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2 2 Health Insurance (All F and J Visa Holders) Non-Funded & Undergraduates Funded Graduate Students (HTH Worldwide Insurance) ISSS SUNY International Student and Scholar Health and Accident Insurance (NYSHIP) TA/GA GSEU / Employee Benefits (POMCO) RPA Research Foundation 3 Types of insurance

3 3 Who is the ISSS Health Insurance Team? zTerry Creeden – International Health Insurance Coordinator zLorraine Medionte – International Health Insurance Assistant

4 4 What is Health Insurance? zIn the United States, it is the main way bills for medical care are paid. Medical care in the United States is very expensive. zInsurance helps pay your medical bills.

5 5 What Does Medical Care Cost? zOff Campus Doctor visit- No insurance = $ 145.00 zWith HTH insurance: $ 0 if referred by University Health Service or $50.00 with no referral zHospital Emergency Room visit for broken arm: No insurance =$700.00 zWith HTH insurance = $0

6 6 Who must have Health Insurance? zAll international students and scholars with F1 or J1 Visas must have insurance. zDependents with F2 or J2 Visas must have insurance

7 7 What Does Insurance Pay For? zWhen University Health Service cannot treat you they send you to a doctor off campus. These services are not covered by your “Health Services Fee” zInsurance will pay for medical services, prescription drugs, and many other services defined in your insurance policy. z The Policy also tells you how much HTH will pay for covered services. zIf a service is NOT covered, you have to pay for it yourself. Services NOT covered are found in the HTH Policy under “General Exclusions.”

8 8 Some Common Non-Covered Services zRoutine Physical Exams – An exam required by a class or program, but you are not sick. zEye Exams to check vision zDental Care unless caused by injury. zSome immunizations and vaccines

9 9 Links to Your Policies z Health Care Policy: z insurance/SUNYIntInsPolCert.pdf insurance/SUNYIntInsPolCert.pdf zMedical & Security Evacuation and Repatriation Program Policy: z insurance/MEDSECDes10.pdf insurance/MEDSECDes10.pdf

10 10 How do You use Your insurance? zISSS enrolls you. zHTHWorldwide sends an e-mail to your email account. It Explains how to log-on to to print your Health Insurance ID zAlways carry your Health Insurance ID card with you. You must present it to referred doctors and pharmacies off campus and in emergencies.

11 11 Your ID Card zLooks like this:

12 12 Where do You go when You Are Sick? z Go to University Health Service on Campus. zNo cash needed. zProfessional medical staff. zYour medical information is confidential zServices are paid through your Health Services fee. zFor more information go to:

13 13 What if University Health Service Cannot Treat You? zThey will refer you to a doctor off campus. zThey will give you a Referral form. zYou must enter the referral code on before your doctor visit zCall HTH Customer Service at 1-888-243-2358 to make sure doctor is in HTHWorldwide Network or zCall doctor to confirm they are part of the “AETNA Open Access PPO Network” as noted on the back of your Insurance ID Card.

14 14 What if Health Service is Closed? zIf not an emergency zShort term - overnight or weekend: wait until University Health Services re-opens zHowever, if you feel you must see a doctor off campus go back to Health Services to get a HTH Referral form when they reopen. Go to to enter referral code.

15 15 What if You have an emergency on Campus? zAn emergency = life threatening event or severe/acute pain. zOn campus - call 911 from a campus land line phone or 607-777-2222 from a cell phone. zBoth connect you to University Police. They will help you

16 16 What if You Have An Emergency Off Campus? z Off campus - call University Police at 607-777-2222 z Identify yourself as a Binghamton University Student and ask for Harpur’s Ferry Ambulance zNote: If you call 911 from an off campus telephone or cell phone = Broome County Emergency Dispatch

17 17 Emergency - Continued zImportant: If you go to a hospital emergency room and you do not have an emergency z You will wait 2-4 hours or more zCost is very high z$50 (called a deductible) will be charged to you.

18 18 Can you see a doctor without going to Health Services? Yes, BUT… You will pay an extra $50.00 (called a deductible) and If the doctor is not part of the HTH/AETNA PPO Network you also pay the difference between what HTH pays the doctor and what the doctor charges you. This could be very expensive and beyond your means to pay.

19 19 Where do I get Dental Care? zDental Care is a not a Covered Service. zHTH sells discount plans found on zLook in the Binghamton Phone Book under: “Dentists” zBroome Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic for preventative care. Call 778-5015 for appointment.

20 20 Where Can You get Eye Exams and Glasses? z Eye glasses and eye vision exams are not covered by HTH Insurance. zLook in the Binghamton Phone Book under: “Opticians and Optometrists” zShop for best prices.

21 TREATMENT AT CAMPUS HEALTH SERVICES No referral form or insurance ID required. Sick or Accident Emergency: Acute pain, life threatening event ROUTINE ILLNESS UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICES (no charge, covered by health fee) REFERRAL TO OFF-CAMPUS PROVIDER Use “preferred provider” found at to receive highest level of reimbursement from HTH Insurance HOSPITALS General, Wilson Regional & Lourdes Hospitals You present insurance ID card to hospital. They send bills to HTH Insurance for payment. Visit Doctor/Provider Give insurance ID card to Doctor. They will bill HTH Insurance to be paid by them. Referral Form No referral form is needed in an emergency to have HTH Insurance waive $50.00 deductible applied to non referrals. ADDITIONAL BILLS FROM EMERGENCY ROOM OR HOSPITAL STAY Unpaid bills with total amount due: Call provider’s office. Provide them with your insurance information so they can send bill to HTH. Or mail bills to HTH Worldwide. Include your insurance certificate # on each bill. Always keep copies of bills or receipts that you send to HTH Worldwide. Referral Form Get referral form from University Health Services. Enter code from form into /My Benefits/SUNY before your Dr. visit Notice of Unpaid Bills Received If you receive bills where the total amount is due from you, either the doctor does not have your insurance ID or the claim was denied. Contact HTH customer service at 1-888-350-2002 or ISSS at 777-2510 for assistance. Bills With $50.00 Deductible Due Any emergency service or hospital bill with $50.00 charge remaining for you to pay: Contact ISSS for assistance at or 777- 2510

22 22 Get the Details zHealth Insurance is complex and many rules apply. zUse the HTH website for information and many services @, including translation guides for medications zRead all materials provided by HTH and ISSS. zContact ISSS with any questions or concerns

23 23 Who Can Answer My Questions? zTerry Creeden, International Health Insurance Coordinator zLorraine Medionte, International Health Insurance Assistant We are here for you! By Appointment or Walk In - Tuesdays 10:15 – Noon Office of International Student and Scholar Services 607-777-2510 or

24 24 BU Health and Wellness Program Web Sites zInternational Health Insurance: insurance/index.html zHealth Services: zCounseling Services: zCampus Recreation:

25 25 Questions? zWhat are Your Questions?


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