls matrix switching for up to 256 cameras and 32 monitors. Also provides data control for pan, tilt and lens functions. V1466TDT-SHD, the Time/Date/Titler card to provide titling capabilities for up to 16 monitors.

23 Matrix66 V1466 Configurations:
There are two basic configurations of the V1466. 128x32 This configuration allows for 32 monitor outputs in one card cage. This configuration is available as 32x32, 64x32, 96x32, or 128x32. 256x32 This configuration is available as 32x16 through 256x32 in 32 camera increments.

24 V1466 Rear Panel, 64x16 System Status Display J2 Serial Printer
J1 Host Port J4 Receiver Port J3 Keypad Port J9 Alarm Input 8RU J11 Control Out 33-64 1-32

25 Matrix66 V6680SCC-HD This is a card cage that will support video switching components for up to 256 cameras by 16 monitors. The V6680SCC-HD requires an external CPU for video switching control and external Time/Date/Titling for the monitor outputs. The external CPU governs the system size limit.

26 MGM Grand Casino, Las Vegas 2048 Cameras x 128 Monitors
Assist with product selection Make sure product fits the application. Reduce exchanges and frustration Technical information and explanation A&E specifications to “what is it” and “how does it work” Cross competitor products to ours And explain why ours is better. Generate equipment lists Give us an application and we’ll give you a system Order tracking and product availability Your personal representative within Vicon. MGM Grand Casino, Las Vegas 2048 Cameras x 128 Monitors

27 V6680SCC Card cage with two V6610S-1 Video Input cards and one V6616AMP Monitor Amp card with V6670X Card Extender

28 V6680SCC-HD 160 x 16 System V75TR-SHD Terminators

29 V6680SCC-HD Two styles of card cage rear panels are available:
1 Two styles of card cage rear panels are available: 8 1-8 9-16 9 V6610RP-B This panel has 32 BNC’s for video inputs and 4 D-shell connectors for terminating or looping. 16 17 24 17-24 25-32 25 It is used for both Camera Inputs and Monitor Outputs. 32

30 V6680SCC-HD Cam 1-8 Loop In Cam 1-8 Loop Out Cam 9-16 Loop In Cam 9-16 Loop Out V6610RP-R This panel has 8 D-shell connectors for looping video. Cam Loop In Cam Loop Out Cam Loop In Cam Loop Out

31 Rear Panel Connections, V6680SCC, 256 x 16
Card Cage Address Switch In from External CPU Out to Next Card Cage MON 97-128 65-96 33-64 1-32 Rear Panel Connections, V6680SCC, 256 x 16


33 V6680SCC-HD In a one-cage matrix system, camera video must either be terminated or looped to another video product. Termination: V75TR-SHD - terminates 8 cameras in a 15-pin D-shell connector. V75T – terminates one camera with a BNC connection.

34 V6680SCC-HD V75TR-SHD V75T

35 V6680SCC-HD Video can loop out to another card cage or to another device (DVR, etc). Looping to another card cage: Use the V66RC-36 cables to pass 8 videos. Looping to another device: Use the V66RCB-24 to loop out and/or terminate.

36 V6680SCC-HD V66RC-36

37 V6680SCC-HD V66RCB-24

38 Matrix66 with V66RC-36 Video Looping Cables for Cameras 1-32
TDT Monitor 1 Matrix66 with V66RC-36 Video Looping Cables for Cameras 1-32 TDT Monitor 17

39 Looping 256 Video Inputs through Multiple Card Cages
Monitors 1-16 Monitors 17-32 Monitors Monitors Monitors 33-48 Monitors Monitors 49-64 Monitors 81-96 Monitors 65-80

40 Matrix66 Questions?

41 External CPUs Vicon CPU Evolution VPS (Vicon Programmable System)
First CPU released in 1981

42 External CPUs VPS1200 Used the 1200 series software Very limited field programming options Only supports fixed speed PTZ

43 External CPUs VPS1300 Released 1990 Use the 1300 series software
Provided more field programming options, i.e., alarms, etc. Original software version only supported fixed speed PTZ Software Ver 2.0 supports variable speed PTZ

44 External CPUs V1400 Series V1400 V1422 V1466
Uses the 1400 series software Programming more user friendly Added programming options, i.e., scheduled and timed events, Comm delays, etc.

45 External CPUs V1500 Software is almost identical to the 1400 series PC based Supports network communications Capable of greatly increased system sizes

46 External CPUs VPS1300 Capacities: 256x256 512x256 1024x256

47 External CPUs VPS1400 Capacity: 2048x128

48 External CPUs (VPS1300, VPS1400)
-GM Global Memory -SV Supervisor CPU -VC Video Control CPU 3RU -AC Alarm Control CPU -TC Titler Control CPU Expansion Slot

49 External CPUs - VPS1300 J2 Keypads, 1-32, 33-64
J4 Receivers, 1-256, J5 Receivers, , Status Display J7 Host Port J2 Video Control, Mon 1-128 J3 Video Control, Mon

50 External CPUs - VPS1300 J10 Alarm Control, 1-256 J11, Alarm Host Port
J12 Alarm Serial Printer J2 Titler Control, 1-64 J5 Titler, J3 Titler Control, J4 Titler Control

51 External CPUs – V1500

52 Standard Video Switching
All Wiring Has to Come Directly to Headend Camera Video Video Switching System Monitor Output(s) STD Video Monitors Coaxial Cable This represents the current CCTV System capabilities Only Simple Video Switching. Operator’s Joystick Controller

53 Joystick Control Panels
V1300 Matrix Design Joystick Control Panels Time & Titles Movable Cameras V1300CPU Movable Cameras Alarm Interfaces Matrix66 Switching System AmericanAirlines’ CCTV system and its components are still working as originally configured. This is a testament to the equipment and the people who installed and maintained the system. However, current & future service demands exceed the capabilities of what is now in place. STD Video Monitors VCRs

54 High Maintenance / No Digital Access
V1300 Matrix Design Restrictions Operator’s Joystick Controller Time & Titles Movable Cameras V1300CPU Movable Cameras Alarm Interfaces Matrix66 Switching System M44 Inefficient compared to today’s standards. Production has stopped. V1300 Still offered but slated for retirement. Two revisions behind. No options for network capabilities. Crestron Panel Proprietary Interface. No direct joystick control. VCRs VCRs are also of an older vintage. Upgrade to Higher resolution. Long Term - Replace with Digital. Not Leading-Edge LAN Based Technology STD Video Monitors VCRs High Maintenance / No Digital Access

55 V1500 Matrix Design Upgrade System to support Network Based Communications Replace current V1300CPU with versatile LAN-based V1500CPU

56 V1500 CPU Features Latest Technology
Compatible with all existing Vicon products Controls Local & Remote Switching Systems All Communications Via LAN/WAN Connection Capable of 8192 individual camera stations per site Greater Stability for Critical Installations Extensive Hot Standby Capabilities

57 V1500 Standard System Capacities
8192 Inputs by 512 Outputs 8192 Direct Alarm Connections 64 Keypad / Consoles / Host RS232 512 Video Switching Patterns 128 Time Activated Events 2RU Height

58 Support & Updates V1500CPU Off-the-shelf, industrial PC components
Floppy Disk / CD Software Updates Built-in Graphic Configurator

59 V1500KVM In-Rack Programming & Control Station
Built-in Keyboard, Monitor and Pointer Built-in Switching for 8 to 128 PC Based Devices V1500CPU Digital Recorders

60 Redundant CPU Capabilities
Built-in Support for Multiple Hot Standby CPUs Secure Storage V1500CPU-1 V1500CPU-4 Ethernet V1500CPU-2 V1500CPU-3 Network HUB

61 V1500CDU Communications Node
Flexible Communication Modules Redundant Capabilities Hot Swap Replacements 3RU Height

62 V1500CDU Communications Node
Flexible Communication Modules Redundant Capabilities Hot Swap Replacements 4 Video Switch B/U 4 3 Video Switch 3 5 5 Keypad/Host Port 7 7 Receivers 1 10 Titler B/U 8 8 Receivers B/U 6 6 Keypad/Host B/U 9 9 Titler 1 1 3 13 2 1 2 12 Alarm B/U 1 11 Alarm Interface PS PS V1500X-CDU 1 Network Card 2 NIC Backup PS Power Supply PS Power Backup

63 Flexible Communication with Peripherals
16 Monitors 128 Cameras Matrix66 Cage V1500CDU LAN HUB LAN V1500CPU LAN Based Distributed Communications

64 Flexible Communication with Peripherals
16 Monitors 128 Cameras V1500CDU Access Control LAN Matrix66 Cage V1500CDU Intercoms LAN V1500CDU LAN HUB LAN V1500CPU LAN Based Distributed Communications

65 V1500 Matrix Design Upgrade System to support Network Based Communications Consolidate Independent CCTV systems Building A Building B

66 V1500 Matrix Design Cameras Cameras Monitors Monitors Matrix66 System
V1300CPU V1300CPU Building A Building B

67 V1500 Matrix Design Cameras Cameras Monitors Monitors Matrix66 System
Outputs to Terminal V1500CDU LAN LAN V1500CDU Building A Building B Network HUB V1500CPU LAN

68 V1500 Starting System Design
Calculate M66 Cage & TDT Monitors Cameras Add 1 V1500CPU 2 V1500DU-TYP 3 Add 1 V1500DU-TYP Matrix66 Cage Add 1 Network Hub (Optional) HUB LAN 4 1 Add 1 V1500KVM (Optional) 5

69 V1500CDU-TYP 2048x128, 128TDT, 16 Keypads, 512 RCVRS, 512XIA, 1 RS with NIC & PS 3 Video Switch 3 1 4 5 6 7 PS V1500X-CDU 1 Network Card 6 Receiver PTZ 11 2 7 Alarm Interface 12 8 13 4 Titler 9 5 RS232 Host Port 10 PS Power Supply

70 V1500CDU-TYP Rear Panel Network Alarm Connections Video Sw Connections
Keypad/Host Port PTZ Connections TDT Connections

71 V1500 Hot Standby System Design
Calculate M66 Cage & TDT Monitors Cameras Add 2 V1500CPU 2 V1500CDU-TYP-HSB 3 Add 1 V1500DU-TYP-HSB Matrix66 Cage Add 1 Network Hub HUB LAN 4 1 Add 1 V1500KVM (Optional) 5

72 V1500CDU-TYP-HSB 2048x128, 128TDT, 16 Keypads, 512 RCVRS, 512XIA, 1 RS with Hot Standby NIC & PS Redundant Capabilities 4 Video Sw B/U 4 3 Video Switch 3 5 5 RS232 Host Port 7 7 Keypad/PTZ 1 10 Titler Backup 8 8 Keypad/PTZ B/U 6 6 RS232 Host B/U 9 9 Titler 1 1 3 13 2 1 2 12 Alarm Backup 1 11 Alarm Interface PS PS V1500X-CDU 1 Network Card 2 NIC Backup PS Power Supply PS Power Backup

73 V1500CDU-TYP-HSB Rear Panel
Alarm Connections Network Keypads/Host Port Video Sw Connections PTZ Connections TDT Connections

74 External CPUs – V1300 – V Questions?

75 System Controls Keypad Types V1300X-DVC/RVC V1410X-DVC V1411X-DVC V1411J-DVC V1400X-DVC

76 System Controls – V1300X-DVC

77 System Controls – V1300X-DVC
Two Operating Modes: Standalone Mode Keypad Mode

78 System Controls – V1300X-DVC
The V1300X-DVC must be programmed prior to use. To enter the Keypad Programming Mode: The Run-Pgm Switch can be in either position. Hold down F1 and press SEQ To step through without changing, press SEQ To change a programming option, use the joystick. To store a change and move to the next option, press A/P. To exit the Keypad Programming Mode, press SEQ until the end of the menu is reached. The keypad will exit programming.

79 System Controls – V1300X-DVC
Programming Menu Items: Keypad Type Sngl, 1200, 1300 Speed Control Type Fixed, 1200, 1300 Receiver Function Inhibit No, Yes Joystick Response Profile Low, Med, High Baud Rate – 19.2K (9.6 for CPU) Keypad Address Sngl: 0-7 1200: CO (192) – EF(239) 1300: 1-64 Modify Passcodes No, Mgr, UP1 – UP64 Auto Logout Off, 5 Min – 60 Min Install Defaults No, Yes Enter Diagnostic Mode Enter or SEQ

80 System Controls – V1300X-DVC
Run-Program Switch Power, 10VAC J20 Aux Connector J29 RS485 SW39 Mode Dipswitch J1 RS422 Connections

81 System Controls – V1300X-DVC
Connections: V1300X-DVC, J1 (in Standalone Mode) to SVFT, TB3 TB3 J1

82 System Controls – V1300X-DVC
Connections: V1400X-IDL, J1-J10 to V1300X-DVC, J1

83 System Controls – V1300X-DVC

84 System Controls – V1410X-DVC, V1411X-DVC

85 V1411X-DVC Intelligent Keypad

86 V1411X-DVC Intelligent Keypad
Two Operating Modes: Standalone Mode Keypad Mode (Note: Unlike previous keypads, V1300X-DVC for instance, the V1411X-DVC cannot be connected in daisy-chain)

87 V1411X-DVC Intelligent Keypad
The V1411X-DVC must be programmed prior to use. To enter the Keypad Programming Mode: hold down the PROG key and press 4 To step through the program without making changes, press A/I. To change a programming option, use the joystick. To store a change and move to the next option, press A/P. To exit the Keypad Programming Mode: hold down the PROG key and press 1.

88 V1411X-DVC Intelligent Keypad
Standalone Mode This mode permits direct connection to a Vicon Dome Camera or receiver-driver. To select this mode, set the keypad address to --

89 V1411X-DVC Intelligent Keypad
Keypad wiring (in Standalone mode) to Surveyor VFT, TB3

90 V1411X-DVC Intelligent Keypad
Keypad Mode This mode permits operation and control of a Vicon Matrix Switching System To select this mode, set the keypad address to 01 thru 64

91 V1411X-DVC Intelligent Keypad
Keypad wiring (in Keypad mode) to V1400X-IDL From V1400X-IDL Termination Box Supplied with the V1411X-DVC

92 V1411X-DVC Intelligent Keypad
Programming Menu: Display Contrast Sets the LCD contrast Address -- Standalone, 1-64 for Keypad Baud Rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 Joystick Profile Low, Med, High Keypad Sounder On or Off Key Click On or Off Preset 1 on Alarm On or Off (In standalone, recalls PP1 on alarm) Alarm Self Clear On or Off (Auto acknowledge mode when On) Pace Factor 0-20, 2 (only change when using 19.2kb Baud rate) Additional Stops 0-6, 1 (sends additional stop commands when in Spx) Auto Logoff -- Disabled, 1-60 min Passcode Length 2, 4, 6 digits Set Defaults Reset factory defaults

93 V1411X-DVC Intelligent Keypad

94 V1400X-DVC System Console

95 V1400X-DVC System Console Four Operating Modes Keypad Standalone Mode Keypad Mode VCR Control Mode AuroraNet Control Mode

96 V1400X-DVC System Console Mode Selection Keypad Mode Shift + F1
AurorA Mode Shift + F3 VCR Mode Shift + F4 Programming Menus Shift + F5 Screen Setup Shift + F7

97 V1400X-DVC System Console Rear Panel
RS422 Communications Joystick Control Out RS232/RS485 AuroraNet Connection Power, 12 VAC

98 V1400X-DVC System Console Keypad wiring (in Standalone mode) to Surveyor VFT

99 V1400X-DVC System Console Keypad wiring (in Keypad mode) to V1400X-IDL

100 System Controls Keypad Mode – CPU Compatibility
V1300X-DVC V1400X-DVC V1411X-DVC VPS1200 1200 VPS1300 1300 VPS1400 1400 VPS1500

101 System Controls Questions?

102 Matrix System Peripherals
V1300X-TCC External Titler Card Cage Provides Monitor Titling for up to 32 Monitors A Master cage titles Monitors 1-32 A Slave cage titles Monitors 33-64

103 Matrix System Peripherals
From Matrix Mon 1 Out V1300X-TCC Rear Panel From Matrix Mon 2 Out 2RU From CPU Titler Output Mon 1 To Slave Titler Input Mon 2

104 Matrix System Peripherals
V1300X-IA Alarm Interface V1300X-IA-EX Alarm Interface V1300X-IA provides interconnection capability for 32 dry contact inputs. V1300X-IA-EX is similar but provides for 64 dry contact inputs. When used with the 1300 series CPUs, inputs are N/C. The 1400 and 1500 CPUs allow selection of either N/C or N/O contacts.

105 Matrix System Peripherals
Alarm Point #64 V1300X-IA-EX Rear Panel 2RU Out to next XIA Relay Output, Global In from CPU Alarm Point #1 V1300X-IAs are addressable in groups of 32 inputs. V1300X-IA-EX are addressable in groups of 64 inputs.

106 Matrix System Peripherals
V1332AF-1 Audio Follower The V1332AF-1 provides relay switching that follows the camera to monitor selection to provide audio channel paths. The V1332AF-1 can be configured as 32x1, 16x2, or 8x4.

107 Matrix System Peripherals
V1332AF-1 Rear Panel 2RU Out to Next AF Inputs Outputs In from CPU

108 Matrix System Peripherals
V1400X-VLD Video Loss Detector Used with the 1400 series of CPUs. Provides video loss detection for up to 256 cameras. Can trigger on sync loss or video loss.

109 Matrix System Peripherals
V1400X-VLD Video Loss Detector Rear Panel In from XIA bus Video Switching In from CPU Menu Output 1RU Out to Next Unit Video Switching Out to next unit Local Alarm Inputs Video from High Speed Sw Monitor

110 Matrix System Peripherals
V422-VI ViCoax Translator Adapts up to 16 sequentially addressed ViCoax controlled PTZ cameras to operate with a non-ViCoax Matrix. Addresses in groups of 16 (1-16, 17-32). Operates at 4800 Baud only.

111 Matrix System Peripherals
RS422 PTZ Data In Address Switch RS422 PTZ Data Out Looping Connectors

112 Matrix System Peripherals
V1311RB Universal Receiver-Driver V1311R-VPS-1: Interface card for RS422 Data Control V1311R-VI-1: Interface card for ViCoax Control Can be used to control either 24VAC or 115VAC Pan & Tilt Drives Has internal Auto-Iris Control

113 Matrix System Peripherals

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