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Engineering Psychology cognitive psychology – creativity design – transportation psychology – Operator Control operator control – HMI – visualisation of.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Psychology cognitive psychology – creativity design – transportation psychology – Operator Control operator control – HMI – visualisation of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Psychology cognitive psychology – creativity design – transportation psychology – Operator Control operator control – HMI – visualisation of information – work&organisation psychology – theories of personality Jakub Jura Engineering Psychology

2 Course website

3 What is Psychology? Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes. Disciplines –General Psychology –Social Psychology –Developmental Psychology –Psychology of Personality –Psychometrics –Psychosemantics –Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy

4 What is Engineering psychology? Psychological approach to the solution of technical problems. Engineering Psychology is mutidisciplinary science. Engineering Psychology is concerned with adapting the equipment and environment to people, based upon their psychological capacities and limitations (Blum, 1952) Roots: –Army psychology –Ergonomics –Transportation psychology –Personnel psychology –Experimental psychology

5 Problems nuclear industry (Černobyl, Three Mile Island ) munitions factories (First World War) aviation (altimeter - misreading error ) transportation ( speed merchant ) Creative design (inventions, innovations) Human resources Testing - Selecting Training Adaptation of technical equipments to human operator Artificial intelligence (MAS, UNS)

6 Sylabus Engineering psychology fundamentals (history, principles, applications). Casuistics of use some use of engineering psychology. Bionics fundamentals (classic cases and applications). Cognitive science fundamentals - a demonstration of a multidisciplinary approach in science. Basic knowledge of psychology and philosophy of integrated CS (mind-body problem, cognitive psychology, structuralism, gestaltism). Basic knowledge of linguistics and neuroscience integrated in CS (neuropsychology of language functions, biolingvistics). Multiagent systems (the path from a centralized to a distributed approach). Knowledge ontology of multiagent systems. Holonic systems (the path from the multi-agent approach to the holonic problems, production fractaling). System approach and system dynamics and deterministic chaos. Emergent phenomena and the possibility of their synthesis. Fractal theory as a solution to the problem of part / whole (introduction to theories and their applications). The overarching theory of philosophy of science (introduction to the basic philosophical systems that deal with scientific knowledge).

7 Ideas General Psychology Transportation Psychology Operator Control Reaction time –(reaction time to stimuli and attention payd to the another stimuli) Psychology in AI Methodology of Research Measuring of the time estimation due different activities Creativity and innovation

8 Sylabus 1.Introduction 2.General psychology – Cognition 3.General psychology – Emotions 4.Operator Control 5.Transportation Psychology 6.Methodology of Research 7.Psychology in AI 8.Creativity and innovation

9 Schedule Terms: Wednesday Lectures: from 13:15 to 14:45 Lab A: from 13:15 to 14:45, Lab A: from 15:00 to 16:30. Place: lab 109, Dejvice 13.2.- Introduction, Cognitive psychology I (Lecture) 20.2.- Cognitive psychology II, Psychology of emotions and motivation (Lecture). 27.2.- LAB 1 - General psychology 6.3. - LAB 1 - General psychology 13.3. - LAB 1 - General psychology 20.3. - LAB 1 - General psychology 27.3. - Operator Control (Lecture) 3.4. - LAB 2 - Engineering psychology 10.4. - LAB 2 - Engineering psychology 17.4. - LAB 2 - Engineering psychology 24.4. - LAB 2 - Engineering psychology 9.5.(Fr.) - Final test 14.5.(Th.) - Creative design (Lecture)

10 LAB Schedule LAB 1 - General psychology Task27.2. 20.3. AfterimageG1G4G3G2 Skin sensitivityG2G1G4G3 Weber lawG3G2G1G4 Fechner lawG4G3G2G1 LAB 2 - Engineering psychology Task3. Reaction timeG1G4G3G2 Indicator evaluationG2G1G4G3 EDAG3G2G1G4 Car driver analysisG4G3G2G1

11 Operator Model of humane operator control Sensoric processes Motoric processes Internal proceses Sensation Perception Behaviour, Motoric func. Thinking, decision making, problem solving. Controled system AktorsSensors Functionla principles of controled sys. Pilot lamps Handlers

12 Cognitive model of the operator

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