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Working together for better Research - Collaborative research with BCUHB Dr Nefyn Williams & Dr Richard Tranter, NWORTH Associate Clinical Directors &

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1 Working together for better Research - Collaborative research with BCUHB
Dr Nefyn Williams & Dr Richard Tranter, NWORTH Associate Clinical Directors & BCUHB R&D Assistant Directors

2 Key North Wales health research stakeholders
North Wales AHSC Hub NISCHR CRC Bangor University BCUHB Glyndwr University, Welsh Ambulance Service, Powys LHB

3 Jointly supporting the development of health researchers
NWRC small grants scheme BCUHB academic support programme Early career researcher CPG academic boards Established Bangor University research teams NISCHR fellowship National funding and NISCHR portfolio project

4 Developing health research infrastructure in North Wales
NISCHR activity based funding of R&D: Increase in BCUHB allocation to £1.3 million for 2012. Research support post competition 2011: new posts in pharmacy and radiology to support clinical research. Methodology support post competition 2012: NWORTH coordinated bid for new IT and health economics posts in Bangor University to support AHSC hub. R&D offices, finance, administration, health records, KESS & KTP scholarships.

5 Developing a health research quality system for North Wales
Collaboration between BCUHB, Bangor University and NISCHR CRC. BCUHB MHRA inspection 2012. Bangor University CoHABS research governance review. Jointly develop health research SOPs and approval/review process. Jointly develop training programmes for researchers. Jointly develop sponsorship, monitoring and audit systems.

6 Welcome to the research roadmap
Welcome to the research roadmap. This site has been developed jointly by BCUHB, Bangor University and NISCHR CRC to help guide clinicians and academics through the processes needed to conduct safe and high quality health research. The road map arranges all the current Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) relating to health research in use in BCUHB and Bangor University according to the stage of the research project, and the role of the individual within the research project. Project stages: Planning a project Research roles: Students Applying for permissions Research support staff (eg RAs, CSOs) Site setup Principal and Chief Investigators Conducting research Sponsors Site closure Reporting results Every researcher must be familiar with the SOPs relevant to their role in the project. Each stage on the roadmap is linked to a training module relevant to your research role. You can register on this site using your BCUHB or BU username and password (click here) so that completion of training modules can be logged. It is expected that you will complete the training module before you embark on that stage of your project. Compliance with training will be monitored. Go to roadmap This site is the only source for the up to date version of a research SOP. If you print an SOP from this site it will be time stamped and will be valid only for that day.

7 Research support staff
Role Research support staff Student PI or CI sponsor Organisation Stage Planning & Preparation 1. 1 1 1 1 Quality System Permissions & registration 2. 2 2 2 2 Setup & activation 3. 3 3 3 3 Managing approvals Running a study 4. 4 4 4 4 Closing and follow-up 5. 5 5 5 5 Oversight Reporting & dissemination 6. 6 6 6 6

8 Applying for permissions
Register with university school and internal peer review Trial Master File SOP 3.04, DM2 Link to IRAS guidance Link to IRAS site Study approvals SOP 4.01 Making an IRAS application: ?human tissue act, children, incapacitated adults: add as website guidance Study approvals SOP 4.01, QA4 IRMER SOP** You may require specific permissions depending on your project: Clinical Trial Authorisation SOP 4.02 Link to MHRA algorithm Does your study require clinical trial authorisation from the MHRA? NISCHR portfolio/RDG registration Link to list of public clinical trial registers Clinical trial registration checklist All clinical trials should be registered on an appropriate public database prior to start date: Clinical trial agreements SOP 4.04 What clinical trial agreements do you need in place? Consider agreements with local departments and external collaborators and sponsors: Letters of access SOP D2 Honorary contracts SOP** Do any team members need permission to work in the Health Board or with GPs? Go to roadmap Report deviations from SOPs Go to MCQ

9 SOPs for CIs setting up a research site
Management of study specific SOPs SOP** CRF design and control SOP D1 Document control SOP DM2 Trial Master File SOP 3.04, DM2 How to manage all the essential documents for your study IT systems in research SOP6.02 Data management SOP 6.01 IT and data management systems Staff training & training records SOP T1, T2, 2.01 Delegation log SOP RS2 Defining responsibilities SOP RS2 Defining responsibilities and training of research staff Monitoring ( including independent data monitoring and steering committee ) SOP 3.07, M1 Risk assessment for research SOP** Doing a risk assessment and planning monitoring for your study Report deviations from SOPs Go to MCQ Go to roadmap

10 IT link posts 2 posts one based in NWORTH the other in BCUHB
Contribute to the planning of IT infrastructure to facilitate the integration of research studies into routine clinical practice Design, develop & implement IT systems, services & applications for use in research studies

11 Clinical Rehabilitation Facility
Possible future development between BU & BCUHB Clinical rehabilitation is a strong & developing theme of research Builds on strengths Exercise science & sports medicine Lifestyle and behaviour change Mental health and dementia care Applied health & social care Trials, economics, knowledge translation Chronic disease management in primary & secondary care Cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, diabetes, musculoskeletal, cancer, older people, children & disability, stroke, dementia

12 summary Putting the “U” into BCUHB: public statement on the role of teaching and research in the Health Board. Jointly supporting the development of new health researchers with clear long term goals. Jointly supporting established research teams and collaborations for large scale bids and increased portfolio studies. Jointly creating a health research quality system.

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