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Presentation on theme: "2015 AWSA TECH CONTROLLER MAINTENANCE CLINIC SLALOM MODULE."— Presentation transcript:


2 COURSE TC responsible to ensure nothing was changed from last Survey. Boat Guides are correct (height out of water), visual on the EC video. Turn buoys/gate dia/height: We use min tolerance, but you need to view from judges tower to ensure buoys are visible and visible for skier. Dia 20 cm (7.8”) and fastened so that they have of height out of the water (10 cm (3.9”). Water/fluid is un-acceptable in a buoy. Gate buoy must have at least 16” of elastic to allow buoy to be flexible (move up/down). Turn buoy from boat C/L tolerance – approx +/- 4 ½” (11.4cm/0.114m). Pre-gate tolerance from Gate - approx +/- 1 ft. Diagonal distance (from one turn buoy to other one) approx 9”. The average distance from the calculated C/L for all 6 turn buoys is a minimum 11.48m

3 COURSE Gate Video Camera must be 10 feet above water @ 100ft. (100ft from course C/L). For every addition 10ft away, an additional 1 ft in height is required. This is due to the angle looking in to the gate/skier path at 44deg; not the zoom ratio, that is the 1/3 screen width. Gate Video- The gate width must NOT be less than 1/3 of screen width and the screen width for one gate should not be less than 6”x8”? (We need to specify the min size allowed) SplashEye Gates go full screen (may have to bump down the resolution on a newer monitor to make sure it physically fills up the screen) Gate Video(captured)is required for Class R (World Records)

4 Gate Camera Location (Visual Setup) (44 deg from shore) (How to find where the gate camera should be prior to survey) Assuming the shoreline is about 170 feet from the course centerline -- typical for a slalom course slightly cocked clockwise in a slalom lake about 300 feet wide -- then you want to find a point on the shoreline, where when you examine your location relative to the G1/G2 gate, and the G3/G4 boat gate, and skier buoy S1, your view has the S1 buoy sitting 2/3-rds of the way through the angle formed by your line of sight to those two gates, as shown in the picture next slide (Dave Clark)


6 EC Video EC Video – The far gates (entry/exit) must NOT be less than 1/6 of screen. Must be able to see the top of boat (pylon thru course). Camera must be level- can not measure the pylon deviation if not level (Record Checker computer (pixels) is based on everything straight/square. Near Pre-gates are not required to be in the video. Normally just capture the top of the pre-gates. Capture Device- Must be set at 30fps and can not be less than resolution of 704x480. Capture Device- Verify time is correct (match the scoring program) Capture set at high resolution Verify Playback prior to start of tournament Locate were someone will be watching EC video at all times.

7 Towers/Tower Judges Tower: Ref Rule books for several options, the following are the requirements that must be meet in all cases. Tower must be 10 feet (seat surface) above water @ 100ft. (100ft from course C/L) For every addition 10ft away, an additional 1 ft in height is required. 2-Gate Judges per gate-ALL cases: None-Video-2 judges must be at 44deg (must have 4 judges) Video-Gates -2 judges at any location where the video is transmitted to. (this can be the skier judges)

8 Towers/Tower Judges Cont: 3- Tower Judges 2- judges between 3-4 on the same side visually watching with 1- judge watching boat video being transmitter live (anywhere) (this can be the CJ, but NOT the 2 skier judges) 4- Tower Judges 2 – judges at 44deg on each end. Can not put 1 judge at ea 44 deg and transmit the gate video down to other judge; Not meeting the 2 tower judge location, that are visually watching)

9 Slalom Towers: Class E: If configuration is acceptable for Class L/R it is also acceptable for Class E. Number judges in the Conf includes boat judge (which is always required) Conf #1: 5 Judges: Class E/L/R: Video gate/boat review is not required for this configuration:

10 Conf #2: 3 to 4 judges: Class L/R: If the gates video is transmitted to the other tower judge (J4), the extra judge (J2) is not required. If gate video is not transmitted to the other tower judge (J4), the extra judge (J2) is required to review gates only. NOT recommend placing the tower near 2 or 5.

11 Conf 3: Class E requires 3 judges, the Boat Video is NOT required to be transmitted to shore. Class L/R requires 4 Judges, Boat Video MUST be transmitted to an individual judge who may be the CJ. ( PER IWWF Requirements)

12 Ropes/handle checker: All ropes should be pre-stretched and adjusted as close to actual as possible. Approximately 20 inches of rope stuffed into the line will shorten it one (1) inch. When stuffing rope pieces into a line, be sure and cut the ends at an angle to lessen the stress rise created by a straight cut. If Multiple ropes are being used, they MUST be same make/model for that division. 3 different Slalom Lines Standard – meets the all specification Mid youth- (7mm) This is like the older 12 std, meets all specification put is not preferred for anything shorter than 38off. Optional in Class C, E & L for B1, B2, G1, G2, W6 and above only. Light Line- (5mm)Does NOT meet IWWF specification; Used only in Class C or E for B1,B2,G1,G2,W6 and above up to 35ft off. NOTE in Class L.

13 Ropes/handle checker: Standard rope spec Weight per foot, maximum = 23 g/m (.250 oz.) Breaking Load, minimum = 817 kg (1,800 lbs.) Elongation at 115 kg (250 lbs.) tensile load, 2.6% +/- 0.4% (Note: Adult skier applies approx. 1000 lbs) The gauge length shall be set at 5.5 kg (12 lbs.) tensile load IWWF states (Request has bee submitted deleting) Number of Strands = 12 Minimum Number of Yarns each strand = 60

14 Towline measurement: Pic showing that the measurement taken from inside 12m loop that goes on the pylon

15 Ropes/handle checker: Tournament Handles: must be close to actual (1.5m). There is a min distance for tournament handle but not for skier supplied handles. Handle checker: Mark the max distance from inside of the handle to the loop inside edge. Use a steel tape measure and use a second tape measure to re-verify. (Tape measure have been found to be incorrect). Handle Length 150cm, max = 1.525m Handle checker: use a 2 ½” block to hold handle end. This is for measuring curved handle. Make handle checker in destructible. Use actual weight (#44) in lieu of scale if feasible.

16 Ropes/handle checker: Tolerance: The current tolerance are PRE-TOLERANCE, used by MFG and TC measuring. We are now using this same tolerance as POST TOLERANCE. (handles will be checked after skiing) Handles will stretch a min ¼” after skiing. Handle- found out-of-tolerance: it is the TC responsibility to re-verify. Recheck using a tape measure and recheck handle checker to ensure that nothing moved. Nat’l Records- Handle will remain attached to rope, but the handle will be checked after returning to doc. Ropes will stretch out of tolerance if measured after skiing, wait approx. 45 min – 1 hr for measuring rope/handle for a record. AT NO TIME should a HANDLE be checked without another official verifying when reported by the doc starter as being out of tolerance.

17 10.07 Boat Path The boat path is intended to be a straight line along the centerline of the course. In no case shall any part of the towboat deviate outside the bounds of the boat gates. The bounds of the boat gates shall be defined by the center of the attach­ment point of each buoy. Maximum deviation of the boat on approach to each buoy/gate is 20 cm (8 inches) toward the side of the skier buoy. The Total Cumulative Deviation (the algebraic sum of the individual deviations) is to be evaluated based on the score for the pass, as follows: Score Limit 0.25 - 1.0020 cm3.25 - 4.0040 cm 1.25 - 2.0028 cm4.25 - 5.0045 cm 2.25 - 3.0035 cm5.25 - 6.0049 cm BOAT: 1) It is required to install a black approx 5 cm wide strip up the middle of the windshield if there’s no C/L on windshield OR 2)Two marks or small posts can be mounted on each side of windshield at 20 cm from C/L OR 3) RECOMMED installing a small pole (PVC) to pylon approx. 2 ft above pylon: Help in reviewing EC video to determine if boat deviations more than 20 cm. DRIVERS: Most drivers start out on 1 ball side, starting out with a negative deviation.

18 Capture Devices 4 channel DVR is a good device for capture all video (ECOR 960- 4F. Recommend output to a 30” TV/monitor. (EC, Gates, Boat Video is used) Can be purchased $320.00 Splasheye- Same but it as auto gate playback. Splasheye also has an option using EC input to auto track boat path; Purchased approx. $1000.00- 2000.00. Computer is standard equip that can be purchased at local store or from Splasheye. Loreto Video Program as Slalom Gate Program. This program can be purchased for approx $2000.00 which includes Slalom Gates, Trick Timer and Video Jump. Computer is also standard equip that can be purchased at local stores. Next few pic show an example of DVR and Splasheye setup

19 44 Ch DVR to a 30 in Flat Screen TV (Both Gates, EC and Boat Video

20 Splasheye –Slalom Gates

21 Splasheye –Review of Gates

22 SURVEY General Module covered some basic, listed below are specific to Slalom Survey 1 st Verification of Site that has not been survived for record tournament, it is recommended to do a 3 point survey. This takes out any error due to the swimmer moving the buoy, plus the spread sheet will indicate if there was a sighting error. AWSA Spread sheets uses all the boat guides to determine the boat C/L. I recommend NOT to input the Pre-Gates until you verify everything, then input the Pre-Gates. If ONE boat guide is out of line, it will shift the boat C/L over, and may show several buoys out of tolerance, it is very IMPORTANT to visually look at a course prior to surveying. I have actually moved boat guides to line up with the others prior to surveying. Other Spread sheets just uses the Entry/Exit Gates to determine the boat C/L. If 1 of the 4 gate buoy is off, it will show several interior boat guides off. Again visually verify prior to moving a much of buoys. Next slides show example of 2 types of spread sheets, in addition Emmanuel Lion’s Homologation Report as Survey Data Sheet.


24 Ed Brazil Slalom Installation Program. This is a program that Ed Brazil wrote that is great for installing a slalom course.


26 Slalom Check List: (Required for TC Report) 1)Tournament name/Code of Competition (AWSA sanction # 15S120R)/Site Code/GPS #for Site/Type of Tournament (Nat’l/International)/Rounds #/ Cash Prize Tournament or not. 2)Boat Manufacture 3)Speed Control Manufacture/software version. 4)Arrangement for checking skies (no longer required for safety to check) 5)Verified slalom ropes and tournament handles 6)Arrangement for checking skiers handles w 44# 7)Slalom timing (All buoy), Speed Control mapped. 8)Judges towers arrangement correct 9)Gate Video display and recording 10)Boat Video Transmitting and recording 11)EC Video display correct and recording 12)Slalom Course (type) 13)Slalom course is within tolerance and survey within 90 days 14)Slalom buoy size are correct and visible in sun/shade

27 RECORDS- Slalom General Module covered some basic for records, listed below are specific to Slalom Records Measure handle/rope Verify boat path is good, prior to submitting. EC Video of last 2 passes only Boat Video for last 2 passes for Elite (MM/OM/OW) Entry Video for last 2 passes for Elite (MM/OM/OW) Survey Record application complete Email TC Chairmen(s) Upload all data to a file on Adrive, Verify everything is uploaded and notify TC Chairmen(s) that files have been uploaded.

28 SLALOM NATL RECORD – BOAT PATH VERIFICATION All slalom record boat path are examined using a Video Overlay Program developed by Bob Corson (Slalom Record Checker). 1)An End Course Video (electronic/digital file recommended) is required with the Entry/Exit gate (with min exit gate 1/6 of screen, 1/3 recommended), buoy/boat level in the video, and captured at 30fps; record application and the survey are required. The EC video is required for all passes, but only the last 2 passes will be examined. 2) The boat C/L is based on the 4 entry/exit gate buoys from the survey data. 3) Load the AVI (EC video) and select starting frame when the boat is at the gates and the last frame when the boat is exiting the gates. 4) Capture approximately 482 to 508 frames for a completed pass. Example would be for 34.2mph @30 fps = 508 frames are captured. 36mph @30fps=482 frames are captured. 5)The boat path (pylon) is examined when the skier is approximately 4 meters in front of the turn buoy to he/she is at the turn buoy.

29 6) Approximately 9 frames/sample points are taken at the turn buoy (approx. 0.5 m apart) to determine the maximum deviation. These all are dependent on the line length and boat speed. 7) These all are dependent on the line length and boat speed. 8) Maximum deviation at any buoy is 20cm (8 inches). 9) Plus (+) means that the boat is towards the turn buoy; Negative (-) means that the boat is away from the turn buoy. 10) The Total cumulative deviation (algebraic sum of the individual deviations) is based on the score as identified in table of the rule book. Example: Score 3 buoy #1 deviation =+18cm; #2 deviation = -10cm; #3 deviation = -2cm; Total cum dev = +6 (Allowed for score of 3 is +35cm). 11) Boat Position- The following is an example to where the boat is when measuring the deviation. Again, all is dependent on line length and boat speed. The program determines the position based on selecting the line length, the starting and stop position on the entry/exit gates. The following example is not exact distance. 34mph/41off: Boat Position#1 sample (first) = 0.5m in front of boat guide. Boat Position#9 sample (last) = 3.5m after boat guide. 30mph/38off: Boat Position#1 sample (first) = 0.5m after the boat guide. Boat Position#9 sample (last) = 4.5m after boat guide.

30 Wakeup, this completes the SLALOM Section


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