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Web-based Activities Adapted from the Spartanburg District 3 website Spartanburg District 3 websiteSpartanburg.

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Presentation on theme: "Web-based Activities Adapted from the Spartanburg District 3 website Spartanburg District 3 websiteSpartanburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web-based Activities Adapted from the Spartanburg District 3 website Spartanburg District 3 websiteSpartanburg District 3 website USCS | An Adventure of the American Mind | Revised: 06/08/04 USCS | An Adventure of the American Mind | Revised: 06/08/04

2 Types of Internet Actiivities  Hotlists  Guided Tours  Scavenger Hunts/ Treasure Hunts  Webquests  Higher-level WebQuests

3 Hotlists  The foundation of any of the various web-based activities  Compiled and organized list of resources/ web sites  May just include headings, depending on how much information you want provided about the resources  May or may not include directions or short descriptions of what is at each site listed  Can be organized in any number of ways

4 Hotlist Examples  Anne Frank Hotlist 1 Anne Frank Hotlist 1 Anne Frank Hotlist 1  Miami Museum Hotlist Miami Museum Hotlist Miami Museum Hotlist  Franklin Institute Hotlist of Hotlists Franklin Institute Hotlist of Hotlists Franklin Institute Hotlist of Hotlists

5 Guided Tours  A heavily controlled web-based activity stressing discovery and analysis  Teachers find Internet resources for students to use in advance of class, and provide them to students in any of the following ways:  A folder under a single topic containing bookmarks to the web pages  A web page with links for students to follow  A guided tour hand-out with the links on it to have each student type in the URL's and write in answers

6 Guided Tour Examples  Compare and Contrast: Past and Present Compare and Contrast: Past and Present Compare and Contrast: Past and Present s/emily_tallon/New%20Folder/webpage/webpage2.htm  Females and Industry Females and Industry Females and Industry ssons/pam_flynn/index.htm  Amazing Americans Amazing Americans Amazing Americans ssons/mary_worthy/index.htm  Guided Tour Template Guided Tour Template Guided Tour Template

7 Scavenger Hunts/ Treasure Hunts  Can be as controlled or as unrestricted you want it to be. In more controlled situations:  Students can discover answers to questions using links a teacher may have previously investigated and then provided.  Students can be directed to age-oriented search engines only, like Yahooligans Yahooligans

8 Scavenger Hunt Examples  Celebrating South Carolina Using American Memory Celebrating South Carolina Using American Memory Celebrating South Carolina Using American Memory e/index.htm  Select a Decade Select a Decade Select a Decade  Astronaut Scavenger Hunt (completed) Astronaut Scavenger Hunt (completed) Astronaut Scavenger Hunt (completed)  Scavenger Hunt Template Scavenger Hunt Template Scavenger Hunt Template

9 WebQuests  Constructed around a scenario of interest to students and are project-oriented  Includes the links that are appropriate for students to research as well as suggestions for further research  Divided into sections that include an Introduction, a Process, a Task, a list of Resources, a Conclusion, and method of Evaluation  Includes a Teacher Resources section, including lesson plan  Role playing allows students to use higher-level thinking skills

10 WebQuest Examples  Evolution of a WebQuest Evolution of a WebQuest Evolution of a WebQuest  Welcome To Sheppard's Walk: Creating a Garden for your School Welcome To Sheppard's Walk: Creating a Garden for your School Welcome To Sheppard's Walk: Creating a Garden for your School ssons/kim_inman/firstpage/index.htm  Preserving the Past Preserving the Past Preserving the Past ssons/robin_breitenbach/web%20page/web%20page %201.htm

11 WebQuest Examples cont’d  Farmers, Farmers, Everywhere Farmers, Everywhere Farmers, Everywhere  Shapes WebQuest Shapes WebQuest Shapes WebQuest  WebQuest Template WebQuest Template WebQuest Template ttemp.htm

12 Higher Level WebQuests  Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson ssons/maria_lynn/webpage.htm  Nuclear Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry ssons/alan_knight/webpage/Allen%20Knight.htm  American Revolution American Revolution American Revolution ssons/michelle_pope/myweb/AAM_Intro.htm

13 Higher Level WebQuests cont’d  Civil War Civil War Civil War ssons/steve_jobe/homepage2.htm

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