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Welcome to Brevard Virtual School

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1 Welcome to Brevard Virtual School
A franchise of Florida Virtual School

2 Brevard Virtual School
All courses are taught by Brevard teachers, for Brevard students. BVS uses the coursework and platforms from FLVS Have you ever taken a course with BVS or FLVS? You can use this PowerPoint Presentation as you begin to work in the course. BVS is a franchise of Florida Virtual School.

3 I am Mrs. Heather Price, your instructor.
Welcome to Economics! Currently teaching at Eau Gallie High School and with BVS Nine years teaching experience Currently teaching Economics, Economics Honors, and AP Microeconomics National Board Certified On this page introduce yourself. Where you teach What you teach Years teaching Years with BVS I am Mrs. Heather Price, your instructor.

4 Personal Information Verification
I need to verify information you entered during registration: Spelling of your name Grade level Mailing address Phone numbers Student Parent School name Counselor name Verify student information provide during registration Be sure that the home phone, home address, student’s home and parent’s home are correct. If the parent was not provided during registration, try to get it at this time.

5 Your Internet Browser Will you be using AOL to access this course?
When using AOL, log into your account. Once logged in, minimize the page. Double click on your Internet Explorer icon. Use Internet Explorer to navigate the course instead of AOL, which may conflict with our platform.

6 The best place to start when you have a problem, is with me.
Your Support System The best place to start when you have a problem, is with me. If you do not need immediate assistance, me. I will respond within 24 hours. PHONE If you need immediate assistance, please call me. I am available most evenings until 8:00 pm. Give the student and parent your contact information

7 Your Support System As you begin working, it is important to know your BVS administrative staff. They are all here to help you. Dr. Walt Christy, Principal Hope Ascher, Co-franchise manager Ginger Wright, Co-franchise Manager Your School Counselor is an important member of this team. Students, Parents, and the BVS team will use your counselor to help ensure success. Dave Goodman, Counselor Elaine Sims, Registrar

8 Your Support System Ginger Wright Dave Goodman Elaine Sims Hope Ascher
Mrs. Ascher is like an assistant principal who works with curriculum and the guidance department. If you or your parents have questions or concerns with BVS, please contact her. , ext. 390 Ginger Wright Mrs. Wright is available for technical support. If you or your parents are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact her. , ext. 316 Dave Goodman Mr. Goodman is like your school counselor. If you or your parents have questions or concerns with BVS, please contact him. , ext. 272 Elaine Sims Mrs. Sims is the school’s registrar. She handles your registration and other necessary paperwork. You can contact her regarding registration concerns or emergencies. , ext. 382

9 Getting Started in the Course
Before logging into your course, visit the BVS homepage. Useful BVS announcements will be posted here. Explain to students that this is the page they should access to log into BVS. Announcements will be placed here and a link will move students to the BVS log in.

10 Logging Into Your Course
Enter your Username & Password Confirm that students know their username and password. Explain to them that this may be different from what they used in registration. Provide them with the username and password from SIMS.

11 Getting Started Use the navigation bar to move through the site.
Announcements for the course Explain to students that upon entering the course, they will see the announcement page. Updated often and should be checked each week. When you enter the course for the first time, click on “Course Information”

12 Course Information Course information should be the student’s first stop after entering the course. Under “Course Information” you will find a tutorial for operating within the course platform, “Educator Orientation”. If you have never taken a course with BVS or FLVS, you should complete this tutorial before you begin your coursework.

13 Pace Chart Explain to students the difference between Accelerated and Traditional Pace – ask students to select one. Explain to students the difference between Honors and Regular courses – ask students to select one. These choices can be changed at anytime during the course, students must select one today.

14 Pace Chart A key to success is setting up a schedule and sticking to it. It will be easier to plan your free time and life will be less stressful if you can tell people when you have class and when you are available. We provide a Pace Chart that details what assignments and activities must be done weekly to ensure successful and timely completion of the course using a traditional pace of weeks. Plan to spend approximately 3 hours per week on the course and complete 2 assignments. Some students need more time and others less. Printing copies of the pace chart, with dates (Monday-Sunday) will help you to stay on pace. Placing a copy in your work area and one is a public place, like the refrigerator, will help you stay on pace. Print your Pace Chart. Post a copy in your work space and in a public area, like the refrigerator. This will help you to stay on schedule and finish the course.

15 Academic Integrity I need to remind you of the Code of Ethics which you signed when you registered. Basically, you agreed to submit authentic work, meaning work that is not copied from another student or from another source without giving credit to that source. It is Important to submit authentic work. Students are expected to complete and submit their own work. Students must be prepared to accept our school policies on academic integrity. If a student chooses not to abide by the policies set forth, then consequences may result in removal from the course. Instructors do utilize technology they can check for authenticity of student work. If you would like to review the Academic Integrity Policy, click on “Integrity” under “Course Information.”

16 To Start Working in the Course
To access assignments The course is divided into Modules. You must complete the modules and assignments in order, since many build upon each other. When beginning each module, click on the first link, for the introduction. For each Module, begin with the Introduction.

17 Module Checklist In each Module, you will find a Checklist
The checklist gives you an idea of the number of activities in the module and the approximate time you will spend on each activity. Heather, can you explain the difference between submitted and request to be graded? How can students know work has been turned into grade? (This got to be a problem with a couple of students--is there a safeguard?)

18 Rubrics The rubrics are provided to help you make good choices in completing your assignments. Always refer to the rubric before submitting the assignment to your instructor.

19 You can access all of your assignments here
Assessments You can access all of your assignments here You get the directions for various assignments within the modules. When you are ready to complete a worksheet or submit an assignment, click on “Assessment”. This page will also tell you how many times you can submit an assignments. At BVS and FLVS, mastery is important, so we allow multiple assessments for most assignments.

20 Submitting Assessments
When ready to turn in, check “Submit for Grading” and then click the “Submit” button Explain to students that when they submit an assessment that they want graded, they must check “Submit for Grading” and click the “Submit” button. If they do not check the box, the assessment will not be in your “box” for grading.

21 The Gradebook By clicking on “Grade book” students and parents will always have access to student grades. Each assignment is listed with the grade the student earned as well as when it was submitted.

22 Assessments Your current average
If you scroll down through the Grade book, you will see your current grade. “Current Percentage” is your grade so far in the course.

23 Communication is Essential
Teachers will schedule monthly phone conferences with students and parents. Monthly progress reports will be sent, via . Your grade will be based on the work you have completed. Grades will be temporarily lowered if you are behind pace. Announcements for BVS will be on the BVS Homepage. Announcements for the course will be on the Announcement Page-the first page you see after logging into the course. Most information will be given via . You must check your , within the course, on a regular basis. Twice a week is recommended. Parent addresses will be used to keep you informed. Another key to success is regular contact with me. You may need to contact me for assistance with your assignments. If you begin to struggle, you may want to schedule a regular appointment with me. Regular contact with me is important because it will help you move through the course quickly and efficiently. You are expected to work in the course each week. There are normally two assignments and a discussion or chat room session each week. Failure to remain in contact with me may result in a “No Contact Letter.” You can be withdrawn for lack of participation in the course, so communication is especially important. If you will be going out of town, etc., it is really important for you to communicate with me. Each student will have an account through the course. It is important to check on a regular basis (2x a week is recommended). Your instructor will use as the primary form of communication. Students and parents should send all correspondence to the teachers account through Educator and not to their personal or school account.

24 Nine School - Day Grace Period
Explain the grace period and withdrawal process. Explain to students and parents, that after the grace period the student will be withdrawn with a failing grade, which will appear on the student’s transcript. It is extremely important to withdraw during the grace period if you do not think online learning is for you. Inform the parent and student of the date they will be activated, therefore beginning their grace period. BVS offers students a grace period, beginning with the first day of your activation. This allows you to withdraw from the course without penalty. If you decide to withdraw from the course, contact your instructor before your grace period ends.

25 Parents play an important role in online learning.
BVS and Parents Parents play an important role in online learning. You are encouraged to access student accounts and contact the instructor and administrative staff if you have questions or concerns. Communicate to parents the importance of talking to students about their progress in the course. Remind the parents that you can be contacted if you have concerns. Parents are encouraged to access the student’s account to check on their grade book and progress.

26 Questions?? Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact me in the future, if questions arise.

27 Welcome to Brevard Virtual School We look forward to working with you!

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