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HEAT Operational Requirements. HEAT Operational Requirements – driven by science objectives 1.Lightning (L) L1: Thunderstorm electric field profiles over.

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Presentation on theme: "HEAT Operational Requirements. HEAT Operational Requirements – driven by science objectives 1.Lightning (L) L1: Thunderstorm electric field profiles over."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEAT Operational Requirements

2 HEAT Operational Requirements – driven by science objectives 1.Lightning (L) L1: Thunderstorm electric field profiles over Houston and over non-urban environments L2: Lightning Flashes 2.Cloud microphysics (M) M1: Mixed-phase microphysics M2: Cloud droplet spectra M3: Precipitation drop size distributions M4: Pollution effects in the early-storm stages 3.Urban Heat Island Thermodynamics (U) U1: Urban heat island thermodynamics U2: Urban wind modification U3: Urban updraft enhancement U4: Urban effects on convective storm mergers and lightning production

3 4.The Effect of the Complex Coastline C1: Sea breeze modification: low-level convergence field associated with a complex coastline and its effects on convective initiation C2: Sea breeze interaction with the urban heat island C3: Intensity of sea breeze convection 5.Effects of Urban Influenced Thunderstorms on Atmospheric Chemistry A1: NOx production by lightning A2: Transport and fate of pollutants in thunderstorms A3: Effect of urban thunderstorms on upper tropospheric chemistry

4 FACILITYSCIENCE OBJECTIVES Wyoming King Air M1,C2,C3,A1,A2,A3 North Dakota Citation II L1,M1,M2,A3 Weather Modification Lear Jet M1,M2,U4,A1,A2,A3 CSU-CHILL M1,M3,M4,U2,U3,U4,C1,C2,C3,A1,A2 NCAR S-POL M1,M3,M4,U2,U3,U4,C1,C2,C3,A1, A2 TAMU/OU/TT/NSSL SMART-R M1,M3,U2,U3,U4,C1,C2,C3,A2 NWS KHGX WSR-88D M1,M3,U2,U3,U4,C1,C2,C3,A2 TCEQ/TNRCC/HEAT surface observations, wind profiler, sodars M1,U1,U2,U4,C1 NCAR TAOS U1 NCAR MGLASS U1,U2,U4,C2 Houston LDAR II and NLDN L1,L2,M1,M2,M3,U1,U2,U3,U4,C3, A1,A3 NSSL mobile E-field sounding L1

5 University of Wyoming King Air Aircraft and state parameters Cloud microphysical/particle sensors Boundary Layer Eddy Fluxes Radiation Sensors Trace gas chemistry: NOx,O 3,SO 2,HO Aerosol properties: CCN,CN Wyoming Cloud Radar (95 GHz,Doppler)

6 University of North Dakota Citation II Aircraft and environmental state parameters Cloud microphysical measurements: 1D-C, 2D-C, FSSP Air Chemistry: O3, CO2/H2O, NO/NO2 SO2, CO, and SF6 monitors Aerosols: CN, CCN, PMS passive cavity scattering and Royco light scattering probes Electric Field observations– Field mill system

7 Weather Modification, Inc. Lear Jet 35A Aircraft and atmospheric state parameters Cloud/Precipitation microphysical probes Aerosol: CN,CCN,IN Atmospheric Chemistry: NOx, SO 2,O 3

8 CSU-CHILL S-Band (11 cm) Polarization Radar Polarimetric and Doppler: Z h, V r, Z dr, LDR,  dp /K dp,  HV Hydrometeor Identification Rainfall rates and drop size distribution information Single and multi-Doppler synthesized 3-D kinematic flow field Surveillance and aircraft coordination

9 NCAR S-POL S-Band (2.8 GHz, 10.7 cm) Polarization Radar Polarimetric and Doppler: Z h, V r, Z dr, LDR,  dp /K dp,  HV Hydrometeor Identification Rainfall rates and drop size distribution information Single and multi-Doppler synthesized 3-D kinematic flow field Surveillance and aircraft coordination Transportation20 ft. containers Site requirementsleveling and access PowerDiesel generator Transmitter2.7 -- 2.9 GHz Pulse width.3 -- 1.4 µsec-tapered PRF0 -- 1300 Hz Peak power>1Mw Receivers (2)H & V simultaneously Noise power-115.5 dBm Dynamic range90 dB Minimum detectable dBZ at 50km/1km -15 dBZ/-52 dBZ at -6 dB SNR Polarization switchingH-V alternating or H only Mechanical switch isolation47 dB measured AntennaParabolic, center feed Gain44.5 dB including wave guide loss Diameter8.5 m (28 ft.) Beamwidth0.91 degrees First sidelobebetter than -30 dB Isolation (ICPR)better than -35 dB Data system NCAR designed VME system (VITAQ) Number of range gates4000 Gate spacing37.5 -- 1000m Number of samples16 -- 1000

10 TAMU/OU/TT/NSSL SMART-R 2 mobile (flatbed diesel truck mounted) C-band (5.5 cm) Doppler radars SR-1 SR-2 Z h, V r,  Precipitation structure and evolution Multi-Doppler synthesized 3-D flow field within storms 250 kW peak power, 8” reflector with 1.5  degree beam at 40 dB gain Flexible deployment strategy for HEAT Selectable baseline strategy Can adapt to science mission and mesoscale forecast of the day

11 TCEQ Surface Observations Meteorological data Approximately 34 stations e.g., T, Td, wind Air quality observations Particulate matter PM-10 PM-2.5 Ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide TCEQ also has a wind profiler and two sodars in Houston area TCEQ network supplemented by ten NWS ASOS/AWOS stations NOAA/PORTS also has 3 stations along Galveston Bay and Island Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

12 NCAR MGLASS (Mobile GPS/Loran Atmospheric Sounding System) Vertical Sounding of T, Td, wind Surface meteorological data CCN measurements

13 NCAR TAOS (Tethered Atmospheric Observing System) Boundary layer measurements Lowest 1 km T, Td/RH, P, wind speed and direction 1 second sampling rate remain at altitude in wind up to 15 mph 2 nd winch and balloon for observations in up to 45 mph wind sensors can be placed anywhere on the tether can be redeployed in less than 2 hours

14 HEAT Operational Requirements – driven by science objectives 1.Lightning (L) L1: Thunderstorm electric field profiles over Houston and over non-urban environments L2: Lightning Flashes 2.Cloud microphysics (M) M1: Mixed-phase microphysics M2: Cloud droplet spectra M3: Precipitation drop size distributions M4: Pollution effects in the early-storm stages 3.Urban Heat Island Thermodynamics (U) U1: Urban heat island thermodynamics U2: Urban wind modification U3: Urban updraft enhancement U4: Urban effects on convective storm mergers and lightning production

15 4.The Effect of the Complex Coastline C1: Sea breeze modification: low-level convergence field associated with a complex coastline and its effects on convective initiation C2: Sea breeze interaction with the urban heat island C3: Intensity of sea breeze convection 5.Effects of Urban Influenced Thunderstorms on Atmospheric Chemistry A1: NOx production by lightning A2: Transport and fate of pollutants in thunderstorms A3: Effect of urban thunderstorms on upper tropospheric chemistry

16 FACILITYSCIENCE OBJECTIVES Wyoming King Air M1,C2,C3,A1,A2,A3 North Dakota Citation II L1,M1,M2,A3 Weather Modification Lear Jet M1,M2,U4,A1,A2,A3 CSU-CHILL M1,M3,M4,U2,U3,U4,C1,C2,C3,A1,A2 NCAR S-POL M1,M3,M4,U2,U3,U4,C1,C2,C3,A1, A2 TAMU/OU/TT/NSSL SMART-R M1,M3,U2,U3,U4,C1,C2,C3,A2 NWS KHGX WSR-88D M1,M3,U2,U3,U4,C1,C2,C3,A2 TCEQ/HEAT Mesonet M1,U1,U2,U4,C1 Wind Profilers U2,U4 NCAR TAOS U1 NCAR MGLASS U1,U2,U4,C2 Houston LDAR II and NLDN L1,L2,M1,M2,M3,U1,U2,U3,U4,C3, A1,A3 NSSL mobile E-field sounding L1




20 Working Groups – Organized by Science/Hypothesis Category Lightning Cloud Microphysics Urban Heat Island Thermodynamics Effect of the Complex Coastline Effects of Urban Influenced Thunderstorms on Atmospheric Chemistry

21 Some Working Group Tasks Revise SOD based on broad input and consensus Review facilities required –Modify (add/delete) as necessary –Discuss deployment and observational strategies Identify key personnel (PI’s) for facility requests Draft group report for plenary session

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