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Mary Abbajay, Principal

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1 Mary Abbajay, Principal
Generation Matters! Celebrating Generational Diversity in the Workplace! Mary Abbajay, Principal Careerstone Group, LLC Page

2 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Generation Matters “Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers...” Socrates BC © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

3 What's New In This Generation Gap?
First time four generations are working side by side in the American workplace The American workplace has changed Increased global competition The Millennials hit the workplace in huge numbers Rapid rise of and shifts in technology © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

4 Who are the Four Generations?
Veterans, Matures or Traditionalists Born: 50 to 52 Million 5% - 6% of workforce Baby Boomers Born: 76 Million 38% to 40% of workforce Generation X Born: 46 to 52 Million 30% to 35% of workforce Millennials, Nexters or Gen Y Born: 75+ Million 20% to 25% of workforce Neil Howe & William Strauss, “Generations” © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

5 Generational Projections and Stories
Stories/Projections about older generations: Stuck in their ways, resistant to change, technophobes, reluctant to give up power, retired in place, clogging the system, etc. © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

6 Generational Projections and Stories
Stories/Projections about younger generations: Impatient, disrespectful, entitled, spoiled, technically advanced, book smart—not street smart, poor work ethic, no loyalty. etc. © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

7 Generational Commonalities
Different generations have common needs and frustrations in workplace We often articulate these needs and frustrations differently Awareness & appreciation of different perspectives is key to building on commonalities! © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

8 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Those Dang Fool Kids! © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

9 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Intent Versus Impact We judge ourselves on our intent Others judge us on our impact It is our responsibility to manage our impact © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

10 What Influences a Generation?
Core values are programmed into us during the first 15 years of life through four major influences: Parents/Family Structure Economic Status, Ethnicity, Religion, etc. Events Technology Shifts Cultural Norms © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

11 Traditionalists Born 1922-1945
52 Million 5% of Workforce Rapidly disappearing from full time work Loyal to employer Promotions, raises, and recognition come from job tenure Measure work ethic on timeliness, productivity, and not drawing attention Military model: rank & status; structure & authority; chain of command These work world beliefs and models still have strong influence © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

12 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Baby Boomers Born 76 million 38 to 40% of workforce Mid to late career: entering traditional retirement age Large and in charge Career oriented–willing to work long hours Long period of economic prosperity Social change agents “Me Generation” Youth oriented Lifestyle satisfaction focus © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

13 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Baby Boomers Born 76 million 38 to 40% of workforce Mid to late career: entering traditional retirement age Large and in charge Career oriented–willing to work long hours Long period of economic prosperity Social change agents “Me Generation” Youth oriented Lifestyle satisfaction focus © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

14 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Baby Boomers Born 76 million 38 to 40% of workforce Mid to late career: entering traditional retirement age Large and in charge Career oriented–willing to work long hours Long period of economic prosperity Social change agents “Me Generation” Youth oriented Lifestyle satisfaction focus © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

15 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Generation X Born 51 Million 30% to 35% of Workforce Mid-career--moving into leadership positions Sandwiched between 2 huge generations Long period of economic and institutional insecurity Educated, entrepreneurial workforce Independent free agents Skeptical, pragmatic, and results oriented © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

16 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Gen Y Media Attention © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

17 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Generation Y Born 1981 to 2000 75+ million 20%-25% of workforce (and growing!) Will soon outnumber Gen X Launching Careers Educated Competitive Democratic family systems Helicopter parents “Quarterback Generation” Trophy Generation Wiki World Socially oriented Looking to contribute now! © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

18 Gen Y Workplace Attractors
Advanced technology Camaraderie Developmental opportunities Competitive compensation Flexible work schedule Green work places Recognition Teamwork Innovative work aligned with interests © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

19 Workplace Strategies: Gen Y
Onboard Clarify expectations!!! Encourage cohort Manage first job blues Provide rotation opportunities Manage, coach, mentor Provide timely feedback Challenge them: provide meaningful work Professional development Flexible work © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

20 Messages That Alienate Y
Success comes from a solid, proven work ethic. You must pay your dues. We all have. We expect and reward for loyalty. Because, it’s the way we’ve always done it. © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

21 Organizational Change & Gen Y
Less invested and connected to “old ways” Digital natives Accustomed to immediacy Desire for connectivity Natural pollinators © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

22 Communicating Across Generations
Approach Generational Differences with interest and curiosity, not fear or negativity Be mindful of your assumptions: clarify values & language! Separate intent from impact Articulate expectations, perspectives and needs Put yourself in their shoes © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

23 New Isn’t Always Better!
© 2014 Careerstone Group LLC

24 © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC
Closing Thoughts Today’s organizations must manage, develop and lead a 21st Century workforce Align organizational needs/wants with workforce needs/wants Flexible talent development: One size does not fit all! Mentoring (and reverse mentoring) can play an important role in leveraging Generational Diversity We have more in common than we think © 2014 Careerstone Group LLC Page

25 ©2014 Careerstone Group, LLC
Thank You! Good Luck! ©2014 Careerstone Group, LLC

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