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A.W. Cox Elementary School Third Grade

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1 A.W. Cox Elementary School Third Grade
Welcome to Back To School Night! September 12, 2013

2 Professional Learning Community
Meet the Third Grade Team: Mrs. Arabolos – Room 9 (203) x109 Mr. Mascola – Room 6 (203) x106 Mrs. Johnson – Room 21 (203) x121 Mrs. Hartford – Room 10 (203) x110 Mrs. Guarnieri – Room 5 (203) x105

3 Clear Expectations Arrival Time Independence Organization - Planners
8:50 a.m. Marked tardy after 9:05 Independence Organization - Planners Responsibility Accountable Talk Classroom behavior and appropriate dialogue

4 A Day in the Life… Morning - Independent Activities Morning Meeting
Writer’s Workshop Math Block Specials/Spanish – 3x per week Recess/lunch Reader’s Workshop Science and Social Studies End of day (organize homework, pack-up, planners, etc.)

5 Teaching Model (PLC) PLC – Professional Learning Community
Extensive collaboration Flexible groupings – class rotations Target specific content areas Students become more comfortable with entire team Groups change throughout year

6 Language Arts Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop Units of study:
Personal narratives Memoirs Ocean Animals – Nonfiction research/writing Digital writing Opinion writing Literary essays

7 Revised Math Curriculum
7 units of study: Unit 1 – Multiplication and division with factors of 2-5, 10 Unit 2 – Problem solving with mass, time, and capacity Unit 3 – Multiplication and division with factors of 6-9 Unit 4 – Multiplication and area Unit 5 – Fractions as numbers on a number line Unit 6 – Collecting and displaying data Unit 7 – Quadrilaterals and more challenging word problems Everyday Math – Materials and home-links will be used as resources throughout the year

8 Revised Math Curriculum
Fact Fluency –Skill practice, district assessments Great online resources such as,,,, and Daily fact practice (+, -, x, ÷) essential to third grade skill development! 5 minutes a day is all it takes!

9 Science Scientific Method – Guided discovery Measurement FOSS Kit
Very hands-on, inquiry-based Measurement FOSS Kit Habitats Rocks and Minerals FOSS Kit Conservation/recycling

10 Social Studies Topics to be covered: States Native Americans
Hold the date: Tuesday, 11/26 is Native American Day! Volunteer sign up available for craft stations

11 *Field Trips Fall: Spring: Bushy Hill – Native American study
Mark your calendars – Tuesday, 10/8 Mystic Aquarium – Culmination of ocean animal unit Tentative Date: Monday, 12/9 Spring: TBD *Dates and additional information forthcoming

12 Important Reminders Dismissal Notes – Any deviations to daily plan
Lunch Money - Please provide in sealed bag/envelope labeled w/ child’s name Volunteers – Please contact your child’s teacher You must be ‘Helping Hands’ trained to volunteer in the classroom and on field trips March testing schedule TBD Change in testing format Traditional CMT being replaced Early to mid-March?

13 Thanks  Thank you for attending Back to School Night and for your continued support!

14 Curriculum For more information…

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