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Adaptive Planning & Execution

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1 Adaptive Planning & Execution

2 The Problem Traditional deliberate planning is insufficiently responsive and relevant to the demands of today’s dynamic security environment The 24-month deliberate planning cycle – too long (think speed) Plans “static” and difficult to adapt – need flexibility and periodic updating to stay relevant (think flexibility) Plans one-dimensional – need multiple options Too little SECDEF influence, too late in planning cycle Feasibility analysis time consuming and too late in the process No technology to support ongoing collaboration – horizontally and vertically

3 Adaptive Planning and Execution
The joint capability to create and revise situationally relevant plans rapidly and to a high level of quality, as circumstances require DoD initiative to transform the way we plan and execute Joint Operations : Better plans, with more options, more quickly; more SecDef interaction with planning Keep plans relevant in a rapidly changing environment; adapt plans for execution Leverage technology to maximize planner intellectual effort (art) and minimize the labor intensive effort (science)

4 Transforming The Way We Plan (speed)
Go from here…. Sequential planning by echelon Periodic collaboration in physical space Detailed Feasibility Analysis Done Late in Process To here…. t Detailed Feasibility Analysis Done Early in the Process Process jump-started by detailed, clear guidance – up front Planning benefits from iterative discussions between SECDEF and combatant commanders Near-parallel planning across echelons Continual collaboration in virtual space

5 Transforming The Way We Plan (flexibility)
Go From Here... Multiple Courses of Action with Multiple Branches …To Here OPLAN 9999A OPLAN 9999B OPLAN 9999C Branch Plan 1 Base Plan (1 COA) OPLAN 9999 Branch Plan 2 Single Course of Action with One or Two Branches Threat/Forces-Based Capabilities-Based

6 Transform Operational Planning
Deliberate Planning Crisis Action Planning Past E X C U T I O N Contingency Planning Crisis Action Planning Common AP process and collaborative tools Today Common AP process, collaborative tools, databases, and info grid Near Future Contingency Planning Crisis Action Planning Adaptive Planning Seamless, “End-to-End” Planning & Execution Future

(Focused on implementation was issued Feb 2008)

8 CJCSM J3 Publishes CJCSM A, Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Volume I (Planning Policies and Procedures, 29 September 2006 Introduces Adaptive Planning Changes Deliberate Planning to Contingency Planning Outlines Process and Procedures

9 Contingency and Crisis Action Planning
Situational Awareness Situational Awareness Operational Operational Planning Planning Activities Activities Execution Execution Strategic Guidance Concept Development Plan Plan Assessment (Refine, Adapt, Terminate, Execute) Planning Planning Strategic Strategic Concept Concept Plan Plan Plan Assessment Plan Assessment Functions Functions Guidance Guidance Development Development Development Development (Refine, Adapt, Terminate, Execute) (Refine, Adapt, Terminate, Execute) IPR Six Month Review Cycle Six Month Review Cycle Base Plan (BPLAN) Base Plan (BPLAN) Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Concept Plan (CONPLAN) Concept Plan (CONPLAN) Mission Mission Concept Concept Plan Plan Operation Plan (OPLAN) Operation Plan (OPLAN) Products Products Execute Execute Order Order Warning Warning Planning Planning Operation Operation Alert Alert Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Deployment Deployment Order Order

10 JOINT APEX PROCESS RAT – E R efine A dapt T erminate E xecute

11 Goal Joint Staff J-3 oversight (in concert with JS J-7 and coordination with Joint Planning and Execution Community (JPEC) ) of Adaptive Planning Roadmap 2007 Adaptive Planning (AP) Roadmap (Version 2 ~ 2007) defines Adaptive Planning Implementation Stage Based on Contingency Planning achieving “Living Plan” vision outlined in AP Roadmap 2005 {AP Roadmap 2005 defines the Initiation Stage} Implementation Stage “. . . focuses on achieving seamless transition between deliberate Contingency Planning (CP) and Crisis Planning” “This transition will establish processes, procedures, and doctrine to facilitate the hand-off between deliberate contingency and crisis planning.” * “As a goal of the Implementation Stage, Military Departments and Joint schools will begin producing a steady stream of officers, trained and educated in AP.” * “The revised Roadmap will describe modifications and changes to P3T {Process, Products, People and Tools} identified in Initiation Stage.” * In course of transition, Crisis Action Planning (CAP) with no plan initiation must be addressed * Source document: Adaptive Planning Roadmap 2005, page 10, subparagraph 3.3, “The Implementation Stage”

12 What’s Been Done (from Log AP perspective)
Formal standup of APEX Logistics Working Group Logistics Governance Structure APEX POAM complete Planning Joint Logistics Support Pub Documents agreed upon process Tools in development Joint Force Toolkit (demo videotaped and on the CoP) Joint Medical Analysis Tool Joint Engineering Planning and Execution System Joint Logistics Analysis Tool (demo later in conference) Way-ahead is for tools to reside in GCSS-J Logistics Planning Module

13 APEX Joint Logistics Planning Process
IPR A IPR C IPR F Step I – Strategic Guidance Step II – Concept Development Step III – Plan Development Inputs Process Outputs Collaboration GEF / GDF JSCP Mob + Log Anx Infrastructure HNS Agreements PLANORD Apportioned Forces Theater Logistics Analysis Theater Log Overview Draft Distro Network CCIR Theater Log Overview / Preferred Forces Draft Dist Network JOA-Focused Msn Analysis / Modeling Concept of Logistics Support (COLS) Development Log C2 Laydown Integrated Functional Est Force Flow Strawman Log C2 Integrated Estimate Force Flow COA COLS Refinement LSA Framework Log Sync Matrix Framework Log Capability Shortfalls Draft RFF TPFDD Development Matrix Frameworks Sourced Forces LSA Plan COLS Validation Log Sync Matrix TDP CSA Spt Plans CON Spt Plans TPFDD Refinement JOA-Focused Msn Analysis Initial Modeling SUP CON ENG FHP DIST MAINT L-SVC Inform Execution J2 / 3 / 5 AOR Situational Awareness J2 / 3 / 5 Integrated Estimate of Concept of Logistics Support J2 / 3 / 5 / 7 Planning Detail Level (2 / 4 / 6) Increases as Planning Level Increases (1-4)

14 Complete Planning Joint Logistics Support (PJLS) Pub
Still to be done Complete Planning Joint Logistics Support (PJLS) Pub All 6 Logistics JCAs incorporated/integrated in order to develop a Joint Concept of Logistics Support Theater Distribution Plan Theater Logistics Overview Logistics Supportability Analysis Logistics Synchronization Matrix Contractor Support Plan Conduct Gap Analysis/Implementation Plan Develop an objective matrix to rate tools Align Doctrine-process-tasks

15 Presented at COLD in September– JLE Leadership
Made some minor changes – buy-in throughout Now, the real work begins

16 Readiness as a Central Logistics Metric
Freedom of Action for the Joint Force Commander Sustained Logistics Readiness Required resources at the right time & place Integrated Logistics Capabilities Logistics expanding operational opportunities Shared Resources Most effective delivery of logistics at best value To start the process, we needed to figure out where we wanted to end up. This is our future state: Freedom of Action for the Joint Force Commander We started this process by envisioning a future state. The Compass working group set out 3 primary objectives in truly developing integrated logistics capabilities involving Joint, Multinational, Interagency, and NGA’s. In this future state, the Joint Logistics community will have 3 key attributes: Sustained Logistics Readiness Required resources at the right time & place Integrated Logistics Capabilities Leveraging coalition partners, Joint, Interagency, Contractors and NGO’s Shared Resources Most effective delivery of logistics at best value We are all independent actors operating independently. And that’s ok. But it’s essential that we all have a common understanding and buy-in of where we need to go. And all of you have a role in this as well. We can’t do it alone.

17 Assigned Mission or METL
What is Readiness? Readiness is having the capability to do something! Assigned Mission or METL as viewed from COCOM-Level JTF-Level Service-Level Unit-Level Platform-Level USA USAF USN USMC

18 APEX Envisions a Continual Readiness Assessment
POTUS Wholesale Systems National Security Stragy Defense Strategy Theater Intel SecDef Strategic Direction Services Logistics Systems Nat’l Intel Defense Logistics Systems Defense Intelligence System Retail Systems Allied Intel COCOM “Living Plans” AMC Defense Transportation System Defense Readiness System US Army TRANSCOM US Navy Global Force Mgmt MSC SDDC US Marine Corps OCS US Air Force GCSS - ? Process Investigation Not Initiated Process Investigation Initiated Process Investigated

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