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AF Aerial Layer Network Approach

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1 AF Aerial Layer Network Approach
Stan C. Newberry, SES, DAF Director, AFC2IC

2 Net Enabled Nuclear Response High Capacity Backbone
Joint Aerial Layer Network (JALN) Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) Commercial MUOS WGS AEHF Space We must be able to work between layers between networks between environments Net Enabled ISR RQ-4 High High Alt Gateway Relay Net Enabled Nuclear Response High Capacity Backbone Voice Link-16 VMF SADL B-52 Aerial E-3 B-52 E-2 MQ-1/9 F-15E B-1 KC-135 F/A-18 B-2 C-17 Legacy TDLs Net Enabled C2 ISR F-22 EC-130 Advanced TDLs Net Enabled MAF RC-135 F-15C E-8 ERMP F-35 F-35 F-16 Medium Mid Alt GatewayRelay A-10 Low Net Enabled Attack / Weapons Net Enabled SOF ASOC Tact’l Net Ops Terrestrial H-60 CAOC DCGS JFACC Op Net Mgt ADC II CRC Tact’l Net Ops X XX TOC DCGS JFLCC Op Net Mgt Permissive JFMCC Op Net Mgt Contested Anti-access

3 AFC2IC Strategy Efficiently align near, mid, and far term efforts
Joint Warfighter Integrated NetOps JCTD Tool Integration Display Development Policy & Processes Joint Aerial Layer Network Initial Capabilities Document Supports Capabilities 2012 – 2020 shaped by Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Joint Concept Focus 2010 2018 2030 2012 Near-Term: JWIN JCTD Mid-Term: JALN AoA Far-Term: JALN Control Joint Concept Initial analysis lays the foundation for future analyses and studies to achieve an end-state as described within the Joint Concept

4 Mobile Unified Communications Experiment
Warfighter Challenge: The Air Force and Army lack an affordable, rapidly deployable mobile cellular network to support respective missions. AFC2IC Approach: Provide live, virtual and constructive environment to assess the technical feasibility and military utility in establishing a tactical cellular network rapidly via Existing affordable commercial technology. Air Force, Army and Coast Guard personnel will conduct operational threads to assess mobile technologies, devices and applications. The Air Force Mobile Unified Communications Experiment was designed to meet BG Spano and AFNIC/XP’s request to evaluate mobile unified communications capabilities. The main focus will be to support AFFOR transition to mobile capabilities with specific areas of interest being base operations, maintenance, logistics, security forces, engineering, and emergency management in a deployed environment. The aerostat will be located at Dam Neck Annex and the cellular network will be connected back to a ground entry point at Langley AFB via a high-capacity WiMax-based IP air bridge. During this event we will also be looking at a COTS based WiMax solution to provide a high capacity IP airborne layer to supplement our JTRS and CDL efforts. Additional Info - X-Net capability has already been successful in pushing over 10 megabytes of data at over 100 miles and 2 megabytes over 200 miles in the commercial frequencies (2.5 Gig range) on a Rivet Joint Aircraft. This will be the first test using this capability to operate in the government Gig range. - Initiatives: 1 - Air Force UC (ACC/A6) – Allows for assessment of technologies/TTPs 2- Army TactiCell (Army SMD BL) – Provides core infrastructure 3- ISR to Tactical Edge (NRO) – Mature ISR mobile apps and TTPs to tactical edge 4- Maritime Surveillance via Aerostat (USCG) - Operational Threads Army Route Reconnaissance Takedown and Secure Buildings Call for Fire (with/without JTAC) Maritime Surveillance (Coast Guard Fusion Cell) Air Force Base Security Wireless Flight Line Maintenance Disaster Recovery (UL TBMCS) Joint Disaster Recovery ISR to Tactical Edge - Technical Threads X-Net TactiCell Unified Communications Initiative Objectives: Provide NRO and NGA ISR products to tactical user via a mobile app Provide shoreline video / radar surveillance via a cellular network to Coast Guard Demonstrate High Bandwidth Airborne IP Layer This effort will help feed the Air Force efficiency drills and help to better spend our future communications resources in future reduced budgets. It also supports AFFOR move to wireless connectivity under the Combat Information Transport System (CITS) Operational Requirements Document (ORD). Sponsors ACC/A6 A4 Security Forces Surgeon General Army Space and Missile Defense Battle Lab NRO Coast Guard Fusion Center Other key players and providers ESC MITRE AFRL Experiment Objectives: Assess ability to link to current AF unified communications pilot architecture Assess selected agile combat support activities in a deployed environment leveraging mobile connectivity Assess commercial mobile technology’s ability to enhance AF and Army Ops

5 Joint Warfighting Integrated NetOps (JWIN)
Warfighter Challenge: The JTF requires the ability to C2 tactical edge networks and prioritize resources in accordance with the Commander's intent. AFC2IC Approach: Leverage Joint Tactical Edge Network WG, Service Lab efforts & COTS technologies to demonstrate a capability that provides the JTF & Component CC’s an integrated SA picture of tactical networks. Creates a framework for centralized control (analyze CC’s intent) while allowing decentralized execution and (Service level) network optimization. Transition: Use Joint Aerial Layer Network analysis results to develop Capability Development Document. Create a Tactical Edge Network C2 PoR starting in FY 13. JWIN is a 2-year JCTD effort that is focused on improving the way warfighters manage, control and execute Service network resources by consolidating independent Situational Awareness (SA) displays into a single integrated network management view. This capability will enhance the Joint Force Commander’s decision making process over network resources and their ability to: View Service tactical network in a common picture Share network risk and status data across the Services Correlate network degradation to mission objectives and direct network resources to meet CDR's intent Prioritize operational C2 needs on degraded networks Evaluate and coordinate threat response options. This JCTD leverages Airborne Network management technologies and experiences garnered from recent JEFXs supported by Langley communicators and operators that has proven to be critical in understanding the impact of network events on warfighting operations and end-to-end network distributed policy collaboration and management. Schedule: Year 1 deliverables: Integrated toolset to interface, visualize, and influence tactical NetOps across the Services. Year 2 deliverables: Automated Policy Controls and TTPs on planning, engineering, & executing IP-based tactical networks

6 Joint Aerial Layer Network (JALN) Overview
Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) approved Oct 09 JALN, when employed, supports net-centric, Command & Control (C2) and Battlespace Awareness requirements for National and Defense senior leaders, COCOMs, and joint forces at all echelons The JALN will: Integrate with space and surface layers Increase communications access for the joint force at all levels Enable on-the-move (OTM) and over-the-horizon (OTH) / beyond line of sight (BLOS) communications Provide modular, scalable, and flexible operational capabilities Provide “mission persistent” connectivity as specified by the commander In 2009, the joint community, under the guidance of Gen Cartwright, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, saw an opportunity for all of the Services to work together to identify aerial layer network requirements and determine potential solutions to enhance our Aerial Layer capabilities to address our joint needs. A joint team was formed to write a JALN Initial Capabilities Document. The ICD was approved in Oct 2009. The JALN will augment and extend the existing aerial layer networks and integrate with space and surface nodes in a JOA. The primary purpose is to connect/reconnect warfighters executing specific missions and tasks. It will provide capability in a challenging or degraded communications environment. It will be modular, scalable, and flexible to enable operations on a persistent basis, as the mission dictates. Network components will provide “mission persistent” connectivity as specified by the commander. The expected duration of JALN operations depends on the user's specific mission requirements. It is not intended to be a persistent 24/7/365 capability. It will not replace the space or surface layers, but rather will extend and augment existing and planned network transport capability. The objective of the JALN is to close the following four capability gaps: Connectivity - There is limited two-way connectivity to support Joint forces and Disconnected, Intermittent, or Low Bandwidth (DIL) users at the tactical edge and a lack of assured, enduring, net-ready, and responsive interoperability among Multi-Level Security (MLS) and diverse systems (e.g., coalition, services, and agencies). Many current communications and C2 systems require unique user equipment and extensive ground infrastructure. The overriding objective of connectivity is to support warfighter information requirements when and where it is needed. Capacity - There is limited transport capacity across the National, strategic, operational and tactical environments, especially at the tactical edge and in comm degraded areas. Surface and space-based network transport assets together can provide some BLOS capacity, however, both are limited in the number of users, bandwidth, and under what conditions they provide the capability. Share Info & Data - Present systems, due to their rigid structures, messaging formats, differing classification levels, and constrained bandwidth are not able to adequately support operational information exchange needs required to facilitate knowledge transfer via voice, data, imagery, video, database queries, and free text. As such, operations are not supported by complete, efficient information access. Network Management - There is limited capability in the air domain to integrate and dynamically allocate the necessary JALN infrastructure and connectivity. There is a need to be able to prioritize assets, GIG resources, communications, network/enterprise management and capabilities, and ensure system's ability to rapidly inject emerging capabilities. Network management and enterprise services are required to support the interfaces between the DARE, Transition, and HCB functions of the JALN within a JOA. Lack of these capabilities results in a degraded ability to share resource capacity or re-allocate assets as necessary to meet changing operational requirements and mitigate network disruptions. The JALN will provide three core capabilities or functions: High Capacity Backbone, Distribution/Access/Range Extension (DARE), and Transition. The DARE function delivers a tailored and scalable network transport capability in support of operations in the Space/Air/Ground/Maritime domains. JALN will support operations in many environments including maritime, mountainous, and urban terrains. Similarly, the JALN will support high-speed operations and DIL users. Four Capability Gaps: Connectivity Capacity Share Information & Data Network Management Three Core Functions: Distribution/Access/Range Extension (DARE) capability Transition capability High capacity backbone capability

7 JALN Current Status and Way Ahead
Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) currently underway Led by Office of the Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration) with support from all Services AFC2IC coordinating AF support 170+ Air Force personnel engaged in some capacity Aggressive 9-month effort Due to be completed 01 Aug 11 Conducting performance and cost analyses AoA results will impact OSD Program Objective Memorandum (POM) 13 issue papers Expect multiple Capability Development Documents to close Initial Capability Document gaps The JALN Analysis of Alternatives kicked off in November of last year. It is due to be completed in August after an aggressive 9 month effort. OSD(NII) is the lead for the AoA with support from each of the services. The Air Force Command and Control Integration Center is charged with leading the full range of AF activities in support of the AoA, along with our Navy, Army, Marine Corp and COCOM partners. The AF has been fully engaged in this process. We have over 170 personnel from across the AF providing a wide variety of expertise. We have experts in many areas including requirements, logistics, acquisitions, operations, communications, cyber, space, and ISR. The AoA is currently in the Performance and Cost Analysis phase. The intent is for the results to be available to impact OSD POM 13 issue papers. At the conclusion of the AoA, we expect multiple CDDs to be initiated to close the ICD gaps.

8 5th/4th Generation Warfighter Challenge:
COCOMs require 5th Gen fighter data to be shared with assets across the battlespace including 4th Gen fighters, Integrated Air and Missile Defense & C2 nodes. AFC2IC Approach: Develop an airborne gateway able to translate & distribute 5th Gen Information via existing Link-16 architecture. This critical force multiplier allows Commanders to leverage advanced sensors operating at the tactical edge to increase force integration, weapons efficiency and situational awareness. Transition: Analyze/select potential host platforms. Build Capability Description Document based on JALN AoA results. Create a Medium Altitude Tactical Gateway PoR starting in FY13. Currently, a capability gap exists in the ability of 4th generation and 5th generation fighter aircraft to share battle space information via data exchange (caused by fielding different data links). 5th Generation platforms (B-2, F-22 and F-35) maximize their low observable properties by using low probability of detect/intercept waveforms like IFDL and MADL. Conversely, 4th Gen aircraft currently communicate on Link 16 (an omni-broadcast, non-stealthy datalink).   5th Gen platforms have superior battlefield “situational awareness” and survivability but do not have numbers, nor the breadth of fielded weapons. Conversely, 4th generation platforms DO have the numbers and breadth of fielded weapons and will be fighting for us for many years to come. However, these aircraft are reaching the limits of survivability and mission effectiveness in the current threat environment. Data collected onboard 5th generation aircraft, if made available to 4th generation aircraft, will enhance their combat effectiveness. Solution: A 5th to 4th Gen Gateway will take advantage of the strengths of each generation aircraft to optimize the combat effectiveness of the total force. 4th Gen Fighters receive 5th Gen data through a Gateway using IFDL/MADL receivers. 5th Gen Fighters then silently receive 4th Gen data through Link 16. This Gateway enables “situational awareness” and “cooperative engagement” between 5th and 4th generation fighters. And once this data is on Link 16, it can be easily transported to the rest of our combat forces (around the world). Synergy rather than autonomy allows us to realize the greatest return on investment in the shortest period of time.

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