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Published byAnabel Buttrum Modified over 10 years ago
Neutrino Oscillation Appearance with OPERA Amina ZGHICHE Oscillation Project with Emulsion tRacking Apparatus
Neutrino : a SM particle as any other It fits in the SM picture arXiv:hep-ex/0509008 Phys.Rept.427:257-454,2006 N light_ = 2.9840± 0.0082 YES 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 2
Has a mass and Very low one (< 1 eV/c 2 ) Hint for physics beyond the SM May be its own anti-particle Only a weakly interacting particle Produced as a coherent mix of three mass eigenstates in the weak interaction processes Oscillates Many parameters already precisely measured and some still not known Neutrino : a SM particle as any other? Not quite 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 3
Oscillation and mass: MNSP Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata-Pontecorvo neutrino mixing Matrix: 4 parameters to be determined +2 (∆m 2 ) Oscillation Probability: U j : mixing matrix element 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 4
SNO e e sun 2000 5 PANORAMA of the Oscillation measurements by DISAPPEARANCE (last 15 years) atmospheric showers (L ~20 et 12 000 km) Superkamiokande 1998 Neutrino beam (L ~730 km) Minos 2005 Reactor (L ~180 km) 2008 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
The appearance case with OPERA ≈ /4 < /15 ≈ /6 Requirements: 1- High neutrino energy 2- High beam intensity 3- Long Baseline 4- Detection of short lived ‘s (10 -12 s ) 5- Massive Underground detector 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 6
CNGS Description 7 SPS protons: 400 GeV/c Every: 6 s, two pulses of 10.5 s separated by 50 ms Proton pulses extracted by kicker magnet Beam intensity: 2.0 x 10 13 proton/extraction ~ pure muon neutrino beam ( = 17 GeV) 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
CNGS Experiments at LNGS 8 730 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
9 Target basic unit: ECC brick = nuclear emulsion films interleaved by lead plates + 2 interface emulsion films (CS) Massive target with micrometric space resolution Electronic detectors to provide “time resolution” to the emulsion films and preselect the interaction region 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
OPERA Detector 10 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
OPERA: POTs and Neutrino interactions YearProton On Target (POT) Number of Neutrino interactions Integrated POT / Proposal Value 20081.78x10 19 16987.9% 20093.52x10 19 355723.6% 20104.04x10 19 391241.5% 20114.84x10 19 421063.0% 2012~4.0x10 19 ~3892~80% ALL ~18x10 19 ~17270~80% Expected interactions for 22.5 10 19 pot ~ 23600 CC+NC ~ 170 e + anti- e CC ~ 115 CC (∆m 2 =2.5 x 10-3 eV2) 11 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
Neutrinos seen by the OPERA Electronic detector The first data taking “INTERNAL or contained” EVENTS “EXTERNAL” CC-EVENTS (neutrino interactions in the rock) 12/40 With µ µ CC τ CC, (17.4%) Without µ or NC-like NC τ CC, e (17.8%) τ CC, h, 3h (49.2%,15.2%) e CC -like 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
OPERA Sensitivity to Neutrino Oscillations 13 decay channel B.R.(%)SignalBack -ground 17.411.790.09 e e 17.832.890.22 h h 3h 15.200.710.18 ALLBR*eff~8%7.630.73 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
The background Decay channel e e h h 3h All Charm0. Scattering 0.070. 0.07 h interact.0. ALL0. 5 years of nominal beam (4.5 10 19 pot/year) All channels: BR*global efficiency ~8% Possible additional kinematical variable analysis ( h) Need solid understanding of hadronic system by comparing to real data ( CC) Primary lepton not identified. Good (95%) identification mandatory -- h h ,e -,e- D+D+ + e+ h + Charm production in CC (all channels) Coulomb large angle scattering of in Pb ( ) Hadron interactions in Pb ( h) 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 14
The OPERA FIRST Data Taking with Electronic Detectors: ONLINE beam veto RPC+HPT+Magnet muon spectrometer muon Id, sign and momentum measurement Brick wall and Target Tracker 15K bricks=1.25Kton 31 walls per Super Module Each Brick wall is followed by a Target Tracker plane For the interaction preselect ion (trigger) and the event localization (brick finding) 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 16
Brick finding BMS (LAPP-Annecy): Twin Brick Manipulating System one on each side of the detector. They run over z,x axis, 18mx10m with a precision of 1-2mm And push 26 bricksx8Kg through ~3m Filled the target and now used to extract the candidate brick beam 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 17
The OPERA SECOND Data Taking with SCANNING 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 18
Event Location and vertex reconstruction Scan Back Volume Scan Low Energy tracks High Energy tracks 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 19
Impact parameter separation power into a decay search process IP distribution for ν τ events(MC) 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 20
Momentum Measurement N Agafonova et al 2012 New J. Phys. 14 013026 in the lead/emulsion film sandwich and comparison with electronic detector measurements Momentum measurement by Muliple Coulomb Scarering 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 21/40
Calibration with µ CC charm events Similar lifetime and decay topology 49 events detected, 51. 0± 7.5 expected 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 22
OPERA → 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 23
First candidate event 2008-2009 decay search, released in 2010 (Phys. Lett. B (2010) 138) Background sourcesrate Prompt ~10 -7 /CC Decay of charmed particles produced in νe interactions~10 -6 /CC Double charm production~10 -6 /CC Decay of charmed particles produced in ν μ interactions~10 -5 /CC Hadronic reinteractions~10 -5 /CC VariableValueSelection Criteria Kink(mrad)41 ±2>20 Decay length (mm) 1335 ±35Within 2 lead plates P daughter (GeV/c) 12 +6 -3 >2 Pt (MeV/c)470 +230 -120 >300 (g attached) Missing Pt (MeV/c) 570 +320 -170 <1000 φ (deg)173 ±2>90 2010 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 24
Second candidate event 25 TrackMomentum( 1 interval(GeV/ c) Particle Id Method/Comment Prima ry 2.8(2.1-3.5)hadronNot a muon (stops after 2 bricks), momentum range OK d16.6(5.2-8.6)hadronMomentum range Ok d21.3(1.1-1.5)hadronidem d32.0(1.4-2.9)hadron)Interaction in the brick at 1.3 cm downstream 2012 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
26 decay channel SignalBack -ground Charm scattering h interactions 0.490. e e 0.680.05 0.00 h h 0.560. 3h 0.180.05 0.00 ALL1.910. Background expectation for the analyzed data (preliminary) yearsStatus of the analysis #of events for decay search Expected events (preliminary) Observed Candidate events Expected background for events(preliminary) 2008-2009completed27831 2010-2011In progress13431 2012started ALL41261.912.0.18 Summary of the data processing Main background is charm events associated with muon Id failure 0.05 BG event expected for the second candidate 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
27 - + hadrons et - o - OPERA with CNGS beam 730 km 2010 T2K with JPARC beam e 2011 295 km A 2 nd event observed in 2012 PANORAMA of the Oscillation measurements by APPEARANCE (LAST 3 YEARS) (LBL) 10 candidates back exp. 2.37 250km 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
28 Lead to the major breakthrough: 13 measurement T2K : e T2K sin 2 2 13 = 0.094 (±10%) 10 candidates back exp. 2.37 LBL appearance of e 3 experiments: Double Chooz (France) Daya Bay (China) Reno (Korea) e e Reactors with disappearance of e 13 large => good for mass hierarchy determination and CP violation searches 2012 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
OPERA → e 5.3x10 19 pot - 2008-2009 data 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 29
OPERA as an electromagnetic (em) calorimeter 56mm of Pb=10X 0 Three steps with a NN algorithm: - Shower Reconstruction - Identification (separation from pions) - Energy estimation Shower extension(# films) ID efficiency/5films Standard volume em Shower energy(GeV) Energy Resolution Preliminary MC Preliminary MC 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 30
Multi Variable analysis of the → e oscillation channel (1-MC-preliminary) → e CNGS e → e NC → e CNGS e → e NC → e CNGS e → e NC → e CNGS e → e NC Preliminary MC 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 31
Multi Variable analysis of the → e oscillation channel (2-MC-preliminary) Without MVA: Signal/BG =0.058 With MVA: Signal/BG=0.22 (~4 times improvement) BG suppression needs to be improved 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 32/40
→ e search through e.m. showers in the data Event sample: 505NC--‐like events in 2008 and 2009 For each located event (all tracks found) – Extrapolate each track up to the CS – Search the shower pattern (3 or more track element )on CS – scan back additional volume from the CS hint and perform the e.m. shower reconstruction if found. – 86 events with showers selected – 19 e events confirmed 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 33
DATA – MC comparison (preliminary) Data - BG MC -SIGNAL MC Visible EnergyElectron Energy Missing P T angle Data - BG MC -SIGNAL MC Data - BG MC -SIGNAL MC Data - BG MC -SIGNAL MC MVA analysisrate MC signal region7.9±2.7 MC BG region18.8 ± 4.8 Data signal region6±2 DATA BG region13±4 Compatible, not significant for oscillation 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 34
OPERA Oscillation Results at Neutrino2012: 2008-2009 data Observed ν e events : 19 Expected ν e events: Oscillated ν e events :1.5 Beam ν e BG events :19.2 After low energy event selection (Eν < 20GeV): Observed ν e events: 4 Expected ν e events: Oscillated ν e events :1.1 Beam ν e BG events : 3.7 5.3x10 19 pot S and BG Compatible, not significant for oscillation 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 35
Any other non standard oscillation Window left by the full OPERA statistic for sterile? ICARUS:arXiv:1209.0122v3 Standard three flavour mixing 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 36
Neutrino velocity CNGS Proton pulses individually measured (1 ns sampling) Time stamped and logged in the CERN DB Synchroni -zation 2 TWIN high accuracy timing system Common View Mode OPERA Time distributions of the ON TIME events 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 37
2012 measurement with CNGS bunched beam 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 38
Results for neutrino velocity JHEP(2013)153 δt ν = (0.7 ± 0.4(stat) ± 1.6(syst.-uncorr.) ± 2.5(syst.-corr)) ns 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 39
Conclusion OPERA experiment: aimed the direct detection of ν μ → ν τ oscillations in APPEARANCE MODE, successfully taking data since 2008, Total integrated luminosity: ~18.0x10 19 pot ~= 80% of the nominal value (22.5 x 10 19 ) 2 ν μ → ν τ candidate events: τ → 1 prong: τ → ρ(π-π0)ν τ τ → 3 h ν τ 1.9 signal and 0.18 background expected Preliminary result on the ν μ → ν e oscillation analysis 19 events observed, 4 with energy < 20 GeV (expected osc. Signal 1.1, BG 3.9) constraints in the high Δm 2 region but no final answer foreseen New improved result under final discussion within the collaboration About 56% of the data has still to go through the second data taking (scanning…) and analysis Neutrino velocity measurement: 2012 bunched beam result: δt ν = (0.7 ± 0.4(stat) ± 1.6(syst.-uncorr.) ± 2.5(syst.-corr)) ns 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 40
OPERA sensitivity 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP 42 Full mixing and Δm 2 23 ~2.4x10 ‐3 eV 2 The green hashed band indicates the OPERA allowed region (90%CL) for the above parameter value and for 22.5x10 19 pot
43 6 parameters m 2 12 m 2 23 sin² 12 sin² 23 sin² 13 7.54 10 -5 eV² 2.43 10 -3 eV² 0.307 0.386 0.024 21% Precision 2 5% 7% 11% 12% Valeur ? Ref: G.L. Fogli et al. arXiv:1205.5254v3 Where we stand in 2012 Signe ? Échelle de masse ? 2/8/2013 QM UoL Amina ZGHICHE-LAPP
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