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Section 1 – Manual Graphics
(a) Freehand sketching (i) related orthographic (4 marks) Have you : not used instruments yes/no got 3 types of dimensions ? yes/no used and shown a datum line ? yes/no shown hidden detail ? yes/no shown hatching ? yes/no shown centre lines ? yes/no shown a section line / cutting plane ? yes/no used dimensional tolerances ? yes/no included a name box ? yes/no included the 3rd angle symbol ? yes/no included enough dimensioned detail to produce a CAD version ? yes/no is it presented in A3 format ? yes/no
Section 1 – Manual Graphics
(a) Freehand sketching (ii) Pictorial (4 marks) Have you : not used instruments yes/no drawn a 3D view of your object (perspective, oblique or isometric) ? yes/no included a line only version (not rendered) / yes/no included a sectional element (full, part or stepped) ? yes/no included an exploded view ? yes/no included a scaled detailed view of part of the item ? yes/no included a name box ? yes/no is it presented in A3 format ? yes/no
Section 1 – Manual Graphics
(b) Rendered Illustrations (i) Rendering (4 marks) Have you : drawn a 3D view of your item (based on your pictorial line drawing) ? yes/no shown a sectioned view of the item ? yes/no OR shown an exploded view of the item ? yes/no included a scaled view showing parts in greater detail ? yes/no shown tonal changes on flat and curved surfaces ? yes/no used highlights ? yes/no used shadows ? yes/no tried to show textured surfaces ? yes/no clearly did not trace or use instruments ? yes/no mounted the drawing on A3 ? yes/no included an appropriate name box ? yes/no
Section 1 – Manual Graphics
(c) Desktop planning (i) Annotated sketches (4 marks) Have you : drawn 2 planner pages to show alternative designs ? yes/no produced these using different layouts and styles ? yes/no explained the different layouts and styles used ? yes/no used appropriate technical annotation ? yes/no clearly used columns and rows to define positions of elements ? yes/no included thumbnail graphics of the pictures that will be used ? yes/no included text for all headings and titles ? yes/no specified the font used for headings and titles ? yes/no included the first few words of each paragraph/section of text ? yes/no specified the font used for paragraphs ? yes/no used colour to assist the presentation style desired ? yes/no mounted your 2 planners on an A3 sheet. yes/no included a name box on the A3 sheet yes/no
Section 1 – Manual Graphics
(c) Desktop planning (i) Drawn visual (4 marks) Have you : produced a single sided final design sheet ? yes/no used instruments (not computer) to draw the sheet ? yes/no drawn the item full size ? yes/no produced the sheet as A4 mounted on A3 ? yes/no used the surrounding border to annotate the sheet ? yes/no consulted the DTP powerpoints to obtain correct terminology ? yes/no used the terminology extensively on your drawn visual ? yes/no shown and dimensioned grid structure, columns, gutters and margins ? yes/no shown and dimensioned headers and footers / yes/no indicated size and position of graphic items ? yes/no clearly stated all fonts used, font styles and font sizes ? yes/no clearly represented any graphics used (self produced) ? yes/no used and explained use of colour throughout ? yes/no added an appropriate name box to the sheet ? yes/no
Section 2 – Computer-Aided Drawing
(a) Computer-Aided Drawings (i) Orthographic drawing (6 marks) Have you : based your CAD work on your manually drawn orthographics ? yes/no included: outlines, centrelines, hidden detail, dim’n and leader lines ? yes/no consulted the BSI convention for dimensioning ? yes/no used at least 3 different types of dimension ? yes/no used toleranced dimensions ? yes/no included a sectional view ? (appropriately cross hatched) yes/no included a scaled view showing a part in greater detail ? yes/no
Section 2 – Computer-Aided Drawing
(a) Computer-Aided Drawings (ii) Annotation (2 marks) (on orthographic CAD drawing) Have you : included name box : name, scale, 3rd angle symbol, date, author, version ? yes/no stated “all dimensions in mm unless otherwise stated” ? yes/no correctly annotated drawing including all view titles ? yes/no added scale of views if different from base scale ? yes/no
Section 2 – Computer-Aided Drawing
(a) Computer-Aided Drawings (iii) Pictorial (6 marks) Have you : drawn a pictorial assembled view of your item ? (isometric, planometric or perspective) yes/no done this as a line drawing ? (not rendered) yes/no labelled all views ? yes/no indicated scale of the drawing ? yes/no included a name box ? yes/no (if using a 3D modelling package) ... made sure that the views are generated from the model and do not contain wire frame or facets? yes/no mounted on A3 ? yes/no
Section 2 – Computer-Aided Drawing
(a) Computer-Aided Drawings (iv) Technical detail (6 marks) Have you : drawn a pictorial exploded or sectioned view of your item ? (isometric, planometric or perspective) yes/no got two examples of technical detail (the other can be in your ortho) ? yes/no done this as a line drawing ? (not rendered) yes/no labelled all views ? yes/no indicated scale of the drawing ? yes/no included a name box ? yes/no (if using a 3D modelling package) ... made sure that the views are generated from the model and do not contain wire frame or facets? yes/no mounted on A3 ? yes/no
Section 3 – Computer-Aided Illustration & Presentation
(a) Using Illustration package (i) Rendering (6 marks) Have you : produced a rendered view of your assembled item ? yes/no produced a rendered view of your exploded/sectioned item ? yes/no used gradients effectively to show changing light levels ? yes/no used shading ? yes/no used reflections ? yes/no used highlights ? yes/no indicated texture on surfaces ? yes/no (if using a 3D modelling package) ... used at least 2 light sources and given a description/explanation in the student record ? yes/no not used backgrounds and text ? (no marks available here) yes/no included a name box ? yes/no mounted on A3 ? yes/no
Section 3 – Computer-Aided Illustration & Presentation
(b) Using DTP package (i) Use text/layout etc (6 marks) Have you : used your drawn visual as the basis for your DTP document ? yes/no used a double or 3 fold format ? yes/no used imported graphics ? (digital photos, scanner, video) yes/no used your self generated graphics ? (produced in Xara) yes/no included your CAD orthographics and pictorials ? yes/no used text in a creative way ? yes/no made clear use of : columns, rulers, margins, captions, headers, footers, gutters, boxes, borders and reverses yes/no used text that relates to the item ? yes/no mounted on A3 ? yes/no included name box ? yes/no
Section 3 – Computer-Aided Illustration & Presentation
(b) Using DTP package (ii) Technical quality (4 marks) Have you : used the DTP package well ? yes/no aligned text and graphics correctly in columns ? yes/no made sure that all objects are aligned correctly ? yes/no only over lapped fold lines intentionally as part of design ? yes/no used text wrap appropriately ? yes/no made sure that there is no widows or orphans ? yes/no used the correct size of font for the column ? yes/no created a document that has a complex structure ? yes/no mounted on A3 ? yes/no included name box ? yes/no
Section 3 – Computer-Aided Illustration & Presentation
(c) Promotional Graphics (i) Visual impact, etc. (4 marks) Have you : produced a separate graphic item ? yes/no produced item using a DTP or graphics illustration package ? yes/no produced a poster/magazine cover/business card/packaging etc ? yes/no made creative use of text ? yes/no used colour effectively ? yes/no created an identity for your graphic ? yes/no used effective use of design elements and principles ? yes/no used self produced graphics ? yes/no imported graphics from other sources ? yes/no mounted on A3 ? yes/no included name box for identification ? yes/no
Section 4 – Student Record
Have you : completed the Student Record ? yes/no described all of the graphic items you have produced ? yes/no acknowledged all graphics/clip art that has been used in your folio ? yes/no detailed all the software packages you used ? yes/no numbered all items in your folio ? yes/no used the numbering in your Student Record ? yes/no
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