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HILBERT TRANSFORM Fourier, Laplace, and z-transforms change from the time-domain representation of a signal to the frequency-domain representation of the.

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Presentation on theme: "HILBERT TRANSFORM Fourier, Laplace, and z-transforms change from the time-domain representation of a signal to the frequency-domain representation of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 HILBERT TRANSFORM Fourier, Laplace, and z-transforms change from the time-domain representation of a signal to the frequency-domain representation of the signal The resulting two signals are equivalent representations of the same signal in terms of time or frequency In contrast, The Hilbert transform does not involve a change of domain, unlike many other transforms

2 HILBERT TRANSFORM Strictly speaking, the Hilbert transform is not a transform in this sense First, the result of a Hilbert transform is not equivalent to the original signal, rather it is a completely different signal Second, the Hilbert transform does not involve a domain change, i.e., the Hilbert transform of a signal x(t) is another signal denoted by in the same domain (i.e.,time domain)

3 HILBERT TRANSFORM The Hilbert transform of a signal x(t) is a signal whose frequency components lag the frequency components of x(t) by 90 has exactly the same frequency components present in x(t) with the same amplitude–except there is a 90 phase delay The Hilbert transform of x(t) = Acos(2f0t + ) is Acos(2f0t +  - 90) = Asin(2f0t + )

4 HILBERT TRANSFORM A delay of /2 at all frequencies
ej2f0t will become e-j2f0t will become At positive frequencies, the spectrum of the signal is multiplied by -j At negative frequencies, it is multiplied by +j This is equivalent to saying that the spectrum (Fourier transform) of the signal is multiplied by -jsgn(f).

5 HILBERT TRANSFORM Assume that x(t) is real and has no DC component : X(f)|f=0 = 0, then The operation of the Hilbert transform is equivalent to a convolution, i.e., filtering

6 Example 2.6.1 Determine the Hilbert transform of the signal x(t) = 2sinc(2t) Solution We use the frequency-domain approach . Using the scaling property of the Fourier transform, we have In this expression, the first term contains all the negative frequencies and the second term contains all the positive frequencies To obtain the frequency-domain representation of the Hilbert transform of x(t), we use the relation = -jsgn(f)F[x(t)], which results in Taking the inverse Fourier transform, we have

7 HILBERT TRANSFORM Obviously performing the Hilbert transform on a signal is equivalent to a 90 phase shift in all its frequency components Therefore, the only change that the Hilbert transform performs on a signal is changing its phase The amplitude of the frequency components of the signal do not change by performing the Hilbert-transform On the other hand, since performing the Hilbert transform changes cosines into sines, the Hilbert transform of a signal x(t) is orthogonal to x(t) Also, since the Hilbert transform introduces a 90 phase shift, carrying it out twice causes a 180 phase shift, which can cause a sign reversal of the original signal

Evenness and Oddness The Hilbert transform of an even signal is odd, and the Hilbert transform of an odd signal is even Proof If x(t) is even, then X(f) is a real and even function Therefore, -jsgn(f)X(f) is an imaginary and odd function Hence, its inverse Fourier transform will be odd If x(t) is odd, then X(f) is imaginary and odd Thus -jsgn(f)X(f) is real and even Therefore, is even

Sign Reversal Applying the Hilbert-transform operation to a signal twice causes a sign reversal of the signal, i.e., Proof X( f ) does not contain any impulses at the origin

Energy The energy content of a signal is equal to the energy content of its Hilbert transform Proof Using Rayleigh's theorem of the Fourier transform, Using the fact that |-jsgn(f)|2 = 1 except for f = 0, and the fact that X(f) does not contain any impulses at the origin completes the proof

Orthogonality The signal x(t) and its Hilbert transform are orthogonal Proof Using Parseval's theorem of the Fourier transform, we obtain In the last step, we have used the fact that X(f) is Hermitian; | X(f)|2 is even

12 Ideal filters Ideal lowpass filter
An LTI system that can pass all frequencies less than some W and rejects all frequencies beyond W W is the bandwidth of the filter.

13 Ideal filters Ideal highpass filter
There is unity outside the interval -W  f W and zero inside Ideal bandpass filter have a frequency response that is unity in some interval –W1  |f| W2 and zero otherwise The bandwidth of the filter is W2 – W1

14 Nonideal filters – 3dB bandwidth
For nonideal filters, the bandwidth is usually defined as the band of frequencies at which the power of the filter is at least half of the maximum power This bandwidth is usually called the 3 dB bandwidth of the filter, because reducing the power by a factor of two is equivalent to decreasing it by 3 dB on the logarithmic scale

Lowpass signal A signal in which the spectrum (frequency content) of the signal is located around the zero frequency Bandpass signal A signal with a spectrum far from the zero frequency The frequency spectrum of a bandpass signal is usually located around a frequency fc fc is much higher than the bandwidth of the signal

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