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Vocabulario AP 10 La Casa 2. baño bathroom techo roof, ceiling.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulario AP 10 La Casa 2. baño bathroom techo roof, ceiling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulario AP 10 La Casa 2

2 baño bathroom

3 techo roof, ceiling

4 vestíbulo foyer

5 limpiar to clean

6 elegante elegant

7 madera wood

8 acera sidewalk

9 ducha shower

10 arquitectura architecture

11 piso floor

12 cocina kitchen

13 vecino neighbor

14 cemento cement

15 muebles furniture

16 fregar to scrub

17 alcoba bedroom

18 verja grill

19 estante bookcase

20 diván sofa

21 sótano basement

22 zaguán entry

23 reja grating

24 despacho office

25 vivienda housing

26 buhardilla attic

27 hervir to boil

28 butaca easy chair

29 azulejo tile

30 pasillo hall

31 casa house

32 umbral threshold

33 sala living room

34 regar to water

35 choza hut

36 fachada facade

37 vidrio glass

38 habitación room

39 barrio neighborhood

40 ventana window

41 aquitectónico architectural

42 freír to fry

43 domicilio residence

44 césped lawn

45 vecindad area

46 suelo floor

47 hierbagrass

48 entrada entrance

49 destruir to destroy

50 comedor dining room

51 escalera staircase

52 patio patio

53 garage garage

54 lavar to wash

55 desván attic

56 dormitorio bedroom

57 vecindario neighborhood

58 pared wall

59 mecedora rocking chair

60 edificio building

61 impresionante impressive

62 construir to build

63 END

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