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IPv6 The Next Generation Presented by Anna La Mura Jens Waldecker.

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Presentation on theme: "IPv6 The Next Generation Presented by Anna La Mura Jens Waldecker."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPv6 The Next Generation Presented by Anna La Mura Jens Waldecker

2 Content - Overview Situation IPv6 challenges IPv4 Header Comparison IPv4 - IPv6 Operation modes Unicast / Multicast / Anycast Addresses Notation Prefixes Autoconfiguration Compatibility / Tunneling

3 IPv4 – What’s wrong? Insufficient address space Subnetting and CIDR don't solve this problem in the long term Router tables are getting too big slowing down the connection speed wastes bandwidth But: traffic grows every day!

4 IPv6 – Intention 128 bit address space  3.4 x 10 38 IP’s Can replace NAT with native P2P Except NAT used for security reasons Optimized for Stacking Simplified header structure

5 IPv4 – Header (length variable)

6 IPv6 – Header (length fixed)

7 IPv6 – Header extension

8 IPv6 – Operation modes Unicast Single sender to single receiver Global unique address Peer to Peer connection Multicast Single sender to multiple receivers

9 IPv6 – Operation modes Anycast Single sender to receiver group IPv6 routes the message to the nearest of several possible gateway hosts There packets are seen as if they were unicast. Any one of them can manage the forwarding Designed to let one host initiate the efficient updating of routing tables along the line.

10 IPv6 – Addressing Notation Prefix Subnetting Address auto configuration Multiaddressing

11 IPv6 – Notation Hexadecimal 8 4-tuple with 2 bytes each, divided by „:“ Groups of 0‘s can be written as :: (one time) Leading 0‘s can be dropped Examples: 5F15:A1CD:1E34:5378:9AFC:18A4:5F78:8907 3FFE:645:879::371

12 IPv6 – Addresses FP = format prefix TLA ID= top level aggregator RES= reserved NLA ID= next level aggregator SLA ID= side level aggregator

13 IPv6 – Prefixes Prefix length „Value specifying the leftmost contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix” Compare with Subnetting in IPv4 Example: prefix 12AB00000000CD3 12AB:0000:0000:CD30:0000:0000:0000:0000/60

14 IPv6 – Prefixes Do these addresses match prefix 12AB00000000CD3 ?? Why? 12AB:0:0:CD3/60 12AB::CD30:0:0:0:0/60 12AB:0:0:CD30::/60 12AB::CD30/60

15 IPv6 – Prefixes defined Unspecified::/128 Loop back ::1/128 Multicast FF00::/8 Link-local unicast FE80::/10 Site-local unicast FEC0::/10 Global unicastRest (Local addresses are not routed)

16 IPv6 – Auto configuration Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address Auto configuration (RFC 3041) Interface ID to identify an Interface to one link. (64 bit) MAC Address: 00-00-39-63-D0-F7 Interface ID: FE80::200:39FF:FE63:D0F7

17 IPv6 – Auto configuration

18 IPv6 – IPv4 Compatibility IPv4 compatible addresses: :: Used for native IPv6 nodes IPv4 mapped addresses: ::FFFF: Used for IPv4 nodes only Don‘t appear on a connection

19 IPv6 – Tunneling Virtual Link between two IPv6 hosts via IPv4 IPv6 Packet encapsulated in IPv4 Packets as Payload information Nodes don‘t have to understand IPv6 Reverse resolution supported

20 IPv6 – End Of Presentation [x] Any questions? Feel free to ask! [x] Thanks for your Attention! [x] Pause

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