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US Army Tactical C2 Interoperability Services: Publish and Subscribe Server (PASS) and Data Dissemination Service (DDS) Sam Easterling Army PM Battle.

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Presentation on theme: "US Army Tactical C2 Interoperability Services: Publish and Subscribe Server (PASS) and Data Dissemination Service (DDS) Sam Easterling Army PM Battle."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Army Tactical C2 Interoperability Services: Publish and Subscribe Server (PASS) and Data Dissemination Service (DDS) Sam Easterling Army PM Battle Command 2 DEC 09

2 Outline What are PASS/DDS in a nutshell? Operational Context
Technical Detail Summary

3 Army Battle Command Systems
TBC (CPOF, MCS) GCCS-A/NECC EAC C2 Shared SA Net-Ready Interoperability Automatic Database Replication Maneuver Display and disseminate COP Disseminate Orders Tactical Collaboration Interoperability between Tactical and Theater levels Chem-Bio Rad-Nuc (CBRN) FBCB2/ JBC-P Functional Capabilities Battle Command Common Services Blue Force/SA MANUEVER PLI/SA MEDEVAC Orders NBC ENGINEER AFATDS FIRE SUPPORT AMDWS Fire Support AIR DEFENSE Synchronized Fires, Effects, & Maneuver Execute Responsive Fires JADOCSHand helds Target Locations Radar/Observer Locations ENEMY Air Defense AIR PICTURE Air Defense to Maneuver Units Positive Aircraft ID Weapon Coverage LOGISTICS TAIS WEATHER BCS3 Logistics Airspace Combat Power In-transit Visibility Joint Automated Air Space Control with the JFACC Air Support Request DCGS-A Maps Weather DTSS IMETS Intelligence ASAS Local Terrain “Go/No-Go” Areas Weather Effects Matrix Battle Scale Forecast Model Secondary Imagery Intelligence Summary Enemy Locations Enemy Geometries 3

4 PASS/DDS (in a nutshell)
Built to support many-to-many data exchange requirements emerging from stovepiped architectures Publication/ Subscription mechanism Does not impose a model on the way the application conducts the Business of War. Not a database, but published data is stored for future subscriptions with a time-to-live Flexible methodology allowing for insertion of new schemas and message exchange Web Services/SOAP and XML Runs over HTTP(s). Internet protocol Protocol knows how to deal with latent and ‘dirty’ networks Data agnostic But…. ABCS message exchange is based on PASS schemas

5 Data that Battle Command Exchanges via PASS / DDS
Friendly Position Reports (ground and air) Enemy Situation Reports Sensor tracks Military C2 Graphics / Battlespace Geometries Significant Activities (SIGACTS) Targets Airspace Control Orders (ACO) Weather Task Organization Information Addressbook Change Notification Indicators and Warnings

6 Each US Army unit in OEF has a PASS node at CJTF, BCT, BN HQ
Also in 57th SIG, MEB-A Co-located with every CPOF Master Repository to enable exchange Also planned installation in IJC HQ to enable interoperability services with NATO apps

7 UK/US Information Exchanges
TRACKS TRACKS GCCS-J GCCS-A ICS WISEWeb -> Sharepoint Document/File Exchange and Collaboration (Read, download, post, contribute) SharePoint Jchat VoIP Phone MEDEVAC/CASEVAC, Personnel Recovery, FMV coordination, CAS coordination, TIC Transverse, Jchat, mIRC VoIP Phone SIGACTS CIDNE CIDNE PASS PASS / DDS US BC Systems CPOF TAIS GCCS-A AFATDS FBCB2 BCS3 DCGS-A JADOCS AMDWS CIDNE JOCWATCH SIGACTS PASS PASS / DDS JADOCS - SIGACTS - BATTLESPACE GEOMETRIES - TARGETS - POSITION REPORTS -INDICATORS/ WARNINGS AIR TRACKS ENEMY SITUATION ACO Fire Support Coordination Measures Coalition Fires / Effects JADOCS JADOCS TIGR TIGR Patrol Reporting MIP Other Coalition Forces

SA Tracks only GCCS-J NIRIS iGeoSit Viewer SA Tracks only In theatre Link-16 feed SA Tracks only ? CPOF Client SA Tracks only Full COP (CST) GCCS-A CPOF MR/DB JADOCS GEO, Full COP iGeoSIT Server Full COP Full COP SIGACTS (+) Full COP CIDNE SIGACTS (-) Graphics, non-track POS-RPT SIGACTS (+) SIGACTS (+) PASS COP LM (formerly BOM) SIGACTS (+) JOCWATCH Graphics, non-track POS-RPT Graphics, non-track POS-RPT MIP GW MIP GW

9 Proposed CXI Architecture with C2 Interoperability Bus
CIDNE JADOCS ISRIS Intel FS JOCWatchB NIRIS C2PC CPOF FBCB2 GCCS BOM JOIIS COP ICC US Integration Solutions Based on PASS / DDS Server C2 Interoperability Bus (CUR 355) JC3IEDM / NIIA Canonical Form By installing an ISAF interoperability bus on the ISAF Secret network, we can significantly simplify our connection to the US systems. This will enable us to significantly reduce the scope of work required of the CENTRIXS ISAF Phase II project and will result in a solution that is both more flexible and is also easier to maintain. The ISAF interoperability bus will be based on existing NATO standards, including the JC3IEDM standard that has arisen from the MIP community, and also the NIIA standards for ISR interoperability that have been developed by the MAJIIC community. EVE CIED IFTS JISR 1 Others CORSOM GEO ü JADOCS NATO UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to ISAF 9

10 IJC MIP Architecture ISAF Secret CENTRIX ISAF Router
PASS / DDS MIP COP LM IGEOSIT Battle field Geometry NATO and ANA Boundaries FOBS COPS UNITS (not tracks) NGO/IO Locations Road (Planned, under construction and completed) CPOF

11 DDS Uses a Pub-Sub Approach
1. Providers Advertise (the data they will publish) 2. Consumers Subscribe (to their server for data) 4. Servers match advertisement, subscription and publish metadata 3. Providers Publish (push data to their server) There are multiple collaborating servers within the DDS network 5. Servers Publish (push data to consumers) Clients only communicate with a single server

12 DDS and advertisements
DDS uses advertisements to “tell everyone on the network” that data exists at a certain node DoD Discover Metadata Specification (DDMS) version 1.3 is the standard for the advertisement What type of data Data description Who has access to the data Clients subscribe to advertisements Clients provide the “call back protocol” method to deliver data HTPP(s), UDP(s) (DDS version 2.0) Publishers, publish data for an advertisement Once a publisher, injects data, and a match occurs against the subscription, data is delivered to the client

13 DDS versus PASS Data is global PASS compatibility
Unlike PASS which was a application for data dissemination within the TOC, DDS was developed with global data as the main paradigm. PASS compatibility Will keep compatibility with current PASS Usage of a PASS/DDS bridge to mach advertisement to topic Not tied to any software baseline because of backward compatibility Better security model than PASS Complies with NCES security policies Meets DOD guidelines for security.

14 PASS to DDS Evolution DDS – Federated Service PASS – Local Service
SOA / SOAP Interface Payload independent Data Caching Publish and Subscribe Advertise, Publish & Subscribe, Query Limited Metadata filtering (Topic, AOI, Time) Enhanced metadata and Content filtering (Keywords, Content, AOI, Time) Local interchange Net-Centric Interchanges Hand-Jammed static PASS forwarding relationships Dynamic Peer node Discovery

15 Sample metadata <advertise commandDateTime=" T11:04: :00" userID="mcsuser" xmlns=" - <metadata>   <ns1:title ns2:classification="U" ns2:ownerProducer="USA" xmlns:ns1=" xmlns:ns2="urn:us:gov:ic:ism:v2">MCS_DEMO</ns1:title>   <ns3:description ns4:classification="U" ns4:ownerProducer="USA" xmlns:ns4="urn:us:gov:ic:ism:v2" xmlns:ns3=" <ns5:creator ns6:classification="U" ns6:ownerProducer="USA" xmlns:ns5=" xmlns:ns6="urn:us:gov:ic:ism:v2"> - <ns5:Organization>  <ns5:name>MCS</ns5:name>   </ns5:Organization>   </ns5:creator> - <ns7:subjectCoverage xmlns:ns7=" - <ns7:Subject>   <ns7:category ns7:label="Ground" />   <ns7:keyword ns7:value=“FBCB2" />   </ns7:Subject>   </ns7:subjectCoverage> - <ns8:temporalCoverage xmlns:ns8="   <ns8:start> T11:03:55-05:00</ns8:start>   <ns8:end> T16:03:55-05:00</ns8:end>   </ns8:temporalCoverage> - <ns9:geospatialCoverage xmlns:ns9="   <ns9:lowerCorner> </ns9:lowerCorner>   <ns9:upperCorner> </ns9:upperCorner>   </ns9:geospatialCoverage>   <ns10:security ns11:classification="U" ns11:ownerProducer="USA" ns11:releasableTo=“MCSGroup FBCB2Group" xmlns:ns11="urn:us:gov:ic:ism:v2" xmlns:ns10=" />   </metadata>   </advertise>

16 How DDS Works DDS client, discovers DDS node location through the use of discovery services Publisher Advertise their data, DDS server to server protocol propagates advertisements to other nodes Publish data to local DDS node. DDS node merges subscribers of published data from save DDS node and send data to node then DDS nodes stores based on TTL Subscribers Subscriber, specify advertisement and data filters DDS node will match subscriptions to advertisements and forward subscription to owning DDS nodes When DDS node receives published data, it sends to subscribers NCES Security Authenticates and authorizes DDS nodes, publishers & subscribers NCES Services Security Discovery Sub 1 DDS Nodes Sub 2 DDS Subscribe Advertise Key Advertisements Subscriptions Published data DDS Advertise Publish Publisher Sub 1 Overlap in subscriptions from same DDS node are only sent once Sub 2

17 ABCS Data Dissemination Service (DDS) Security Model Tactical Services Security System (TS3)
Cert Validation Service User Auth. Service Principal Attribute Service Policy Decision Service User Directory (AD / LDAP / etc.) (roles, clearances, citizenship) (2) Client App Digital Sig. (7) User Attributes (e.g. Role/Groups) returned (8) Present User Role (9) User is authorized (4) Present UN/PW (5) User DN received (6) Present User DN (3) Cert validated (0) User provides credentials (Username/PW) (1) Digitally Signed SOAP Request with SAML Assertion DDS Client Security Header Handler Signature Handler Cert Validation Handler User Authentication Handler Principal Attribute Handler Policy Decision Handler SAML Cert Validation Handler Signature Handler Security Header Handler Certification Validation Service (CVS) which serves as a domain’s trust anchor for establishing the authenticity and validity of certificates. (authenticating the request) Policy Decision Service (PDS) - authorize the request. PDS makes a decision (permit / deny / indeterminate) based on the evidence and the access control policies of this trust domain. (10) Digitally Signed SOAP Response with filtered data DDS Web Service NOTES: All connections are SSL using HTTPS All transactions are digitally signed and validated Client Cert Validation Handler connects to the Cert Validation Service (not shown) NCES Component SEC Developed Component

18 Summary PASS / DDS are used by US Army Battle Command systems to share ‘common operational picture’ data at tactical echelons XML payloads with metadata to enable appropriate AOI/temporal queries and identify releasability HTTPS-based with soft certificate-based security model Supporting initial coalition interoperability with UK (JADOCS) and ISAF (CPOF, JOCWATCH, COP LM)

19 Backup

20 Security policy DDS has a comprehensive security model
Functional Validation Users have privileges to functionality based on their group membership Clearance Classification Users have privileges to publish or subscribe based on their security classification and releasibility for data. Users have privileges to publish or subscribe based on the rights associated with the advertisements. Advertisements carry security classification Need to know All functionality for access is based on users being members of groups Advertisements carry need to know Advertisement is only available to subscribers who are in the groups which are specified in ‘Releasable To’ field of the Advertisement Single Sign On under Windows (clients)

21 MIP Deployment Summary
MIP Ver 09_4_4_22 is installed on the BCS server at IJC HQ. MIP is receiving data from CPO LM (formally BOM) and publishing it to PASS. We have tested it with CPOF and CPOF is subscribing to PASS and displaying the data. There is one issue with Road graphics they are a point to point line, but they are displaying as an icon. Joel Varanda is sending Venis the unclass PDU for the road. COPLM is sending the following data through MIP: Battle field Geometry NATO and ANA Boundaries FOBS COPS UNITS (not tracks) NGO/IO Locations Road (Planned, under construction and completed) COP LM is not sending the following data SIGACTS (JOC Watch) Ground Tracks (GCCS-J) Air Tracks (TBMCS) Fires (JADOCS) LOG (NIRIS)

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