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Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 1 LO: Students will be able to explain and diagram the phases 1 of the cell cycle. APK: Last unit we learned.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 1 LO: Students will be able to explain and diagram the phases 1 of the cell cycle. APK: Last unit we learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 1 LO: Students will be able to explain and diagram the phases 1 of the cell cycle. APK: Last unit we learned about the cell theory and cell organelles, including the nucleus. 1 Phases - The steps in a process. CFU: What are the statements of the cell theory? CFU: What is the function of the nucleus? Connect APK to LO: Students, you already know that all cells come from preexisting cells. Today, we will learn how that happens.

2 Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 2 Concept Development: The cell cycle describes the growth, development, and reproduction of a cell. The phases 1 of the cell cycle are: Phase 1: Interphase Phase 2: Mitosis Phase 3: Cytokenisis (Check for Understanding) 1: Why are the underlined words a better word choice? (T/S-PS -NV ) SF: “_____ is a better word choice than ____ because _____.” 2: In your own words, what is proper word choice? (T/S-PS -NV -V) SF: “Proper word choice is _____.” The grades you received are spectacular.The grades you got are good. 199 235 252 ---- 176 205 213 207 230 184 ---- 187 191 164 1 Phases - The steps in a process. How does one single cell become a complex organism, like a human?

3 Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 3 Skill Development/Guided Practice: The Cell Cycle: You’ll spend most of your life growing and developing. Only a small portion of a human’s life cycle is spent in the reproductive phase 1. The same is true for cells. The cell cycle describes the growth, development, and reproduction of a cell. The phases 1 of the cell cycle are: interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. Interphase: A cell performs specific functions during interphase. During interphase, the chromosomes in the nucleus are like a bunch of thin spaghetti noodles. Each chromosome is so thin that it cannnot be observed with a light microscope. The three phases 1 of interphase are G1, S and G2. During G1 phase 1, a cell grows and carries out its usual cellular functions. For example muscle cells are using oxygen and glucose to produce ATP necessary for your body to move. Growth continues into S phase 1. During S, the chromosomes inside a cell’s nucleus replicate 2. The copies of a chromosome made during S phase 1 are called sister chromatids. Sister chromatids are held together at a region near the middle of each chromatid called the centromere. The replication 2 of chromosomes during S phase 1 ensures that the two new cells formed by cell division are identical. A cell continues to grow and carry out cellular functions during the final G2 phase 1. It also replicates organelles during this phase of interphase. 2 replicate – make an identical copy What are the 3 phases of the cell cycle? *During G1 phase a cell grows and carries out its cellular functions. *During S phase chromosomes replicate and sister chromatids form. *During G2 phase organelles replicate. I model this one: Read and underline/highlight important information. Fill-in the closed notes. CFU: “Students Did I (Mr. Chavez) identify important information to complete the notes.” Together, read this one: We read and underline/highlight important information. Fill- in the closed notes. CFU: “Students Did I (Mr. Chavez) identify important information to complete the notes.” What is the cell cycle? The cell cycle describes the growth, development, and reproduction of a cell. Interphase Mitosis Cytokinesis CFU *During G1 phase a cell _____ and __________________________ *During S phase chromosomes _______ and ______________ form. *During G2 phase ________ replicate. The cell cycle describes the __________________, and __________ _ of a cell. Foldable

4 Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 4 Skill Development/Guided Practice: Phases of Mitosis: Prophase: The first phase 1 of mitosis is prophase. Two major events happen during prophase. First, the DNA that makes up a replicated 2 chromosome twists into tight coils. The other major event during prophase is that the membrane around the nucleus breaks apart. Metaphase: During the second phase 1 of mitosis, metaphase, the replicated 2 chromosomes move to the middle of the cell. The pairs of sister chromatids line up end to end across the center of the cell. Hair-like spindle fibers pull and push the chromosomes to the middle of the cell. 2 replicate – make an identical copy What is the cell cycle? The first phase of mitosis is prophase. The DNA of the chromosome twists into tight coils. The membrane around the nucleus breaks apart. The replicated chromosomes and sister chromatids line up at the center of the cell. Spindle fibers push and pull the chromatids into position. CFU The ___ _ phase of mitosis is prophase. The DNA of the ___________ twists into tight coils. The _________ around the _______ breaks apart. The ________ chromosomes and ____ __________ line up at the center of the cell. ________ __ push and pull the chromatids into position.

5 Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 5 Skill Development/Guided Practice: Phases of Mitosis: Anaphase: In the third phase 1, anaphase, the sister chromatids of each replicated 2 chromosome begin to separate. The spindle fibers pull the centromere apart and chromatids move away from each other, toward opposite ends of the cell. Now the chromatids are called chromosomes. Telophase: The final phase 1 of mitosis is telophase. During telophase, a new membrane forms around each set of chromosomes. The chromosomes become less tightly coiled. At the end of telophase, there are two new nuclei that are identical to each other and the original nucleus. However the cell has not divided. 2 replicate – make an identical copy The replicated chromosomes begin to separate. Spindle fibers pull chromatids to opposite ends of the cell. A membrane forms around each set of chromosomes and they become less tightly coiled. Two identical nuclei are formed. CFU The replicated chromosomes begin to separate. Spindle fibers ______________ _____________________. A membrane forms around each set of chromosomes and they __________ ___________. ________________are formed.

6 Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 6 Skill Development/Guided Practice: Cytokinesis: Cytokinesis is the final phase 1 of cell division. During cytokinesis, the cytoplasm and its components divide to form two identical cells called daughter cells. During cytokinesis the cell membrane squeezes inward similar to squeezing the middle of a balloon. 2 replicate – make an identical copy Cytokinesis is the final phase of cell division. The cell membrane squeezes inward dividing the cell into two identical daughter cells. CFU Cytokinesis is the final phase of cell division. The cell membrane squeezes inward dividing the cell into ___________ _____________.

7 Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 7 Relevance: So why is knowing about mitosis important?? Science jokes are awesome! Understanding mitosis provides us with a mechanism (the how) behind organisms evolving from unicellular to multicellular organisms. Understanding mitosis provides a foundation for meiosis (next lesson). 1. 2. 3.

8 Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 8 Closure / Exit Ticket: Type in your closure task here.

9 Grade/Subject Liberty Middle School – EDI 2013 9 Word TransferEx. “When I say determine, you say figure out. When I say figure out, you say determine” TTeacher pre-reads SStudents read T/STeacher and Students read PSPair Share on a higher order question NV Non-volunteer, about 3 students VTake a Volunteer PS Pair Share on a higher order question and give them a sentence frame CFUAsk a higher order question to check for understanding CFU(in the Skill Development) Asking a process question may not be necessary WBStudents use a whiteboard for short response Delivery Strategies Legend – Consider putting these symbols as reminders to use the strategies at first. You can delete them as you get used to the pattern of the delivery. Do Not Print For Students

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