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Start $99+$495 Package 10% 20% 25% 27.5% 15% AGENCY BUILDING Direct Direct / Indirect TM - Team Member TL - Team Leader TC - Team Coordinator SD - Sales.

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Presentation on theme: "Start $99+$495 Package 10% 20% 25% 27.5% 15% AGENCY BUILDING Direct Direct / Indirect TM - Team Member TL - Team Leader TC - Team Coordinator SD - Sales."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start $99+$495 Package 10% 20% 25% 27.5% 15% AGENCY BUILDING Direct Direct / Indirect TM - Team Member TL - Team Leader TC - Team Coordinator SD - Sales Director VP - Vice-President SVP - Senior Vice-President 5%5%5%5% Direct Personal Customers is 25% cashback Start as PPA $2,475 PPA Package Direct

2 TC SD VP SVP Generation Bonus 2% 1%1% 1%1% 1%1% 1.5%

3 FAST START BONUS Earn 10% Fast Start Bonus from each person you enroll with following Enrollment Packages. US$49.50 US$247.50 US$495 US$2475

4 Binary 4,000 $495 495 4,990990 20,000 20,990 Gift Points On Your Common Leg Common Leg Personal Leg Extra Gift Points or the remaining portion will expire 30 days after enrollment if not used. $2,475 YOU

5 Left Sale Team PointsRight Sale Team Points 495 685 9595 495 139.00 Earnings $ 49.50 (FS) 49.50 (FS) 40.00 49.50 (FS) 40.00 $ 278.00 49.50 (FS) 417.00 40.00 400 9595 495 590 400 190 495 400 285 685 190 495 400 285 Note: To qualify for the 10% Cycle Bonus you need to have ONE personally sponsored “active” BAs on both your Left and Right Sales Teams 10% 495 990 1275 1200 7575 1275 1200 7575 120.00 $ 537.00 Cycle 1 $ 40.00 (10%) 495 $ 40.00 (10%) 3 $ 120.00 (10%) INFINITYINFINITY D2 G2 Compensation Plan Maximum Payout US$ 25,000 per week Pay weekly Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

6 Left Sale Team PointsRight Sale Team Points 2475 2625 7575 2475 735.00 Earnings $ 247.50 (FS) 247.50 (FS) 240.00 247.50 (FS) 240.00 $1470.00 247.50 (FS) 2205.00 240.00 2400 7575 2475 2550 2400 150 2475 2400 285 2625 150 2475 2400 285 Note: To qualify for the 10% Cycle Bonus you need to have ONE personally sponsored “active” BAs on both your Left and Right Sales Teams 10% 2475 4950 5235 5200 7575 5235 5200 7575 520.00 $ 2725.00 Cycle 6 $ 240.00 (10%) 2475 $ 240.00 (10%) 13 $ 520.00 (10%) INFINITYINFINITY D2 G2 Compensation Plan Maximum Payout US$ 25,000 per week Pay weekly Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1

7 495 D2 G2 Compensation Plan $40 2475 $240 2475 495 $240 $40 Earnings A - $ 4.00 AB C D B - $ 24.00 C - $ 4.00 D - $ 24.00 $ 56.00 Pay weekly

8 YOU Compensation Plan (G2) Pays Weekly YOU TL TCSDVPSVP LEVEL 1 (Depend on D2 Bonus) TLTC SD VP SVP TL TC SD VP SVP TC SD VP SVP SD VP SVP VP SVP GEN 1 (10%) GEN 2 (10%) GEN 3 (5%) GEN 4 (5%) TM - Team Member TL - Team Leader TC - Team Coordinator SD - Sales Director VP - Vice-President SVP - Senior Vice-President

9 QUARTERLY CUSTOMER ACTIVATION POOL Earn one share per activation of 6 VIP annual memberships 3% of Quarterly Earned Revenue Quarterly Earned Revenue = $200m Total Pool Money = $6,000,000 Number of shares qualify = 30,000 Amount per share = $200 = $1,800 National V.I.P. membership is 3 International V.I.P Membership is 6

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