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The Future Verb Tense. El Futúro The future verb tense is used to discuss events that will happen in the…future! This is the equivalent to English sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future Verb Tense. El Futúro The future verb tense is used to discuss events that will happen in the…future! This is the equivalent to English sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future Verb Tense

2 El Futúro The future verb tense is used to discuss events that will happen in the…future! This is the equivalent to English sentences like: We will go to the game tonight. She will probably dump him on Facebook.

3 El Futúro The future verb tense is one of the easier verb tenses to use in Spanish because there is only ONE set of endings for all forms of verbs (-ar, -er, -ir) What makes this verb tense unusual is that you add the endings to the entire infinitive rather than only to the stem. This means you WILL NOT remove the –ar, -er, or –ir ending.

4 The Endings éemos áséis áán usaréusaremos usarásusaréis usaráusarán

5 Irregular Forms It’s Spanish, so of course there are some irregular forms of certain verbs. 1. salir= saldr… 2. venir= vendr… 3. tener= tendr… 4. poner= pondr… 5. haber= habr… 6. querer= querr… 7. poder= podr… 8. decir= dir… 9. hacer= har… Replace the “e” or “i“ of the ending with the letter “d” Eliminate the “e” from the ending Eliminate the “c” and “e”

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