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Office of Assessment October 22, 2014. DeSSA Accessibility Guidelines This document provides guidelines for making the following decisions:  Inclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Assessment October 22, 2014. DeSSA Accessibility Guidelines This document provides guidelines for making the following decisions:  Inclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Assessment October 22, 2014

2 DeSSA Accessibility Guidelines This document provides guidelines for making the following decisions:  Inclusion in these assessments SWD ELL SWD/ELL Gen Education with supports (Smarter only)  Identification of “General Education with Supports” students not identified as SWD or ELL that may be provided supports during assessments  Selection and provision of testing accommodations and supports  Selection of assessment in which a student will participate 1

3 DeSSA Accessibility Guidelines Assessments covered by the Guidelines:  Smarter (ELA/Math)  DCAS (Science/Social Studies)  High School End-of-Course (Math/U.S.History)  DCAS-Alt1 (ELA/Math/Science/Social Studies)  ACCESS & ACCESS ALT (English Language Acquisition) Student may not have the same accommodations on every type of test – accommodations change with the purpose of the test. 2

4 Accessibility Guidelines Training Sessions  Face to face September 25, 26, and 29  Live 1-hour webinars October 14 One each for SWD, ELL, General Education with Supports  Webinar recording Estimated launch date: October 16 3

5 Smarter 4

6 What Are Smarter “Designated Supports?”  Another name for an accessibility feature of the test that is available to selected groups of students Available to more student-types than Smarter Accommodations Might be called accommodations on another test (i.e., DCAS) Might be called universal tools on another test 5

7 What Are Smarter “Universal Tools?”  Accessibility feature available to all students No need to select prior to test Student selects independently/spontaneously during the test Accommodations, Supports and Universal Tools can be practiced on the Practice Test site. An online training module for Universal Tools is available on the Smarter website. 6

8 7 Smarter – DCAS Crosswalk

9 Refreshable Braille on Smarter  Refreshable and Paper Braille are available on Smarter in 2015  However, this does not constitute permission to opt out of instruction and assessment in refreshable braille  Smarter States are obligated to move towards full implementation of refreshable braille for all braille-using students over the next two years  Purchase of the equipment is costly and may require planning. Exceptional Children has special High Needs funding to help  Consult the student’s TVI to determine if student is ready for refreshable braille use on the test 8

10 Zoom Text  Commonly used with students with visual impairments on DCAS  Software runs simultaneously with Secure Browser  Allows additional magnification beyond what browser allows  Needs to go through the the External Device Certification process Zoom Text not yet listed as a certified company/product on the website that announces companies and products that have been certified 9

11 Hand-Held Calculator  Only permitted if student’s usual calculator is adaptive in design; needed due to a sensory issue Talking Large display Large buttons Braille  Students may not use hand held calculator as a result of preference or other reason  Otherwise, online calculator should be used  No calculator permitted on the non-calculator portion of the math test – not even an adaptive calculator!  Hand Held calculator is anticipated to be permitted on the paper/pencil mathematics test – only on calculator permitted sections. 10

12 Accommodations & Supports for Students with Reading Learning and Print Disabilities Item DCAS Science/Social Studies and EOC Math/History Smarter ELA/Math Text to Speech – Test Questions AvailableAvailable as a support (all grades). Activates TTS on questions in ELA and Math. Also Activates TTS of passages in ELA PT. Human Reader – Test Questions AvailableAvailable as a support in ELA and Math (all grades). Passages on ELA PT are considered part of the question – these may be read. Text to Speech – Reading Passages Not ApplicablePermitted as an accommodation for ELA in grades 6-8 & 11 with a DOE-approved TTS/HR verification form. Human Reader – Reading Passages Not ApplicablePermitted as an accommodation for ELA in grades 3-8 & 11 with a DOE-approved TTS/HR verification form. 11 Spanish voices for TTS are expected to be available on Math in Spring 2015.

13  Verification form to be completed by appropriate school staff  Provide justification of print disability and information on reading supports  Required to submit to DOE for students in all grades who are expected to receive this accommodation Verification Form TTS/Human Reader (Passages) Need new screen shot of final form 12

14 Do I Need an IEP Revision Meeting?  If the change is substantive, “YES”  If the change is not substantive, answer may still be “YES”  Exceptional Children group will issue a memo addressing the decision on whether an IEP revision meeting is needed  If accommodations are identical to what student had on DCAS and only the codes are different, then no revision meeting is needed  Further information is available from 13

15 Supports for Limited English Language Proficiency Item DCAS Science/Social Studies and EOC Math/History Smarter ELA/Math Text to Speech – Test Questions AvailableAvailable for ELA & Math Human Reader – Test Questions AvailableAvailable for ELA & Math Text to Speech – Reading Passages Not ApplicableNot Available Human Reader – Reading Passages Not ApplicableNot Available We expect Smarter to announce that TTS to be available in Spanish for math in spring 2015 14

16 Language Translation Supports Item DCAS Science/Social Studies and EOC Math/History Smarter ELA/Math Full Spanish Translation – Stacked (online) AvailableAvailable for Math only (not permitted for ELA) Full translation in Other Languages (besides Spanish) Human Interpreter/Translator Not available. Human Interpreter/Translator NOT PERMITTED Print Glossary or word to word dictionary Permitted in print. Selected by school Available from Smarter in 10 languages. Use of non-Smarter-produced glossary not permitted. For MATH only. Online glossary or word- to-word dictionary Not availableAvailable for 10 languages with audio. For MATH only. 15

17 Translated Glossaries & Full Translations  Following languages are listed in the Smarter Accommodation & Supports “Frequently Asked Questions”  Full translation for Spanish (“stacked” with English )  Math only (not ELA) Vietnamese Arabic Tagalog Ilokano/Ilocano Cantonese Mandarin Korean Punjabi Russian Ukrainian 16

18 General Education With Supports: Identifying Students  Consider the following students for possible identification: Struggling and at-risk students Students receiving RTI interventions Students referred to the school’s problem-solving team Students with physical injuries  Supports should be identified by a team: RTI Committee/PLC Problem Solving Team (IST/ICT/SIT) English Language Acquisition Committee (ELAC) 17

19 Within District Process for General Education With Supports  District- or school-specific—state does not dictate  Depends on your building’s structure and existing mechanisms  Documentation should be clear and present but is not required to be the same as required for students with IEPs  Use the existing forms provided in Accessibility Guidelines 18

20 DCAS  Content areas Science and Social Studies  Same policy as previous years Accommodations only No supports For formally identified students only  ELL (English language learners)  SWD (Students with disabilities)  Universal design features for all 19

21 Accommodations Forms 20

22 Assessment Accommodations Database  Access via IMS  Contains Accommodations and Supports for Students with Disabilities (IEP, 504)  Flag=Y in eSchool, Delsis ELLs  Flag=Y in ELL 2.0 Gen Ed with Supports  Flag=Y in eSchool on Accountability screen  Enter, list, or report Accommodations and Supports  Data for AIR TIDE (Test Information Distribution Engine) is extracted from it 21

23 Help! None of Our Reading Accommodations “Rolled Up”  Accommodations could not be rolled up from 2014 DCAS reading to 2015 Smarter ELA. They are too different.  The only math accommodations in the system are 2015 DCAS math accommodations in the case of EOC Math takers. Rolled up in all grades, not just high school  All Smarter ELA accommodations and supports must be entered Use the crosswalk from last spring’s field test Determine what accommodations and supports offered on Smarter ELA are similar to DCAS Reading Accommodations.  Schools must also enter all Smarter math accommodations and supports. 22

24 Smarter Reset Policy  Most frequent reason for reset requests on DCAS is incorrect accommodations  Smarter Policy is different from previous DCAS Reset Policy  If 6 or more items have been answered, no reset will be granted. If the test was administered incorrectly (e.g., the wrong accommodations were provided), the test will be invalidated, and student will not get another opportunity to test.  If fewer than 6 items have been answered, a reset can be granted. If the test was administered incorrectly, the test reset will give you another chance to administer the test correctly.  Resets are not granted in the case of incorrectly delivered non- embedded accommodations/supports. Only for embedded.  DCAS/EOC will adopt the new Smarter reset policy. 23

25 Upcoming Training, Contacts  Additional Accessibility Guidelines training for DCAS--ALT 1 coordinators and test administrators  DOE Training on how to use the Assessment Accommodations Database  Smarter module on universal tools  Sarah Celestin – Students with Disabilities o 302-735-4210 o  Terry Richard – English Language Learners o 302-735-4210 o  Helen Dennis – Office of Assessment o 302-735-4090 o 24

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