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ALO Planning & Assurance Requirements
RRV Safety Improvement Programme
Purpose To provide additional planning and assurance requirements whilst working with plant next to lines that are open to traffic and to ensure that the controls for plant working next to lines that are open to traffic are being deployed across Network Rail controlled infrastructure in accordance with the current industry guide (Guidance note issue 2 at time of print). This document sets out the following requirements: Revise arrangements for monitoring and review of the implementation of the risk control measures for adjacent line open working to ensure a robust system is in place. Have a plan to make adequate inspections and checks to ensure that preventative and proactive measures are in place and effective Ensure there is sufficient staff resource with defined responsibilities available to undertake monitoring and review of plant working next to lines that are open to traffic Implementation of control measures for risks arising as a consequence of late changes.
The Document This documents provides details on the new tasks and toolkit to be issued to the industry Contains flow diagrams detailing the process Contains 3 new onsite check sheets An Excel planning spreadsheet will accompany this document
Communication Strategy
A letter was sent out to the industry on 28th May informing of the changes. A telephone Conference call hosted by the RRV Safety Improvement Programme took place on 6th June 2013 to detail new tasks, responsibilities, toolkit and timescales. All briefings with added voice overs along with all other documentation are available on Safety Central -
Toolkit: New requirements
The Toolkit introduces new requirements and new tools to improve the following : ALO Planning control and Safer on-site deployment of ALO Workplans An Assurance Framework Management of Change
Additional Planning Reqs: ALO Planner
The Toolkit introduces a revised A3 planning sheet. The A3 sheet helps consider all elements for a safe ALO workplan The A3 Sheet should be reviewed and authorised by the Responsible Manager for the ALO work ALO Planner responsibilities are tabulated in the ALO Planning & Assurance Requirements Document
Additional Planning Reqs: Responsible Manager
Responsible Manager reviews plan and issues a unique Authorisation No Can be recorded on Managers sheet [optional] Responsibilities are tabulated in the ALO Planning & Assurance Requirements Document
ALO On Site 3 New check sheets have been created ALO Site Coordinator
Change Control Management Assurance These check sheets are designed to help you confirm that your ALO sites are up to standard and any risks have been highlighted and controlled
ALO Site Coordinator (1)
Before work commences a check is to be undertaken to ensure that the ALO Work plan is deployed safely. This task is to be undertaken by a nominated ALO Site Coordinator Use of the ALO Site Coordinator Checklist will ensure a safe system for ALO is operated Responsibilities are tabulated in the ALO Planning & Assurance Requirements Document
ALO Site Coordinator (2)
One page check sheet to be completed for each shift, per machine. For tandem lift operations a single check sheet is permissible. Questions have been designed to ensure that key aspects of the ALO Work Plan are correctly implemented prior to use.
ALO Site Coordinator (3)
Check sheet questions: Can you confirm that you have received a copy of the ALO work plan containing the relevant authorisation numbers from the ALO Responsible Manger and that plan matches the site of work? Can you confirm that the following staff: Banksman (for construction sites), Machine / Crane Controller, Machine Operator, Slingers, Any others e.g. staff involved with load stabilisation have received a detailed briefing of the ALO Control measures as detailed on the ALO work plan? Can you confirm that the plant and attachments match those on the ALO work plan and Machine / Crane Controllers Work / Lift Plan?
ALO Site Coordinator (4)
Check sheet questions continued: 4) Can you confirm that the plant to be used has been visually inspected, including a check of all mechanical and electronic slew, height and reach limiters (if applicable), and they have been observed working? 5) Can you confirm that the planned distance between the plant position and the foul point is correct as per the ALO Work Plan? 6) Can you confirm that the ALO Work Plan has been tested prior to work commencing? 7) Are you satisfied that the ALO Work Plan is adequate to protect the safe passage of trains on open lines? An ALO Site Coordinators flow diagram can be found in section 8 of the ALO Planning & Assurance Requirements document (page 17)
ALO Change Control If a change to the ALO Workplan is required then flow diagrams contained in ALO Planning & Assurance Requirements Document must be followed Pre-planning Change Control (Page 10) Changes arising prior to site works commencing are to be dealt with as part of the planning process and be documented on the A3 Planning Spreadsheet. On Site Change Control (Page 11) There must be a manager available at all times (including out of hours) to review and authorise any late notice (on site) changes that are required. The manager that authorises this change must have received the detailed ALO Knowledge briefing.
On Site Changes: Check Sheet
New standard form & process for dealing with on site changes Needs to be authorised by a manager who has received Detailed ALO Knowledge Briefing. Questions: Reason for Change Proposed Revised Methodology of Work (include working limits, and all distances to open running line) Have you ensured that risk control measures are in place for the PROPOSED ALO activity and these have been recorded in Section 2 of this document? Has a member of the senior on site management or on-call senior management reviewed and agreed, by way of a unique authorisation number, the proposed change?
ALO Management Assurance (1)
Network Rail has introduced an ALO Management Assurance on site inspection checklist. The need for this inspection shall be determined during the work planning phase in accordance with the risk profile of the location and methodology of work. The checks are deliberately designed not to be too onerous, but to provide sufficiently testing questions to determine if the pre-planned control measures for ALO operations have been deployed correctly. Initially an enhanced level of Management Assurance checks are additionally required. These will be targeted at ALO Site Coordinators.
ALO Management Assurance (2)
Formalises the way that assurance of ALO activities on site should be undertaken. One page form for a management level individual to complete during a site visit, to confirm that ALO working is as per the approved plan A reasonable understanding of ALO is required but not a detailed knowledge – BASIC ALO Knowledge briefing
ALO Management Assurance (3)
Check sheet questions: Verify that the ALO Site Co-ordinator has a copy of the authorised ALO work plan and demonstrate that this plan matches the details on site? N.B. The ALO Site Coordinator is the person responsible for testing, implementing and monitoring the ALO control measures on site Verify through Q&A with the following personnel that they have received a briefing and understand the ALO Control measures as detailed in the ALO work Plan and a test of these control measures has been completed prior to work commencing: ALO Site Coordinator, Banksman (for construction sites), Machine / Crane Controller, Machine Operator, Slingers, Any others e.g. staff involved with load stabilisation. Through your observation, are the personnel that are operating and managing plant complying with the control measures that are identified on the ALO Work plan?
ALO Management Assurance (4)
Check sheet questions: 4)Are the personnel that are managing and operating RRV’s utilising duplex communication equipment to control plant movements? 5)Is the ALO Site Coordinator actively monitoring the implemented control measures for plant that is working alongside lines open to traffic? 6)Are you satisfied that the ALO Control Measures are adequate to protect the safe passage of trains on open lines?
ALO Knowledge Briefing
In order to undertake the ALO tasks outlined by the additional requirements of this document, individuals MUST have received the relevant briefing for the task that they are undertaking. These briefings are specified as: BASIC ALO KNOWLEDGE BRIEFING DETAILED ALO KNOWLEDGE BRIEFING The basic and detailed briefings are to be delivered and recorded under the department / organisation’s local management regime. Any individuals who receive these briefings will do so under the instruction of the responsible line manager. All briefing records must be retained locally and clearly indicate the type of briefing attended by the individual with a signature of confirmation by the individual, their line manager and the person who delivered the brief (if different)
Underpinning Knowledge Requirements
Basic ALO Knowledge Briefing Detailed ALO Knowledge Briefing ALO Planner Yes Responsible Manager ALO Site Coordinator Management Assurance Checker Authoriser of ALO Workplan changes: Planning or On-Site Other Site Staff Yes (optional)
Timescales Toolkit was issued to whole business for use on 28th May 2013 Toolkit telephone Briefing by Network Rail – 6th June 2013 Full Compliance with toolkit required by 5th August 2013 Enhanced Management Assurance site inspection – 5th August to 31st October 2013
All information & documents can be found on Safety Central
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