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St. Francis ’ Canossian College Form Three Choice of Subjects Stage II Seminar 14 May, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "St. Francis ’ Canossian College Form Three Choice of Subjects Stage II Seminar 14 May, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Francis ’ Canossian College Form Three Choice of Subjects Stage II Seminar 14 May, 2011

2 NSS1 Subject Offer 2011-2012

3 Core Subjects Chinese Language English Language Mathematics Liberal Studies Electives BAFS Biology Chemistry Chinese History Economics Geography History Physics ICT Elective / Course (conducted outside of regular school hours) Math. (Extension) Ethics & Religious Studies (ERS) Non-exam subjects Music PE RE

4 Note 1.All core subjects are compulsory. 2.Students are requested to take at least 3 electives in F4. 3.There is a quota for all elective subjects: –Bio / Chem / Econ / Geog / Phy : 2 classes –BAFS / C. Hist / Hist : 1 class –Math (Extension): 1 class –ICT:30 –ERS: 30

5 F4 Subject Combination 2011- 2012 Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4 X1Chem EconGeog X2PhyBioBAFSBio X3Chist / Hist / ICT / Econ / Phys / Geog

6 Choice of Subjects Form (Stage II) Form Three Choice of Subjects

7 2 4 3 1 Amy Chan 3A1

8 1423 6 5 314 2 5 24 5 1 3 52 3 1 4


10 20 May 2011

11 In case of any amendments …


13 Students have to take 3 electives in F. 4 Students have to rank all elective subjects according to their preference Please make amendments by crossing out the mistakes instead of using correction pen. All amendments must be countersigned by parents. Date of submission: 27 May 2011 (Fri) No amendments will be allowed once the form is submitted Note

14 2 4 3 1 Amy Chan 3A1

15 1423 6 5 314 2 5 24 5 1 3 52 3 1 4

16 Frequently Asked Questions

17 Question: Are we allowed to take 4 electives (excluding Math Extension (M1))?

18 新高中爆退考退修潮 踏入實施第二年的新高 中學制 … 中五學生現 選修科退修潮,反映部 分學科出現學習困難。 去年平均每名中四學生 修讀2.48科。到今年中 五,平均每名學生修讀 2.33科 ,各科退修率 介乎7.5%至28.8%。 2011年5月11日 明報

19 逾百中學棄辦新高中數學選修 2011年5月11日 明報

20 Question: Are we allowed to take 4 electives (excluding Math Extension (M1))? Answer:


22 Offered as joint-school course Course arrangement: –Venue: Canossa College –Time: every Saturday morning –Participating schools: SFCC, Canossa College, Pui Tak College, Holy Family Canossian College & Aberdeen Technical School Ethics and Religious Studies (ERS)

23 Math Extension (M1) Lessons to be conducted afterschool from 3.45 to 5.15pm once a week Students may take both ERS and Math Extension (M1) Questions: –What about if students want to take Math Extension (M2)? –Can students take both M1 and M2?

24 Questions: What is the medium of instruction for LS? Are students allowed to drop one elective or change to another elective after finishing F4?

25 Other Questions What is the assessment criteria for Other Learning Experiences?

26 高中及高等教育新學制 -「334」網上簡報 St. Francis ’ Canossian College 新高中課程選科資料

27 Application for HKDSE subjects not taken at school

28 Course / Subject that students may apply for: –Math Extension 1 –Math Extension 2 –Other Languages (French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Hindu or Urdu) Subjects other than the above are not allowed.

29 For taking M1 or M2, –Permission will only be given to students with satisfactory performance in Mathematics in F.3 (i.e. attaining position in form within the top 50% percentile) For taking other languages, Permission will only be given to students –Who have attained basic qualifications in that language –With satisfactory performance in Chin and Eng in F. 3 (i.e. attaining position in form within the top 50% percentile)

30 Students will be informed of the application procedures at the beginning of F. 4. The student has to enrol in a registered institute which offers the subject The student has to submit to the school at the end of the school year receipts or a transcript from the registered institute in which she is taking the subject. Whether the student can continue to take the subject outside school in the next academic year and sit for the public examination depends on her overall performance in school.

31 Under any circumstances, the final decision is subject to the discretion of the School Authority.

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