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METLA Update Office of Student Assessment April 24, 2014 James Mason, Director Walt Drane, Assistant Director.

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Presentation on theme: "METLA Update Office of Student Assessment April 24, 2014 James Mason, Director Walt Drane, Assistant Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 METLA Update Office of Student Assessment April 24, 2014 James Mason, Director Walt Drane, Assistant Director

2 2 MKAS 2 Mississippi K-3 Assessment Support System Point of Contact: Richard Baliko 601.359.5245

3 Component 1: Universal Screener and Diagnostic Assessment MDE will provide STAR for K-3 students in 50 Literacy Target schools STAR will be screener and diagnostic (Reading, EL, Math) All other schools choose their screener and progress monitoring tool Beginning of Year Screening, Middle of Year Screening, End of Year Screening 3

4 Component 1: Universal Screener and Diagnostic Assessment August 11 – September 19, 2014: Initial Screener Assessment testing window January 5 – 30, 2015: Middle of Year Assessment testing window April 27 – May 22, 2015: End of Year Assessment testing window 4

5 Component 2: Kindergarten Readiness Assessment 5 Pilot Test spring 2014 Pre-K students participating in an Early Learning Collaborative and public Pre-K schools will be assessed Starting August 11, Pre-K students will take pre-test in the fall and a post-test in the spring All Kindergarten students will take a K-Readiness assessment in the fall, and an end of year Kindergarten assessment in the spring

6 Component 2: Kindergarten Readiness Assessment April 23 – May 23, 2014: K-Readiness Pilot test for Participating Pre-K Programs August 11 – September 19, 2014: K-Readiness testing window April 9 – May 13, 2015: End of Year K- Assessment testing window 6

7 Component 3: 3 rd Grade Reading Summative Assessment Spring 2014 Technology Readiness Trial ~ April 24-May 23 Voluntary Participation Getting familiarized with system and assessment type MDE encouraged every district to sign up to promote a smooth implementation Spring 2015 All students participate Testing window ~ April 10 – 23 7 “Pre-Decisional - Not Yet Approved”

8 Component 3: 3 rd Grade Reading Summative Assessment April 24 – May 23, 2014: 3 rd Grade Reading Technology Readiness Trial April 10 – 23, 2015 April 10 – 23, 2015: 3 rd Grade Reading Summative Assessment Operational Window May 18 – 22, 2015 May 18 – 22, 2015: 3 rd Grade Reading Assessment 1 st Retest Window June 29 – August 7, 2015 June 29 – August 7, 2015: 3 rd Grade Reading Assessment 2 nd Retest Window 8

9 Questions If there are any questions with the components of MKAS 2, please contact the following: Component 1 (Universal Screener & Diagnostic Assessment) Kymyona Burk – Tenette Smith – Component 2 (Kindergarten Readiness Assessment) Robin Lemonis – Component 3 (3 rd Grade Reading Summative Assessment) Richard Baliko – 9

10 10 PARCC Field Test Update Point of Contact: Walt Drane 601.359.2111

11 PARCC Field Testing - Spring 2014 Over 1.2 million students from PARCC states are participating Approximately 85,000 Mississippi students from 140 districts and 513 schools will participate 92% of Mississippi schools identified in the initial sample volunteered to participate 80% of students will only take the PBA or the EOY in either ELA or math 11

12 Media Conversation on PARCC/SBAC 12

13 Media Conversation on PARCC April 8, 2014 13

14 Positive Tweets 14

15 PARCC Practice Tests 15 PARCC Practice Tests are now available for both ELA and mathematics Answer keys and scoring rubrics are provided Fall 2014 – PARCC will release another practice test; the computer will score these automatically Linked off of the MDE Student Assessment home page and below

16 16 Technology Readiness Grants Point of Contact: Melissa Hall 601.359.5115

17 Technology Readiness Grants - Spring 2014 SBE approved the Technology Readiness Enhancement Grants of April 18 th. Purpose is to improve technology readiness to support online learning and testing Similar to the universal screener grants $5 per student K-10 (Jan. 2014 enrollment) One-page plan required (template provided and emailed to Superintendents, DTCs and Technology Coordinators on April 22 nd. 17

18 Technology Readiness Grants - Spring 2014 The signed agreements must be received back from districts no later than Friday, May 9, 2014. Request for reimbursement of all expenses must be made no later than Friday, June 20, 2014. Payment will be sent to your district via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) process during July 2014. 18

19 Office of Student Assessment Contacts James Mason, Director Walt Drane, Assistant Director 601.359.3052

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