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1 GE Digital Energy Multilin Industrial Solutions for Energy Management and Energy Efficiency By John S. Levine, P.E. Levine Lectronics and Lectric, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "1 GE Digital Energy Multilin Industrial Solutions for Energy Management and Energy Efficiency By John S. Levine, P.E. Levine Lectronics and Lectric, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GE Digital Energy Multilin Industrial Solutions for Energy Management and Energy Efficiency By John S. Levine, P.E. Levine Lectronics and Lectric, Inc.

2 2 Meters and Advanced Meter Infrastructure Automation GE Digital Energy Multilin We deliver, protect, connect and control & monitor power from generation to critical equipment to consumers; enabling safe, reliable, cleaner, more efficient, and smarter power. Protection & ControlCommunications

3 3 Metering Solutions

4 4 Basic to Advanced Facilities Metering EPM2000 EPM6000 PQM II EPM9000 EPM9800 Basic Power MonitoringPower Quality & Cost ManagementAdvanced PQ Analysis Price  Cost-effective option for simple power measurements  SCADA transducer replacement  Dynamic power factor correction  Cost allocation & demand management  Alarms and trending for preventive maintenance  Voltage disturbance recordings  Advanced analysis of power disturbances via high-speed sampling  Power quality compliance audit against utility providers  Time-synchronized power-flow analysis EPM5350

5 5 Basic Power Monitoring  3-phase continuous monitoring  Measure power factor in addition to V,I and frequency Power Quality & Cost Management  Basic Power Monitoring requirements plus:  Built-in logging History (trend data) Sequence of events Waveform capture Sag & Swell  Additional power quality metrics  I/O options Advanced Power Quality Analysis  Power Quality & Cost Management requirements plus:  Sub-cycle transients detection  Flicker reporting  IRIG-B time-sync Basic to Advanced Facilities Metering

6 6 Smart Load Shed Scheme

7 7 Scheme uses Multilin UR relays (F35, F60, G60, etc.) connected via Ethernet network to calculate power at locations throughout facility Analog power values are sent to master C90Plus control and programmable logic within C90Plus determines loads to shed based on user configuration C90Plus controller capable of communicating to 32 UR relays located throughout facility Smart load shed scheme capable of selecting the next loads to shed based on current profitability of the process or other predetermined criteria

8 8 S UT C UT SAdSAd S G2 C G2 S G1 C G1 S P1 S P2 S P3 S P4 C90 G60 F35 F60 Example Smart Load Shed Layout

9 9 S UT C UT SAdSAd S G2 C G2 S G1 C G1 S P1 S P2 S P3 S P4 Smart Load Shed - Communications Requirements Analog Power Values over IEC61850 GOOSE Messaging using Plant LAN

10 10 Smart Load Shed Scheme Benefits C90Plus can be configured to meet numerous configurations. It is completely programmable. With the addition of UR relays to your facility, the UR relays provide:  State of the art protection & control for your critical assets, such as motors, generators, transformers and feeders  Metering of your critical assets, such as motors, generators, transformers and feeders via Plant LAN.  Reduced downtime with modular construction

11 11 Intuitive Monitoring & Control Solutions

12 12

13 13 Viewpoint Monitoring Easy to use Monitoring and Data Recording

14 14 SINGLE-LINE MONITORING AND CONTROL View Single-Line monitoring screens in minutes TRENDING REPORTS Historical Record of Monitored Data PLUG-AND-PLAY MONITORING Pre-configured screens for instant monitoring GLOBAL COMTRADE VIEWER View Waveforms Recorded From your Devices AUTOMATIC EVENT AND WAVEFORM RETRIEVAL Effortless Data Archiving AUTOMATIC EVENT AND WAVEFORM RETRIEVAL Instant Alarm Notification Viewpoint Monitoring Easy to use Monitoring and Data Recording for Small to Medium Systems (50 to 150 devices)

15 15 Many Devices Supported The following Devices and Firmware Versions are supported by Viewpoint Monitoring You can easily add third party devices. Viewpoint Monitoring

16 16 Viewpoint Monitoring: Plug-and-Play How to Save Time and Costs with Viewpoint Monitoring OVERVIEW ALARMSLEARNED METERING TRIPMAINTENANCE Operating condition of your motor Status of your GE Multilin Relay or Meter Active Alarms detected by the relay Latched Alarms that require clearing Learned motor and RTD data Learned motor load All metering quantities (Amps, Volts, Power, Demand) Motor temperature monitored by the RTD’s Cause of the last motor trip Pre-trip data Trip counters and motor Starts Total motor running hours

17 17 Instantly view critical data including: Number of Motor Starts Learned Motor Starting Current Motor Running Hours History of Motor Trips Real time power quantities Motor Temperature PLUG-AND-PLAY MOTOR MONITORING Viewpoint Monitoring

18 18 Instantly view critical data including: Breaker Status Accumulated Breaker Arcing Current Real time power quantities (Amps, Volts, Demand, Energy) Synchronism data PLUG-AND-PLAY FEEDER MONITORING Viewpoint Monitoring

19 19 Instantly view critical data including: Transformer Energization Status Real time power quantities (Amps, Transformer Loading, Demand) Current Harmonic Analysis Accumulated Loss of Life Tap Changer Position Hottest Winding Temperature PLUG-AND-PLAY TRANSFORMER MONITORING Viewpoint Monitoring

20 20 Instantly view critical data including: Generator Loading Real time power quantities (Amps, Volts) Cause of Trip Data Generator Running Hours History of Generator Trips Generator Temperature PLUG-AND-PLAY GENERATOR MONITORING Viewpoint Monitoring

21 21 Instantly view critical data including: Power Quality and Equipment Status Load unbalances using real time and maximum & minimum values Cost of Energy using inputs from revenue meters Amount of total harmonic distortion on the power system PLUG-AND-PLAY POWER QUALITY MONITORING Viewpoint Monitoring

22 22 Instantly view critical data including: Availability of Normal and Emergency power sources Status of Power Source connections Real time voltages and frequency Switch status, Timer settings, and control Switch Position Stored Events and Exerciser Schedules PLUG-AND-PLAY BACKUP MONITORING Viewpoint Monitoring

23 23 Instantly view critical data including: Breaker Status Number of breaker trip operations Real time Current, Voltage and Power levels PLUG-AND-PLAY BREAKER MONITORING Viewpoint Monitoring

24 24 Identify the status of all the devices in your power system on a customized single-line monitoring screen Monitor the magnitude of any power quantity measured by your metering and protection devices Navigate though multiple monitoring screens to view the status of different parts of your network Communicate with up to 150 devices and 9000 points Create single-line monitoring screens in minutes Construct system diagrams with drag and drop ease Contains all necessary symbols and tools required for replicating your power system Includes a library of meters and Dials to graphically represent any metered quantity Single-Line Monitoring and Control Viewpoint Monitoring Monitor and Control all devices in your Power System

25 25 Viewpoint Monitoring Event Logging Automatic download of events which are stored in a system wide Sequence of Event Record Devices continually polled to check for new Events Sort and Query system event record to view events categorized by date, device type, timestamp, or customized criteria No configuration required Waveform Archiving Waveform files from GE Multilin Devices automatically downloaded from a device and stored on your hard drive Devices continually polled to check for new Waveforms Diagnose waveform fault data recorded in your power system device in a Time-based, Phasor Quantity and Tabular view Automatic Event and Waveform Retrieval

26 26 Trending Reports Historical Record of monitored data Trend up to 500 data points (10 records with 50 values each) Records data with 1 minute resolution indefinitely View data in time based graphical or tabular format Annunciator Alarming Instant Alarm Notification Create alarms on any monitored analog or digital data point Receive alarm warnings through Audio, Visual or Email notification Viewpoint Monitoring

27 27 Check the ‘Time Download’ check box for synchronizing your relay’s real-time clock with your Viewpoint Monitoring computer system. When this option is enabled, Viewpoint Monitoring will perform the time synchronization in every 12-hour interval between your relay and your Viewpoint Monitoring computer system. Automatic synchronism of connected device’s time and date Viewpoint Monitoring

28 28 Add any third party device that supports Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP/IP protocol Add non-GE Multilin devices in your facility to your Viewpoint Monitoring and Control System Third Party devices can be used in your: Single Line Diagrams Annunciator Panel Trending Reports Third Party Device Support Viewpoint Monitoring

29 29 Provide the data that is being read by the relays and meters to any third party OPC compliant Automation or Monitoring System Provide up to 3000 (for 50 devices) or 9000 (for 150 devices) data points (tags) to any OPC client Supports the entire library of devices that comes with Viewpoint Monitoring or add other third party Modbus compliant devices Ability to provide data for any third party devices added to the Viewpoint Monitoring database OPC Server Option Viewpoint Monitoring

30 30 The EnerVista ViewNode software allows multiple users to remotely monitor and control existing Viewpoint Monitoring systems. Multiple user accounts and security levels ensures system information is always accessible and secure. Key Features include: Remotely Access to: One Line Diagrams Plug-and-Play screens Annunciator Panels Trending reports Sequence of Events and Waveforms Up to 10 ViewNodes can access a single Viewpoint Monitoring server Multiple user accounts and security levels ensures secure monitoring and control of your system Remote Monitoring & Control ViewNodes

31 31

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