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HD-ratio for IPv4 -A new criteria for applying IP allocation NCIC 新世紀資通股份有限公司 Mars Wei 危之華 3rd TWNIC OPM.

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1 HD-ratio for IPv4 -A new criteria for applying IP allocation NCIC 新世紀資通股份有限公司 Mars Wei 危之華 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPM

2 HD-ratio for IPv4 Page.2 Current Criteria for applying IPv4 allocation First Time –/23 needed immediately and /22 in a year to allocate /21, the minimum space Subsequence –Fix utilization as 80% required for total past allocations –Including assignment and sub-allocation Document plans required

3 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.3 Why HD-ratio for IPv4? Difficulty for large ISP to reach 80% utilization No allowance for hierarchy in managing IP address allocation One 80% rule fits all size is unfair Variable % utilization required –Different % threshold for different sized IP address allocation

4 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.4 More ‘efficient’ with less hierarchy NIR ISP … Customers and Infrastructure Source: APNIC

5 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.5 ‘Efficiency’ loss through hierarchy NIR ISP … “Internal” Hierarchy Customers and Infrastructure Deeper hierarchy = lower efficiency Regions/POPs Services Source: APNIC

6 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.6 What is HD-ratio for IPv4? Host Density Ratio RFC 3194 For IP address HD-ratio has been adopted to IPv6

7 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.7 Selection of the HD ratio value Size range (prefix) Depth (n) Utilisation (0.80*n) HD ratio (calculated) /24 to /20180%.960 to.973 /20 to /161.572%.961 to.970 /16 to /12264%.960 to.968 /12 to /82.557.2%.960 to.966 /8 to /4351.20%.960 to.966 Source: APNIC

8 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.8 Proposed flexible utilisation 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% /32/28/24/20/16/12/8 0.96 0.972 0.98 /21 minimum allocation 80% rule Source: APNIC

9 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.9 Status First idea presented in APNIC 16 as an informational item – Posted to APNIC sig-policy mailing list as a proposal on Aug 4, 2004 – Presented as a proposal in APNIC 18 and still an open item for APNIC secretariat to conduct a survey –

10 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.10 What’s the next step in Taiwan?

11 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.11 References [RFC3194] “The Host-Density Ratio for Address Assignment Efficiency: An update on the H ratio” A. Durand, C. Huitema, November 2001 [APNIC-089] “IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy” [APNIC-086] “Policies for IPv4 address space management in the Asia Pacific region”

12 2004/11/24 @ 3rd TWNIC OPMHD-ratio for IPv4 Page.12 Thanks !

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