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Rob Smets A user centred approach IPv6 deployment monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Rob Smets A user centred approach IPv6 deployment monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rob Smets A user centred approach IPv6 deployment monitoring

2 Rob Smets2 The European Commission supports IPv6 We assess current technology based deployment monitoring We analyse blocking issues with migration to IPv6 We present the results and invite feedback at meetings & through project website We develop and use a new method for user oriented deployment monitoring We are TNO and GNKS through deployment monitoring 1 1 The project contract number for IPv6 Deployment Monitoring is 30-CE-0231908/00-77.

3 Rob Smets3 The Internet has become a fundamental infrastructure for economic and social activity. The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is the only sustainable option. Amongst non-sustainable alternatives are short term solutions like Dense IPv4 NAT deployment IPv4 address rationalisation Application layer gateways A smooth transition requires a timely start. IPv6 Deployment Monitoring gathers data to track the deployment of IPv6 in support of informed policy-making. The EC commissioned the project IPv6 Deployment Monitoring

4 Rob Smets4 We collect European and global statistics We compare regional statistics Gathers high level traffic aggregates data We perform an IPv6 Survey The 2008 ARIN IPv6 questionnaire will be used as a starting point. Short and simple Internet-questionnaire (±20 questions) in co-operation with RIPE and EC. Gathers qualitative data We assess current technology based deployment monitoring

5 Rob Smets5 We will measure deployment in countries These are source address based measurements We want to measure deployment in Segments These are destination address based measurements. Relevant sectors are Government, Education and Research, Business and Consumers. We will measure differences between IPv4 and IPv6 performance These are measurements on quality of service Gathers quantitative data with reasonable detail We develop and use new methods for user oriented deployment monitoring

6 Rob Smets6 We want to measure the x% of users that are able to connect to the IPv6 Internet and access their most important content and service providers without noticing a major difference compared to IPv4. What is the KPI we want to determine? Metric of interest EU ratio of users on IPv6 and users on IPv4 ratio of IPv6 capable websites Ratio of IPv6 websites with worse performance compared to IPv4 M=U C R

7 Rob Smets7 Selection of websites (top 500 / top 100 per country) Approaching these websites from an IPv4 and an IPv6 stack. Verify DNS response mesages Observe the result: Errorcode 1100x: Website not found Check alternative URLs TNO has experience in measuring C without noticing a major difference

8 Rob Smets8 Use of MOS score of Web Performance Monitoring tool developed by TNO: TNO has experience in measuring C

9 Rob Smets9 How to measure U? Different Methodologies depending on resolution and granularity Measure per continent, per country, per province Distinction between segments, sectors, or even branches Distinction between ethnic, social, individual Different resolutions and granularities require different information L2 information IP source and location IP source, location and IP destination & URL IP source, location, IP destination, port number

10 Rob Smets10 How to measure U? Methodology 1: Based on sampling frames and determining unique IP source addresses web browser 1. http request IPv4/IPv6 webpage with flash 2. flash animation webpage with flash policy file and log tool web server end user 3. flash external data TNO IP deployment server

11 Rob Smets11 Could you help us measure U? Methodology 2: Based on sampling frames Information needed depends on the resolution and granularity. measure at AMSiX measure at ISP location ISP-y meas. client meas. client ISP-x switch AMSiX sample frame determine source / destination IP determine country and URL of IP hash IP source, delete IP destination IP-hash unique? store IP-hash, country and URL processing of stored data → updated U

12 Rob Smets12 Could you help us measure U? Methodology 2: Processing of the measured data to obtain U volume per segment websites (services) segments IPv4 hitsIPv6 hits websites (services) % IPv4 users% IPv6 users segments per country

13 Rob Smets13 How to measure U? Methodology 3: Provide us with values of U based on measurement done by you in your network based on DHCP/BRAS records based on subscriber records and traffic volume …

14 Rob Smets14 Could you help us measure U? Why help? gain insight into IPv6 user volumes, in an anonymous way, benchmark yourself! same methodology for all users is applied inform those in you organization who make decisions on IPv6 strategies allow external parties to contribute to IPv6 deployment also by participating you are already making the IPv6 migration business case positive Why TNO? Established by law Social aware and focused on bringing innovation into society and markets A knowledge institute, participated in many European programs and projects Contributor to standardization bodies (ITU-T, PESQ tool for voice MOS measurements, G.1030 Internet MOS measurements, IETF, …) Not for profit, no shareholders Independent to the outside world and unbiased to results We guarantee privacy and we will only publish data that cannot be linked to individuals and ISPs.

15 Rob Smets15 Could you help us measure U? How? Help us to measure the ratio of unique users on IPv6 and IPv4 different ways you can contribute: provide us with your own data based on customer records from e.g. DHCP servers provide us with your own measurement results let us do the measurements for you grant us permission to measure at the AMSIX and other Internet Exchanges.

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