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Multinational Information Interoperability Leveraging Multinational Warfighter Consensus for US DoD Transformation April 2004 Mr. Richard Lee ADUSD (Interoperability.

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Presentation on theme: "Multinational Information Interoperability Leveraging Multinational Warfighter Consensus for US DoD Transformation April 2004 Mr. Richard Lee ADUSD (Interoperability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multinational Information Interoperability Leveraging Multinational Warfighter Consensus for US DoD Transformation April 2004 Mr. Richard Lee ADUSD (Interoperability and Network Centric Warfare) ODUSD (Advanced Systems and Concepts) 703-695-7938

2 2 Acknowledgements  DUSD (Advanced Systems and Concepts) –Ms. Sue C. Payton: Vision & Support  Multinational Support: –Three national teams for demonstration and discussions –The Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) community Portugal, Canada, and US efforts presented today are representative of a larger C2 community –DISA: LtGen Raduege, Ms. Dawn Meyerriecks, Mr Bernal Allen and the staff of the Media Center for their assistance in making the demonstrations possible PortugalCanadaUnited States

3 3 Motivation  Purpose: –The DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy calls for management of data within Communities of Interest (COI), raising the issue of how to define, organize and govern COIs. –Today’s demonstration shows capabilities resulting from committed Warfighter-led C2 Community of Interest. –We will demonstrate information interoperability between national C2 systems from US, Canada and Portugal Replicating (on a small scale) a 11-nation interoperability operational test in September 2003 Showing an implementation consistent with the DoD Net- Centric Data Strategy (ASD/NII May 2003) –We will share information about the successful multinational interoperability consortium and process, and emerging operational capabilities. –We expect to generate thought and discussion about accelerating the DoD net-centric transformation by applying the processes and products of the Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) to the GIG.

4 4 Agenda  Welcome / Overview  US DoD Transformation Context  MIP Overview  MIP Multinational Demonstration  Next Steps - Leveraging MIP  Questions/discussion MIP: Multilateral Interoperability Programme National system presentation / demonstration at the individual workstations after the formal presentations and demonstration

5 5 What this is NOT  A sales pitch for a specific technology or system  A system-centric approach (status quo)  A comparison of national systems, their strengths or weaknesses  A “Silver Bullet” to solve all US Joint interoperability issues  An endorsement or commitment by any US national entity to implement the capabilities you will see, but –within the MIP Community there are commitments between the national system developers regarding planned implementation actions –the C2 Information Exchange Data Model (C2IEDM) that enables information interoperability in the demonstration has been approved by the US in the ratification process for C2 interoperability under NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 5523.

6 6 What you will see today  Multinational information interoperability enabling operational and tactical C2 capability, improved situational awareness and accelerated decision making  Concrete results from a successful, committed long-term multinational process of Warfighter consensus development and documentation within a Community of Interest  A way to address key aspects of DoD’s Transformation Challenge –JBMC2 mandate for C2 Interoperability by 2008 –Information-centricity required by DoD strategy and policy –Joint / Multinational / Interagency interoperability across the spectrum of homeland security and homeland defense The MIP process and products can be leveraged for critical information interoperability capability... a key transformation enabler for the GIG

7 7 Global Information Grid GIG Applications and Data Net-Centric Enterprise Services Transformational Communications System (TCS) Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Global Information Grid –Bandwidth Expansion (GIG-BE) - Enterprise Systems Management - Messaging - Discovery - Mediation- Collaboration - User Assist - IA/Security - Storage Services- Application 9 Core Enterprise Services + APIs GIG IP-based Transport GIG will be implemented to provide rapid exploitation of diverse data sources, customized to meet specific Warfighter/mission demands.

8 8 GIG Applications and Data Net-Centric Enterprise Services Transformational Communications System (TCS) Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Global Information Grid –Bandwidth Expansion (GIG-BE) - Enterprise Systems Management - Messaging - Discovery - Mediation- Collaboration - User Assist - IA/Security - Storage Services- Application 9 Core Enterprise Services + APIs GIG IP-based Transport DoD Net-centric Data Strategy DoD Net-centric Data Strategy Global Information Grid The DoD Net-centric Data Strategy provides guidance about the importance of communities of interest for interoperability and GIG functionality.

9 9 GIG Applications and Data Net-Centric Enterprise Services Transformational Communications System (TCS) Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Global Information Grid –Bandwidth Expansion (GIG-BE) - Enterprise Systems Management - Messaging - Discovery - Mediation- Collaboration - User Assist - IA/Security - Storage Services- Application 9 Core Enterprise Services + APIs GIG IP-based Transport C2IEDM captures the consensus of a multinational Warfighter Community of Interest. C2 Information Exchange Data Model: C2IEDM Global Information Grid MIP DoD Net-centric Data Strategy DoD Net-centric Data Strategy

10 Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) COL Stuart Whitehead TPIO- Battle Command Fort Leavenworth, KA Mr. Paul Ulrich OPM Ground Combat C2 Fort Monmouth, NJ

11 11 MIP TOR Aim: Achieve international interoperability of Command and Control Information Systems (C2IS) at all levels: –corps to battalion, or lowest appropriate level –support multinational, combined and joint operations –advance digitization in the international arena including NATO Scope : –War Ops, Crisis Response Ops, Defence Against Terrorism –Joint, Interagency, Multinational, Non-governmental Organizations –Tactical to Operational and Strategic levels

12 12 MIP Defined What it is and what it provides: –Materiel / Combat developer forum to build consensus on how to achieve operational interoperability through information exchange Mature process, long-term roadmap Driven by national doctrine and requirements Consensus-based technical specification for national implementation System-independent capability based on information interoperability –Venue for international interoperability testing –Coordinates synchronization of materiel fielding plans What it is not : –A cooperative development program: No common funding No single Program Manager No common hardware or software development –Organization specific, e.g., NATO, PFP, ABCA... Bottom Line: MIP is a functioning successful C2 Community of Interest

13 13 Background 1980 1995 19982002 … QIP Long history of collaboration, cooperation, and synchronization


15 15 Organisation Block 2 Technical Working Group (TWG) Operational Working Group (OWG) Systems Engineering & Architecture Working Group (SEAWG) Data and Procedural Working Group (DPWG) Test & Evaluation Working Group (TEWG) Configuration Control Working Group (CCWG) MIP Steering Group (MSG) Programme Management Group (PMG) Chair Vice Chair Chair Deputy Data Modelling Working Party (DMWP) Chair Deputy Multi-Disciplinary Working Parties (MDWPs)

16 16 Specification Development Information Requirements Data Elements Information Exchange Rules OWGTWGDPWG Message Text Format Set (MTF) Message Exchange Mechanism (MEM) Data Exchange Mechanism (DEM) MIP Information Resource Dictionary (MIRD) Land C2 Information Exchange Data Model (LC2IEDM) MTIR - MIP Tactical C2IS Interoperability Requirements MTIDP – MIP Technical Interface Design Plan MIOP – MIP Interface Operating Procedures MIP Contracts Security Policies SEAWG MSISP MIP System Interconnection Security Policy

17 17 MIP Requirements Roadmap MIP has a long-term plan to deliver capability

18 18 Block Implementation Plan 090102030504060708 Block I Block II Block III Analyze Bl 1 Design Bl 1 Test Bl 1 Bl 1 In-Service Req cap Bl 2 Analyze Bl 2 Design Bl 2 Test Bl 2 Bl 2 In-Service Req cap Bl 3 Analyze Bl 3 Design Bl 3 Test Bl 3 Bl 3 In-Service IOT&EFOT&E Today

19 19 Concept Common Information Model C2IEDM Staff officer Commander Common understanding Automated information exchange Shared tactical picture Effective C2 for international operations Collaboration C2IEDM Commander National Implementation DEM MEM MCI

20 20

21 21 MIP Solution - Exchange Services INTERNATIONAL MIP SPECIFICATION (Lingua Franca) MCI NATIONAL CCIS System-independent IER IP-based Comm DB-DB Replication Services C2 Interface NATIONAL LC2IEDM MCI NATIONAL

22 22 IOT&E Objectives Confirm the operational fieldability of the MEM in accordance with MTIR v. 1.0 requirements. Test and evaluate the operational fieldability of the DEM in accordance with the MTIR v. 1.0. Test and evaluate coexistence of MEM and DEM implementation of MIP Baseline 1.0. MTIR = MIP Tactical C2IS Interoperability Requirements DEM = Data Exchange Mechanism, MEM = Message Exchange Mechanism

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26 26 Operational Views IOT&E Presentation of National Command and Control Systems Commander’s Displays (remote views) Doctrine and Operational Rules set the default views

27 Selected IOT&E Tactical Operation Centers

28 28

29 29 Scenario SICCE LFC2IS MCS

30 30 Scenario (cont.) SICCE LFC2IS MCS

31 31 Scenario (cont.) SICCE LFC2IS MCS

32 32 Maritime Examples

33 33 Data Replication Concept Nat. DB LC2IEDM Nat. DB MIP Common Interface Nat. Comms. {101}A05{206010001207770023|7|R05{206010001207770…. PDU User Terminal En. Armored Bat in 30TXM200123 II National C2IS Ethernet LAN

34 34 MIP Block 1 – Information Exchange Automated C2 Interface Exchange Mechanism To Support Liaison –Shared Tactical Picture (Position Location) 176 Information Categories –Exchange Of Orders/Graphics –Holdings/Status Information e.g., AD Weapons Control Status e.g., Running Status

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37 37 MIP Path Forward MIP has established a basic capability for exchange of SA data in Block 1 MIP has a path forward based upon a defined set of functionality enhancements in a block implementation scheme We’ve identified the need to define MIP Operating Procedures that need to be incorporated into national unit/TOC SOPs We’ve begun to realize the impact on ways of doing business/culture Need to investigate and plan for evolution in warfare in the information age

38 38 MIP Acceptance NATO Corporate Data Model NATO Force Goal NATOStandardisationAgreement NATO Policy BiSC AIS Land Functional Services NATO C3 TechnicalArchitecture HRF(L) HQ Military Criteria National C2IS MIP

39 39 US Efforts that Leverage MIP GIG –J6I has identified C2IEDM / MIP as addressing Key Interface Profile #17 –Identified as applicable to User Defined Operational Picture (UDOP) COI ABCS –Current US MIP implementation program is Maneuver Control System –Planned software reuse - other ABCS programs ABCS MIP software can be leveraged by other Service programs Army Future Combat Systems (FCS) –Coalition Interoperability Requirement. MIP FCS MOA in process. Shared Tactical Ground Picture (STGP) –US, UK, FR, IT, GE, NO, and CA interoperability project FIOP FY04 program initiative –Single Integrated Ground Picture (SIGP) –Situational Awareness Data Interoperability (SADI) DISA XML Registry: Coalition Namespace –Includes C2IEDM Interface Control Document –Authored by Institute for Defense Analysis

40 40 AT&L

41 41 What You Saw How it fits with the DoD Vision  What you just saw was a multinational instantiation of information interoperability, coincidentally consistent with DoD Data Strategy  Shared Warfighter Concepts and Vocabulary: –Net-centric Data Strategy approach to interoperability relies on COI consensus-based information definitions and governance for data and information management –The MIP work, and demonstrated multinational interoperability capability, are proof that we can achieve COI consensus- based information interoperability  Enterprise Services: –MIP has implemented a robust vocabulary and mechanism for Allied Warfighter information exchange – that will need to tie to the GIG –GIG information discovery, exchange, and mediation services, must support Warfighter C2 concepts and vocabularies. –The MIP multinational C2 COI standards provide a foundation for Joint capability.

42 42 AlliesUS Joint Emerging Allied/Coalition Interface Multi-national / Interagency WAN Core Consultation, Command and Control C2IEDM Allies CENTRIXS Core Consultation and C2 COI Country, Service, System, Application, Vendor - independent Query & Replication Services supported over Network Comm C2 System Interface and/or Internal DB

43 43 Core C2 Services MIP Core C2 Vocabulary: Fire Support IEW ADA CSS Maneuver A2C2 NBC MP Eng/Terrain CMO Weather Signal Enemy Mission Capability Packages JC2 OV-1 Joint Command and Control (JC2) Operational Concept Situational Awareness Air & Space Ops Intelligence Force Projection Joint Fires Force Protection Force Readiness

44 44 Opportunities  Operationalize the Data Strategy! –Define, Organize and Govern the US C2 COI Create an ongoing Warfighter-led partnership with GIG services and systems developer communities Leverage MIP processes, methodologies, and products –Embed C2 COI standards as a component within all other Warfighting COIs  Accelerate achievement of the GIG vision –Next-generation US joint command and control systems MUST interoperate with allied MIP-capable systems! –77% of GWOT partners are MIP participants!  Near term US capability MIP “targets of opportunity”: –Leverage MIP success for JC2 and CENTRIXS through Warfighter engagement in the COSMOS ACTD (FY05) –COSMOS ACTD (PACOM sponsored) –DJC2 coalition interoperability –JC2 Joint / Interagency / Multinational interoperability

45 45 Questions? Comments? Feedback? More Information at:

46 46 You are invited to interact with the National teams and presenters as your schedules allow. To view Speakers’ Notes: (1)Press escape key (2)Click View | Notes Page (3)Press to begin demo again

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