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J-Unit Framework.

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1 J-Unit Framework

2 What is xUnit? An automated unit test framework
Provides the Driver for unit(s) Provides automatic test runs Provides automatic result checks Available for multiple languages: cppUnit sUnit Junit

3 Junit Terms Failure: Expected Error: Unexpected (Exception)
TestCase: Collection of method tests Test Fixture: Object Reuse for multiple tests TestSuite: Collection of Test Cases TestRunner: Interface awt, swing,text

4 Essential Classes junit.framework.TestCase junit.framework.Assert
Allows running multiple tests Does all counting and reporting of errors junit.framework.Assert A set of assert methods Test fails if the assert condition does not hold If a test fails it is counted and reported junit.framework.TestSuite A collection of tests Uses Java introspection to find all the methods start with "test“ and have void parameters. TestSuite's run method executes all the tests

5 Class diagram

6 Example, Complex Class public class Complex { int real_part; int imaginary_part; public Complex(int r, int i) { real_part=r; imaginary_part=i; } public Complex() { real_part=0; imaginary_part=0; public boolean Equal(Complex c) { boolean result = false; if ((real_part==c.get_r()) && (imaginary_part==c.get_i())) result=true; return result; public Complex Add(Complex c) { Complex result = new Complex(c.get_r()+real_part,c.get_i()+imaginary_part); public int get_r() { return real_part;} public int get_i() { return imaginary_part; }

7 Using Junit (Create Fixture)
public class ComplexTest extends TestCase { Complex c1; Complex c2; protected void setUp() { c1 = new Complex(7,3); c2 = new Complex(12,6); } protected void tearDown(){

8 Using Junit (Add Test Cases)
public void testAdd() { Complex result = c1.Add(new Complex(5,3)); assertEquals(result.get_r(),c2.get_r()); assertEquals(result.get_i(),c2.get_i()); } public void testEqual(){ assertTrue(!c2.Equal(c1)); assertTrue(c1.Equal(new Complex(7,3))); assertNull, assertNotNull, assertSame

9 Using Junit (Make Suite)
public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); suite.addTest(new ComplexTest(“testAdd”)); suite.addTest(new ComplexTest(“testEqual”)); return suite; }

10 Using Junit (Batch Invoke and Constructor)
public static void main(String[] args) {; } public ComplexTest(String s) { super(s);

11 The Graphical UI

12 UI on Failure

13 What Junit does not do: Figure out your tests for you
Calculate any coverage criteria Test GUI’s Except extensions: JFCUnit Jemmy Pounder Abbot

14 Administrative Download latest version from:
Setup classpath to junit.jar Include appropriate ui in main Import junit.framework.*

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