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Slide 1 Leveraging GIS to improve efficiencies and reduce costs at North Delhi Power Ltd Arup Ghosh Chief Technical Officer North Delhi Power Ltd (Joint.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Leveraging GIS to improve efficiencies and reduce costs at North Delhi Power Ltd Arup Ghosh Chief Technical Officer North Delhi Power Ltd (Joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Leveraging GIS to improve efficiencies and reduce costs at North Delhi Power Ltd Arup Ghosh Chief Technical Officer North Delhi Power Ltd (Joint venture of Tata Power Co Ltd and Govt of National Capital Territory of Delhi)

2 Obligation to supply on request (USO) Slide 2 Section XX. Sub section (X) “Every pizza delivery agency, shall, on an application by the caller, deliver pizza to such premises, within one month after receipt of the application requiring such delivery” -Pizza Act 20XX

3 Obligation to supply on request (USO) Slide 3 Section 43. Sub section (1) “Every distribution licensee, shall, on an application by the owner or occupier of any premises, give supply of electricity to such premises, within one month after receipt of the application requiring such supply” -Electricity Act 2003

4 Slide 4 North Delhi Power Ltd. (NDPL) Delhi had State owned vertically integrated Utility; High financial losses and poor customer service; Vertically separated in 2001 to Genco, Transco, Discoms Discoms privatised in July 2002; Tata Group 51%, Govt of Delhi 49%; Distribution Utility for Northern Delhi; Electricity is a Regulated Business in India; State Regulators and Central (Federal) Regulators.

5 Slide 5 North Delhi Power Ltd. (NDPL)RevenueRs. 3,100 Cr (USD 700 Million) Peak Demand 1,313 MW Annual Energy Requirement 7,700 MU Registered Customers 12 Lakh Population Serviced 50 Lakh Employees3,500 Licensed Area 510 Sq Kms Per Capita Consumption 1245 Units (National Average - 500) Customer Density 2,353 / Sq. Km Employees Customer Ratio 2.9 Employees /1000 Customers Employees Energy Ratio 0.45 employees / MU Energy Input Demand / Energy Growth 8%

6 Slide 6 NDPL’s achievement – AT&C Losses

7 Slide 7 NDPL’s achievement – Trans failures

8 Slide 8 NDPL’s achievement – Reliability indices Hours & Nos. Hours

9 Unpleasant reality… Slide 9 Non-payment of electricity bill is a reality; Supply gets disconnected on non-payment; Rather than pay dues and get connection restored, consumers apply for new connection in different name; Law allows recovery of dues if dues exist in same premises; Identification of dues a cumbersome process.

10 Leveraging GIS for innovative solution… Slide 10 Populating GIS with network and consumer data; Integrating with other IT applications; Dramatic reduction in new service connection time.

11 What the media said… Slide 11

12 New connection process flow… Installed? Data Entry Instant Connection Desk Payment? Yes Identified dues? Auto Batch Request registered in CRM Eligible for IC? GIS returns neighbouring connection details Registered for normal processing Payment of dues Invoice for connection charges. Site Visit R/C Identified dues? Connection charge invoice. Payment? Connection Desk Yes No Yes No 20 Days No One Minute20 Days Slide 12

13 CRM Adjoining Cons Numbs Slide 13 GIS based dues verification…

14 CRM Slide 14 GIS based dues verification… Cons NumbAddressPole NumbDuesEligible XXX A/BYN YYY C/DYY ----- ZZZ E/FNY Search for match between new connection address and existing Consumer Numb addresses Auto dues check on fetched list of Consumer Nos Time Lag : A few seconds

15 GIS based Auto batch allocation… Slide 15 CRM Engineer ID Master Area Numb Zone Code A1111AA B2222BB ----------- C3333CC Matured case Master Area Numb Zone Code XXX111AA YYY222BB ----- ZZZ333CC Matured case Engineer allocated to. XXXA1 YYYB2 ----- ZZZC3 Payment

16 Rs. 210 Site visit activities Rs. 35 Application form digitization Rs. 12 Dues verification Rs. 20 Connection charge invoicing Rs. 12 Meter & work allotment process Rs 290/ Rs 900 = 30% Cost Reduction Rs 289 Net savings Slide 16 Cost reduction and savings…

17 GIS Based NOC Rs 250 Profit on additional sales Rs 420 / Rs 900 = 47 % Cost reduction Rs 420 Net Savings Rs 290 Net Cost Reduction Cost reduction and savings… Rs 120 Additional expenditure Slide 17

18 GIS Based NOC Reduction in site visit amounts to 31,500 litres of petrol per Annum Exceeding consumer expectation and raising delivery standards Environment & social benefits… Slide 18

19 GIS Based NOC Pizza Delivery Connection Delivery THANK YOU Slide 19

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