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TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 1 IPv6 Why do we need IPv6 ? Dr. S. Rao Telscom AG, Switzerland

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2 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 1 IPv6 Why do we need IPv6 ? Dr. S. Rao Telscom AG, Switzerland

3 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 2 Internet - the way forward Internet today –Millions of users –Web, email, low-quality audio & video –Applications adapt to underlying technology Next Generation Network of tomorrow –Billions of users and devices –Convergence of applications and services –New technologies lead to novel applications –Building a real information society with ‘Always-on Network’ –Global village a reality

4 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 3 Networked Society IP Different types of network infrastructures are linked through common protocol All communication will be based on packets running on circuit, packet and wireless networks There will be convergence at service level to reach any one from anywhere at any time

5 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 4 The Interconnected IP World

6 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 5 Address Boom + Wireless Growth Internet Growth + Always-On  Internet 2000 is a baby! 100 IP Adds/person! + Info Soft Appliances 7 Million Web Sites (est. Jun 2000) 700+ Million web pages 10k+ ISPs worldwide (5k+ in U.S.); numerous new services Traffic growth 100-1000%/year reported 700 M - 1000 M users by 2002

7 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 6 IPv6 Features IPv6 has been recognised as the future protocol by IETF, Eurescom, and 3GPP and vendors –Uses 128 bit address space and Hierarchical addressing Improved routing based on aggregated addresses –Autoconfiguration Computers assign themselves an Ipv6 address –IP Mobility End devices can roam onto other networks –Improved security Authentication and encryption at the packet level –Better support for QoS Integrated QoS, multicasting

8 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 7 IPv4 vs IPv6 Y N?Y N NY? NAT)) IPv4 ((NAT)) IPv6 19702001 Address Space Shortage Security Cost of System Management Lack of Capability needed for Next Generation Applications IPv4IPv6

9 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 8 NGN Requirements - IPv6 Requirements –Scalability of networks with address space,QoS and security, which are basic features of IPv6 networks –Connectivity with existing IPv4 networks is necessary –IPv6 should happen from the edges, not from the core. –Applications are important for pushing IPv6 it has to be transparent to the end user –Interoperability with IPv4 has a cost 100% interoperability is not always necessary –We need a credible transition story.

10 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 9 IP headers compared Variable length 14 different fields 4 byte addresses Streamlined header 8 different fields Including flow label 16 byte addresses Fixed length of 40 bytes Supports Extension Headers No checksum field

11 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 10 Initiatives of IPv6 6REN / 6TAP 6Bone vBNS IPv6 TAHI KAME WIDE NTTv6net Military RNRT Eurescom 6INIT ….

12 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 11 Significance for India India is the GURU in information technology and are showing the way forward –Bangalore has been recognised as the BRAIN Valley of the Globe The potential of internet is just being realised by common people and soon it will explode –Department of post can go on holidays as more and more communication is going electronically –In matter of 10 years each one of the billion would need an IP address: India would be the major consumer of addresses But where do you find them ? – IPv6 is the only solution –Be a leader and not a follower Take-on IPv6 now

13 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 12 European Initiative: 6INIT Project Costs: 4,238,248 euro (approx.) Duration: 16 Months Partners International Sponsoring Partners

14 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 13 6INIT project framework Evaluation/TestingDevelopment Operation 6INIT EU funding Private funding/collaboration

15 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 14 6INIT activities Network: Define and develop/deploy/co-ordinate a Pan European IPv6 network - with links to the rest of the world Interworking: Investigate and deploy an IPv6/IPv4 interworking mechanisms Applications: Define and develop/port a number of multimedia applications to IPv6 Trials: Trial the applications on the network, using native IPv6 features

16 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 15 Network Requirements Pan European IPv6 Network with: –DNS –QoS - Diffserv –IPsec: tunnel mode for VPN’s etc –v4-v6 interworking via NAT-PT (ALG’s for DNS, ftp, SIP, Quake …), plus some use of tunnel broker and 6to4 –Multiple sTLA’s –BGP4+ peering –IPv6 Exchange

17 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 16 IPv4 and IPv6 networks Interworking IPv4/IPv6 dual stack router IPv4 Internet IPv4/IPv6 dual stack router IPv6 tunneled through the IPv4 Internet IPv6 host End-to-end IPv6

18 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 17 IPv6 Native Services IPv6 router IPv6 router IPv6 host End-to-end IPv6 router-to-router PVCs ATM is a great multiplexer Initial participants were R&E networks 6INIT IPv6 Native network with ATM transport

19 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 18 6INIT IPv6 deployment Start with five regional clusters: –UK, Germany, Greece, Scandinavia, France Each cluster will be stand alone ie –DNS, Interworking with v4, Then interconnect the clusters primarily via an IPv6 exchange to form the Pan European IPv6 Network

20 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 19 Cluster Interconnection Tunnel Termination Route Server Switch Native IPv6 BGP4+ IPv6 BGP4+ in IPv4 tunnel Firewall 6INIT IPv6 Cluster Ten 155 Ethernet or ATM ATM Global IPv4 Internet 6INIT IPv6 Cluster 6INIT IPv6 Cluster UK 6X

21 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 20 Pan-European Trials UK Scandinavia BT, UoS, NTT, Telscom Germany France Greece Thomson, Renata II Intracom NAT PT EX Internet Tunnels Telia, Telebit, Netmedia, erFP T-Nova, IABG NTT, CRC NAT PT NAT PT NAT PT Native IPv6 via TEN 155

22 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 21 Global dimension of EU Trials Japan Canada

23 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 22 Applications Major Applications: –VoIPv6: SIP initially, may try H323 (Telscom) –Newspaper printing –Multimedia News on Demand (NoD) –Direct Online Trading (erDOT) Universal Applications –Mail, ftp, web server/browser … –Multimedia web, audio and video tools –Games: Quake...

24 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 23 6INIT to demonstrate an IPv6-based European Internet as one of the Strategic Investments in the building of the European Business Future

25 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 24 Recent announcements Both Nokia and Ericsson have adopted IPv6 for their Mobile Internet and M-Commerce BT with Smartone have announced the Mobile internet trials NTT announced the first international IPv6 ISP Microsoft, SUN, CISCO,… have announced their support for IPv6 Request of 32 million addresses for GPRS, by GSM Assn. 3GPP adopted IPv6 for UMTS Electrolux announnced the networked home appliances

26 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 25 Conclusions Internet is the network of the future to provide ‘Always- On’ connectivity among all kinds of terminals will reach not only all citizens around the world, but also the home appliances IPv6 is the solution to solve the address crunch, security and QoS issues of the future networked society 6INIT project is leading the European first IPv6 experiments in the framework of IST It is time for India to take-on IPv6 and show the world the power of information technology to the common citizen

27 TelscomWhy do we need IPv6 26 Finally The longer the upgrade is postponed, the costlier it will be and the more complicated the transition will be ! (compare to Y2K!) Time to take-up v6 Yv4

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