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Tomáš Podermański,

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1 Tomáš Podermański,

2 Brno the Czech Republic –Area: 78 866 Km2 –Population: 10 230 060 –Capital city : Prague –1989: communist regime collapsed –1999: meber of NATO –2004: member of EU

3 NREN – CESNET z.s.p.o. –26 members –Universities & Czech academy –Many other institutions connected indirectly –Government institutions, hospitals, high schools, research institutions –Network based on DWDM & MPLS technology

4 Rumors about IPv6 Do you know that IPv4 address space will be exhausted very soon ? –Really, again? I already heard about it 10 years ago. We are working on IPv6 transition ! –Do you still use it? How do you get on with IPv6 ? –Everything is ready. The network is well prepared and all applications support dual stack. There is no problem with IPv6. Very well, can I see how it works? –Ehh, em, you know…. maybe later Actual point of view –We know that IPv6 is a real problem, but we don’t have time and money to deal with it. –We’d like to cope with IPv6, but we don’t know how.

5 Why IPv6 ? Top 10 Features that make IPv6 'greater' than IPv4 1.Larger IP address space 2.Better end-to-end connectivity 3.Ability for autoconfiguring devices 4.Simplified header structures 5.Better security (IPSEC – ESP, AH) 6.Better quality of services 7.Better multicast and anycast abilities 8.Mobility features 9.Ease of administration 10.Smooth transition from IPv4 source:

6 Why IPv6 ? Top 10 Features that make IPv6 'greater' than IPv4 1.Larger IP address space 2.Better end-to-end connectivity 3.Ability for autoconfiguring devices 4.Simplified header structures 5.Better security (IPSEC – ESP, AH) 6.Better quality of services 7.Better multicast and anycast abilities 8.Mobility features 9.Ease of administration 10.Smooth transition from IPv4 source:

7 Ten years ago we had a plan … IPv6 Deployment IPv4 Pool Size Size of the Internet IPv6 Transition using Dual Stack Time 6 - 10 years 2000 2006-2010 Source: / /


9 What’s the revised plan? IPv6 Deployment IPv4 Pool Size Size of the Internet IPv6 Transition Today Time ? 1% 100 % 1 year 2010 Source:

10 An Internet Transition Plan Recommendation based on RFC5211 (07/2008) Phase I (2008 – 2009) –Backbone network, basic infrastructure –Native connectivity to each location (low speed) –Some public services available on IPv6 (web, ftp) Phase II (2010/1 - 2011/12) –Stable backbone infrastructure –Hardware routing –Monitoring of applications & hotline support –IPv6 connectivity for end users in selected locations –IPv6 multicast in testing mode Phase III (2012/1) –IPv6 network in good working order (unicast & multicast) –Native IPv6 connectivity for all users –majority of services available through IPv6

11 IANA: Allocation of /8 IPv4 prefixes Source: NAT 1992: The first call 2001: Win XP, SP1 dulastack 2008: European commision targets 25% IPv6 availability by 2010 2007: Win Vista, SP1 dulastack Prefered IPv6 1996: IPv6 pon Linux 1998: RFC 2460 2008: Google on IPv6

12 Action plans of deployment IPv6 EU : ADVANCING THE INTERNET –Action Plan for the deployment of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) in Europe,Brussels, 27.5.2008, COM(2008) 313 final USA: Transition Planning for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), to set the US Federal Agencies a hard deadline for compliance to IPv6 on their core IP networks China : China Next Generation Internet (CNGI) sets out a 5 year plan (2006-2010) for the early adoption of IPv6 Korea : IPv6 Promotion Plan II which sets a vision of deploying IPv6 for the public sector by 2010 Australia : Preparation Jan 2008-Dec 2009, Transition Jan 2010-Dec 2012, Implementation Jan 2013-Dec 2015


14 NREN‘s activities Backbone infrastructure –IPv6 has been available in each node for many years – Every member can have an IPv6 connectivity IPv6 workgroup –meetings 3 times a year –a few campuses are usually presented –Usually 20 – 30 participants –good place to meet specialist from other universities share experience & knowledge

15 IPv6 and Czech Universities

16 Some other numbers 31% of members have their web available on IPv6 31% of members have MX record on IPv6 36% of members have DNS servers on IPv6 3 members uses Google IPv6 services Very different opinion about using isatap –27% of members have a ISATAP record in DNS –some members don’t (won’t) support isatap

17 Let’s move on to the campus IPv6 status at the Brno University of Technology

18 One of the largest universities in the Czech Republic Founded in 1899, 110th anniversary was recently celebrated 15,000 students and 2,000 employees 9 faculties 6 other organizational units Dormitory for 6,000 students

19 VUT FIT, Božetechova 2 VUT Koleje, Mánesova 12 AV VFU, Palackého 1/3 MU CESNET, Botanická 68a VUT Koleje, Kounicova 46/48 VUT Rektorát, Antonínská 1 VUT, Gorkého 13 VUT FaVU, Údolní 19 VUT FEKT Údolní 53 MU, Vinařská 5 VUT FaVU, Rybářská 13 AV ČR, Rybářská 13 VUT FA, Poříčí 5 VUT FAST, Veveří 95 AV ČR UFM VUT, Kounicova 67a MZLU, Tauferova VUT FEKT, Technická 8 VUT Koleje, Kolejní 2 VUT FP, FEKT, Kolejní 4 VUT FCH, FEKT, Purkyňova 118 AV ČR UPT VUT Koleje, Purk. VUT TI, Technická 4 VUT FSI, Technická 2

20 Milestones1992-1995 Modems, dedicated connections, bandwidth 32 - 128 Kb/s, first fiber was build, Ethernet 10 Mb/s, PC based routers KA9Q a BSD/386.1995-1998 connections among locations almost transferred to fiber, the ATM 155 Mb/s was being built, PC based routers with BSD Unix.1998-2001 optical connections with multiple fibers, first attempts to build up circuits on Gigabit Ethernet, L3 switches Extreme Networks.2002-2004 All-core-network circuits on backbone converted to Gigabit Ethernet. Gigabit Ethernet was used to connect each location.2005 First experience with 10 Gbp/s Ethernet. Looking for popper technology to build up new backbone. 2006-2008 Step-by-step converting from Gigabit Ehernet to 10 Gigabit Ethernet. Selected technology: Extreme Networks, Hewlett Packard. 2008 For management and L2 cross connections the backuped L2 circuit has been build. Each location had been connected on 10 Gigabit. 2009-now The IPv6 backbone has been built up. All tunnel-like connections have been converted to native. The OSPFv3 based routing has been turned on. IPv6 connectivity is now ready to be used in all locations.

21 Layer 3 network Core of the network Based on 10Gb/s ethernetBased on 10Gb/s ethernet Basic L3 servicesBasic L3 services OSPF a OSPFv3OSPF a OSPFv3 multicast - PIM/SMmulticast - PIM/SM External connectivity Two 10Gb/s lines conneting the core to CESNET (BGP, BGP4+)Two 10Gb/s lines conneting the core to CESNET (BGP, BGP4+) Basic filtering (SMTP, NetBios, 445/Microsof DS)Basic filtering (SMTP, NetBios, 445/Microsof DS) Locality & sub-campuses Two 10Gb/s lines to the coreTwo 10Gb/s lines to the core More complex firewalls configugurations are dependend on local administratorsMore complex firewalls configugurations are dependend on local administrators

22 Initial IPv6 topology

23 IPv6 milestones2002 Basic tunneled connectivity. Assigned own prefix - 2001:718:802::/48.2002-2008 Some experimental services. Possibility to connect locations using IPv6 (VLANs). Static routing based on FreeBSD PC routers. Native connectivity to NREN 2009 Address plan, prefix divided into organization units. OSPFv3 based routing. PC routers with XORP. 3com 4800 GL devices used as HW routers DNS server moved to the dualstack 2010/I, 2010/II Backuped connectivity to each location Every place/subnet can support native IPv6 connectivity Tests with HP devices (participation on beta testing program) Connectivity to NREN through two 10Gb/s lines – BGP4+ Basic firewall Monitoring of IPv6 services, collecting neighbor caches (NAV) Some services moved to dualstack 2010/III, 2010/IV Core of the network moved to the dualstack Disassemble the temporary IPv6 network

24 IPv6 milestones - future Firmware with full IPv6 support has been released –Temporary solution on xorp routers can be switched off –IPv6 topology will follow the IPv4 topology –All subnets will have both IPv4 and native IPv6 connectivity PI IPv6 address range has been assigned –Waiting for the process to be finalized. –Changing address of all subnets and services. We will move from 2001:718:802::/48 to 2001:67c:1220::/46 Activation of services on dualstack –90% of services could be moved easily –rest of services => very complicated issue => unpredictable problems

25 The basic connectivity is not a problem today. It works fine and any academic institutions can have IPv6 (if intrested). –Most of basic services are ready to be used on IPv6 with dualstack (web, DNS, mail, …) The key problem lies on local networks. There are still too many questions to be answered. If –RFC 5006 gets widely accepted (or not). –DHCPv6 supports default route + prefix lengths (or not). –SLAAC gets widely accepted (or not). –Mac OS X supports DHCPv6 (or not). –RA Guard is widely implemented. –DHCPv6 Snooping is widely implemented. –SeND gets widely accepted (or not). Nobody knows how to properly manage local network source: Problematic issues

26 A bit of statistics… collected from the campus network

27 IPv4, IPv6 & tunneled traffic Here

28 IPv6 native traffic

29 How many addressed were we talking with Here

30 How IPv6 many addressed were we talking with

31 H Come on, what all this fuss is about. Just take it easy and see what happens.

32 Number of unique mac adresses in ARP and NC

33 What conclusions can be drawn It doesn’t matter if –you like IPv6 or not –you believe that IPv6 will ever work or not IPv6 is here although you may not see it ! –60% of computers have a valid and reachable IPv6 address today –this number is growing every day (with new devices are being used) –all those devices are potential threats Implementation of IPv6 can be problematic. But if you ignore it you will get into more troubles.


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