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Published byAlissa Mortimer Modified over 10 years ago
101 BRIEF Version TY-11 Search Extraction Decon / Medical FSRT
NG CERFP Mission On Order: Responds to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high yield explosive (CBRNE) incident and assists local, state, and federal agencies in conducting consequence management by providing capabilities to conduct patient decontamination, emergency medical services, and casualty search and extraction.
Formative Dates May Chief NGB directs the standup of a “CBIRF” like capability within the National Guard August States stood-up a capability to respond to a CBRNE incident with the capability to perform mass casualty decon and medical treatment and triage Note: All 12 passed an External Evaluation conducted by 1st and 5th Army Observer Controller Teams Oct States completed Search and Extraction training Dec 05 – Dec 06---NGB & ARNORTH update draft T&EOs for Mass Casualty Decontamination and drafted T&EOs for C2, Medical and Search and Extraction FY06---Congressional legislation directed the establishment of five additional NG CERFP teams for a total of 17 (FY06 NDAA)
Formative Dates (cont.)
May NGB receives Joint Requirements Oversight Council (4-star level) approval for the NG CERFP capability June CNGB announced the 5 New States (GA, MN, NE, OH, VA); October 2007 projected date for validation September NGB, ARNORTH & JITEC conduct Decon & Medical MTT pilot course at Camp Dawson, WV. November 06---NGB J3 requested ARNORTH Support in the External Evaluation of the 5 New States December NG CERFP T&EO finalized and CERFP JMETs drafted September Three of five New States complete their EXEVAL and validated by TAG, (Remaining two validated April & June 2008) March Full Operational Capability (FOC) for the NGB CERFPs Version: TY-11
Joint Staff Validation
NG CERFP is a validated program with an approved mission. CJCS validated CERFP as a Joint Capability and requested DoD fund the Program in the POM. JROCM signed 17 August, 2006. Version: TY-11
CERFP Organization and Training
CASUALTY EXTRACTION DECON MEDICAL CERFP Command & Control FATALITY SEARCH AND RECOVERY (FSRT) MTOE Eng CO (50 Pax) Chem CO (75 Pax) ANG Medical Group (45 Pax) BN HQ C2 (16 Pax) Recovery Team (11 Pax) This capability is dual mission and modular Units provided additional specialized equipment and training to conduct operations in a CBRNE/Collapsed structure environment Authorized 14 additional days per year over the 39 days of statutory training Receive NFPA certified search and extraction training and meet to operate in confined space collapsed structure Must complete an External Evaluation every 24-36 months Specialized equipment meets NIOSH/OSHA Standards Units trained to operate within the National Incident Management System HAZMAT Operations level trained IAW OSHA Regulation Slide shows the basic structure of CERF-P NFPA = National Fire Protection Association NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Dual missioned, MOS aligned (i.e. Chemical Units doing chemical missions, Engineer Units doing Search and Extraction, etc.) Gaps in training are rectified with 14 additional training days Specialized training meets NFPA standards, allows NG forces to operate within NIMS, and all equipment is NIOSH, and OSHA compliant C2 is an Army or Air Guard Battalion Commander and their staff. At least one NG CERFP in each FEMA Region Version: TY-11 6
Battalion Level Command and Control Element
Establishes Commanders Critical Information Requirements (CCIR) for the CERFP ADVON Team Recall, assemble and brief CERFP elements for deployment Ensures personnel recalled and ready to deploy within 6 hours of notification Operates within the National Incident Management System; and plans all CERFP incident site operations in support of the Incident Commander’s IAP. Version: TY-11
Casualty Search and Extraction Element
MTOE Engineer Company / ANG Red Horse Squadron Wash, DC Oklahoma City Beaufort, SC Receive NFPA certified training to operate in collapsed structures and confined spaces Specialized equipment meets NIOSH/OSHA standards Trained to operate within the National Incident Management System Listening Devices and Thermal Imaging Cameras Extraction Tool Kit Version: TY-11
Mass Casualty Decontamination Element
MTOE Chemical Company Non-Ambulatory Decontamination Lane Chemical / Radiological Monitoring-Ambulatory Decontamination Generator and Water Distribution Site Ambulatory Decontamination Re-dress Area Establish CBRNE response decontamination site Force sizing and specialized equipment designed to support the mission operational objectives of 75 non-ambulatory and 225 ambulatory personnel per hour throughput Version: TY-11
Medical Element Air National Guard Medical Group
Provides medical triage, injury stabilization and treatment for CBRNE casualties Ten medical personnel complete a collapsed structure confined space and pre-hospital trauma life support course of instruction; provide medical triage in confined spaces capabilities Supports the throughput of 75 non-ambulatory and 225 ambulatory per hour Version: TY-11
Fatalities Search and Recovery Team (FSRT)
Air National Guard Services Flight Coordinate CERFP Incident Commander IAP fatalities recovery operations Conducts search and recovery of CBRNE fatalities to be turned over to the IC Trained to the HAZMAT Operations level Aligned to support each CERFP state FSRT also operate in Level B PPE with PAPR Version: TY-11
NG CERFP Alert Options Command and Control Team Alert Recall:
Option 1---Recall per CERFP CONOPS, ready to deploy NLT 6 hrs after notification (i.e. unplanned emergency deploy scenario) Option 2---Recalled and Pre-positioned (e.g. NSSE) Option 3---Recalled and placed on “stand-by” at Home Station Armories/Hangers (i.e. imminent threat notification) M-Day (traditional Guard) status until activated Utilization in State Active Duty, Title 32 or Title 10 5 AGRs per CERFP (2 Majors, 3 E7s)
Concept of Operation Response Timeline
N N N+3< N N+8 < N+ 12 Incident Site CST ADVON Hot Zone CST MAIN Local & State First Responders CERFP ADVON NG CERFP CST Notification Staging Area CST ADVON Departs CERFP MAIN Or CERFP Tier II & III Response Operations N+6 to N+72 Hours The NG CERFP and CSTs provide a (i.e. CERFP). CERFPs locate and extract victims from a contaminated environment, perform medical triage and treatment, and perform mass patient/casualty decontamination CST Main Departs NG CERFP Assembly Area NG CERFP Main Deploys to Assembly Area or Staging Area CERFP ADVON Departs CSTs & NG CERFP Provide A Phased Capability CERFP MAIN Departs CERFP Alerted CSTs detect and identify CBRNE agents/substances, assess the effects and advise the local authorities on mitgating the effects of the attack and assist with request for other forces CERFPs locate and extract victims from a contaminated environment, perform medical triage/treatment, conduct patient/casualty decontamination and fatalities recovery. Version: TY-11
NG CERFP Concept of Operations
Hot Zone Warm Zone Incident Command Post Wind Direction Cold Zone WMD-CST monitoring CERFP Search & Extraction With Integrated Medical Personnel Medical Monitoring as needed Chemical / Radiological Monitoring WMD-CST Survey Team Civilian Patient Evacuation Medical Treatment Non-Ambulatory Transport Medical Triage Casualties Collection CERFP Decon FSRT Ops with medical assistance" to "integrated medical teams" Version: TY-11
throughout Tiered Response
National Response Spectrum Military Response…National Guard Military Response…NG and AC High Reinforcing Response Immediate Response DoD (Title 10) NGB JOC JFHQ-State Federal Civilian JOC JTF-State Required Capabilities and Resources Incident SA & Joint C2 throughout Tiered Response Private Sector Key Talking Points – The National Guard’s response will span from immediate response thru reinforcing response. Ability to mass State and Regional Capabilities to the incident. Not independent of first responders or Title X (Active Component) rather focused on 6-72 hour window (in the case of CERFP) National Guard WMD-CST x 5 WMD CST Traditional Forces NG CERFP NGRF NGRF Specialized Federal Assets (LD/HD) Specialized Regional Response Assets Local Emergency Services Mutual Aid Agreements & Interstate Compacts Low Pre-Event First 12 Hours 12-24 Hours 24-48 Hours 48-96 Hours 30 Days Version: TY-11
Planned End State FY13 Region I Region X Region VIII Region II
PR TX CA MT AZ ID NV NM CO OR UT IL WY KS IA NE SD MN ND OK FL WI MO WA GA AL MI AR IN LA PA NC NY MS TN VA KY OH SC ME WV VT NH MD NJ MA CT Region V Canada Mexico AK Region VI Region IX Region X Region VIII Region VII Region IV Region III Region II Region I RI DE DC Hawaii HRF States CERFP States At least one CERF-P per FEMA region with a REGIONAL responsibility and National capability. 12 Green states have completed an external evaluation by 1st and 5th Army 5 FY06 States were recently announced and scheduled to complete readiness requirements in 18 months. Version: TY-11
NG CERFP Mission Planning
The NG CERFP will operate within the supported/supporting State’s Emergency Management Incident Command (IC) System. NG CERFP will not be in the lead but in a supporting role when requested via the Emergency Management System. CERFP response operations will be organized and supported within the tiered response of Local, State, and Federal responders. NG CERFP will work in coordination with other military forces and commands as part of the overall national response of local, State and Federal Assets. NG CERFP may be pre-positioned at designated locations in anticipation of a potential CBRNE incident i.e. a possible threat based on up to date and vetted information, or at a designated National Special Security Event (NSSE) Version: TY-11
NG CERFP Mission Planning (cont.)
If federalized, the NG CERFP will operate under the operational control of the supported COCOM. NG Forces employed may also include the WMD CSTs, EMEDS, Combat Service Support, Chemical, Engineering and other elements required for emergency support. Version: TY-11
Key CERFP Employment Elements
This supports applicable State and Federal response plans: Local Authorities (Incident Commander) CST (for CWA/TIC/TIM threat characterization) State Authorities (Gov, TAG, SEMA) Federal Authorities (FEMA, COCOM) Version: TY-11
WMDCST Support of the CERFP Mission
EXAMPLES Provide HAZMAT certification training assistance to NG CERFP Units Conduct onsite Liaison Operations with the IC Coordinate with JFHQ-State on alert and deployment of NG CERFP per IC request Facilitate Receiving, Staging, and Onward Integration (RSOI) of NG CERFP Secure communications support during CERFP incident site operations Sustained incident site hazard characterization (e.g. plume model, agent degradation/decay rate data) Version: TY-11
NG CERFP C2 Element Training Requirements
Search and Extraction (24 hours) CMD element personnel attend the MTT vendor delivered CERFP C2 Extraction Mission Staff Planning course. Other Required Training: CERFP CONOPS/Operational Capabilities of a CERFP in support of HLD (JITEC) HAZMAT OPS (24 hours) (Local Fire Academy, JITEC) NIMS and ICS (online) Emergency Response to Terrorism (online) C2 Element participates in the EXEVAL train up (crawl, walk, run phases); and scheduled annual collective exercises. C2 members are also asked to attend the (annual/semi-annual) JITEC Observer-Controller training IOT provide O/C support for the TY/FY EXEVAL schedule. Version: TY-11
NG CERFP S&E Element Training Requirements
Basic Casualty Search and Extraction Course (75 hours) Conducted at the Response International Group, Inc. training facilities in Oklahoma City, OK NFPA certified to operate in confined space collapsed structures Other Required Training: HAZMAT OPS (24 hrs) (Local Fire Academy, JITEC) NIMS and ICS (online) CERFP CONOPS/Operational Capabilities of a CERFP in support of HLD Emergency Response to Terrorism (JITEC) Combat Lifesaver (CLS-40 hrs) recommended not required for validation CMD/Staff members attend the MTT vendor delivered C2 Extraction Mission Staff Planning course (24-hours) S&E Element participates in the EXEVAL train up (crawl, walk, run phases); and scheduled annual collective exercises. S&E members are also asked to attend the (annual/semi-annual) JITEC Observer-Controller training IOT provide O/C support for the TY/FY EXEVAL schedule. Version: TY-11
NG CERFP Decon Element Training Requirements
Eight (8) days of training NET on Casualty/Patient Decon System, and the Mobile Mass Decon Trailer HAZMAT Ops CONOPS/Operational Capabilities of a CERFP in support of HLD NIMS and ICS Emergency Response to Terrorism Patient/Mass Casualty Decon procedures, to include integration with the Medical Teams CMD/Staff members attend the vendor MTT delivered C2 Extraction Mission Staff Planning course (24-hours) The Decon Element participates in the EXEVAL train up (crawl, walk, run phases); and scheduled annual collective exercises. Decon members are also asked to attend the (annual/semi-annual) JITEC Observer-Controller training IOT provide O/C support for the TY/FY EXEVAL schedule. Version: TY-11
NG CERFP Medical Element Training Requirements
Eight (8) days of training: HAZMAT Ops (24 hours) CERFP CONOPS (JITEC) Operational Capabilities of a CERFP in support of HLD Medical Overview and EMEDS Equipment Set Familiarization Hands-on integration with DECON team operations NIMS and ICS (online) Emergency Response to Terrorism (online) Other Required Training: Ten (10) Airmen must attend the CERFP Basic S&E Course (75 hours) Emphasis on medical PHTLS and some engineering support tasks CMD/Staff members attend the vendor MTT delivered C2 Extraction Mission Staff Planning course (24-hours) The Medical Element participates in the EXEVAL train up (crawl, walk, run phases); and scheduled annual collective exercises. Medical members are also asked to attend the (annual/semi-annual) JITEC Observer-Controller training IOT provide O/C support for the TY/FY EXEVAL schedule. Version: TY-11
NG CERFP Fatality Search and Recovery Team
Five (5) days of training: HAZMAT OPS (24 hours) (Local Fire Academy, JITEC) CONOPS/Operational Capabilities of a CERFP in support of HLD (JITEC) Coordinated training with the CERFP S&E element Technical decontamination NIMS and ICS (online) Emergency Response to Terrorism (online) The FSRT Element participates in the EXEVAL train up (crawl, walk, run phases); and scheduled annual collective exercises. FSRT members are also asked to attend the (annual/semi-annual) JITEC Observer-Controller training IOT provide O/C support for the TY/FY EXEVAL schedule. Version: TY-11
Summary CERFP: Manning Training/Certification
A regional Response Force Package with the capabilities to extract victims from a contaminated environment, perform patient / casualty decontamination, medical triage and treatment, and the recovery of fatalities in support of an IC, and civil or military authorities Manning MTOE Units M-Day (traditional Guard) status until activated Utilization in State Active Duty, Title 32 or Title 10 5 AGRs per CERFP (2 Majors, 3 E7s) Training/Certification MOS/AFSC Qualified NIMS Compliance OSHA Hazmat Operations NFPA Technical Rescue Certification Equipment - specialized equipment meets NIOSH/OSHA Standards Version: TY-11
NGB CERFP 101 Brief Questions
Q1. Why is March 2009 a formative date in the NGB CERFP program? A1. Full Operational Capability (FOC) for the NGB CERFPs (slide #) Q2. What is the Operations level course all CERFP members must complete? A2. Hazmat Operations (OSHA ) (slide #) Q3. Each CERFP will complete an EXEVAL before validation; what level of authority validates the CERFP readiness? A3. The State TAG. (slide #) Q4. Identify the 3 CERFP Command and Control Team Alert Recall Options A4. Pre-position, Recall and ready to deploy NLT 6 hrs after notification, and Pre-staged at Home Station (slide #) Q5. What capabilities do medical personnel completing the Search and Extraction training provide the CERFP? A5. Medical triage in confined spaces capability (slide #) Q6. What are the operational throughput objectives of the Decon Element? A6. 75-non-ambulatory casualties and 225 ambulatory casualties per hour (slide #) Q7. What is the mission of the CERFP FSRT? A7. Conduct the search and recovery of fatalities from a CBRN incident. Version: TY-11
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