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Plural forms. Plurals forms Regular plurals: NOUN + S: girlgirls bookbooks boyboys househouses carcars.

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Presentation on theme: "Plural forms. Plurals forms Regular plurals: NOUN + S: girlgirls bookbooks boyboys househouses carcars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plural forms

2 Plurals forms Regular plurals: NOUN + S: girlgirls bookbooks boyboys househouses carcars

3 Plurals forms Spelling rules: 1. The plural of nouns which end -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, -o* add –es SINGULARPLURAL sandwich sandwiches watch watches dish dishes boss bosses class classes box boxes fox foxes tomato tomatoes potato potatoes hero heroes*kilos, pianos, zoos

4 Plurals forms Spelling rules: 2. Nouns which end –y, drop the –y and add –ies SINGULARPLURAL ladyladies worryworries lorrylorries

5 Plurals forms Irregular Plurals personpeople (personas) man men (hombres) woman women (mujeres) child children (niños) foot feet (pies) tooth teeth (dientes) mouse mice (ratones) wife wives (esposas) knife knives (cuchillos) leaf leaves (hojas)

6 Plurals forms Sometimes we use a plural noun for one thing that has two parts. For instance: scissors, glasses, jeans, trousers, shorts, pants (two parts), so they take a plural verb: My glasses are very old A pair of + these words can also be used: Those are nice trousers or that's a nice pair of trousers.

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