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A3 Getting Out What You Put In R T I Data School Leadership Team Training Pamela Shannon, School Psychologist 11-05-10.

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Presentation on theme: "A3 Getting Out What You Put In R T I Data School Leadership Team Training Pamela Shannon, School Psychologist 11-05-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 A3 Getting Out What You Put In R T I Data School Leadership Team Training Pamela Shannon, School Psychologist 11-05-10

2 To find more concise tutorials (for printing), go to the Teacher page of the district web site and click on the second line under “Software Applications” for A3 directions.

3 In the page that pops up, clicking on any of the links under “For Teachers” will open up a PDF file that you can refer to, print, or save on your computer.

4 X One reason for pulling up A3 data is so that you can fill out the IPST forms and do GAP analysis. The individual student score goes here (red arrow). Here is where the class average goes (blue arrow). The grade level average (black X) cannot be pulled up from a “Teacher Dashboard” screen. Your ESE Contact (or whoever at your school has school-wide access) will do that for you. The benchmark criteria, sometimes called the “target score” goes here (green arrow).

5 To open A3 at school, go to the Teachers web page and click on the first item under “Software Applications” (A3 PMP and A3 Vision).

6 Click on this line at school. Click on “A3 HTML Login” to use at home.

7 Log in here with the same user name and password you use to log on to your computer.

8 To pull up your class average, you do NOT need to select any filters. Multi-grade teachers will need to select the grade level they wish to view.

9 Click on the down arrow to the right of the “Chart” field to open the drop-down menu.

10 Select the test you want to see by clicking on it.

11 Select the “1 Year” from the drop-down menu next to “Window” (unless you want to see multiple years).

12 Make sure it says “Student Performance”.

13 Click the “View Chart” button.


15 Click on a column to find out more.



18 When you put your cursor over a column, a number pops up to tell you how many students scored in that range.

19 When you click on the range column, it will bring up the list of students who scored in that range.

20 Classmate, Candy Student, Sammy Sample, Sally

21 Classmate, Candy Student, Sammy Sample, Sally These are links to the students’ Intervention Summary page (where you can open PMP’s, if applicable).

22 Classmate, Candy Student, Sammy Sample, Sally You can click on this button to form a group with your highest scoring students to plan for enrichment.

23 You can click on this button to form a group with your low scoring students to make your intervention group. By forming a group, you will be able to do comparisons and pull an average.

24 After closing the group list, you are back at the DRLA scores.

25 To see the DRLA subtest scores, select “Reading Proficiency”

26 If you click on these columns, they will show the scoring ranges, too,

27 Title I After closing the DRLA scores window, you are back at the Teacher Dashboard.

28 Select “FAIR Grades 3 to 12” or “FAIR Grades K to 2,” depending on your level. Title I

29 When this box pops up, it is like the Windows hourglass. If you click now, it will likely slow you down further.

30 Select the year you want from the drop-down. Next, make sure this says “Student Performance.” We are going to look at last year’s FAIR scores for students currently in the teacher’s class.

31 Click “View Chart.”

32 You can click on a column to see the score ranges for last year’s tests, too.

33 To make comparisons, you will want to see the other scores reported for FAIR.

34 Slides 68 to 77 explain why it is best to use scores OTHER THAN percentile ranks for doing comparisons, if possible.

35 Select the desired score type from the drop down menu.




39 Now we’ll see how to access individual student’s score reports and PMP’s. Click “Get Students” to see the students in your class.

40 Now all of your students show up. You would scroll down to see them.

41 If you want only students in a certain class or subject, you select the appropriate course, term, period, or grade (whichever applies).

42 On the right are links to students’ Intervention Summary pages

43 To see all of an individual student’s test scores, find “Membership Forms” on the right. Then click the “Go” button.

44 The student’s current classes, teachers, and schedule is here. Only student behavior info that has been entered in AS400 will be in the Behavior Summary. SStudent Demographic info is at the top. Student Attendance Summary is here.

45 “ Scrolling down, you’ll find the scores for all of the tests that have been entered into A3.

46 At the very bottom of the page are the previous years’ schedule and teachers..

47 To print the score summary, you can use shortcut keys in Windows: OR


49 When you close the score summary page, you will find will be back at the Intervention Summary.

50 Scroll down toward the bottom, and you will see “PMP At-Risk Summary” approximately half- way down. Click on the magnifying glass to open the PMP. The red X is to delete the PMP. If you accidentally click the X, a box pops up to ask you if you are sure.

51 If this box pops up, the safest thing to do is to use the back arrow in your browser window to avoid deleting.

52 Back to the Intervention Summary page. We click the magnifying glass to open the PMP.

53 Here is the PMP opened. This one is for reading. We’ll zoom in so you can see it better.

54 You can open and add information in two ways here. You can click on the magnifying glass.

55 …which brings up a box in which you can edit…

56 OR you can click on the green plus-sign to add a new diagnostic result.


58 Here you can select the type of diagnostic result or test score you wish to report.

59 You can type what you want to in these fields, and then click “OK” to save.

60 The teacher added some useful info in the text field to describe the group size, frequency, and minutes.


62 The teacher elected to add documentation of parent involvement (AIP sent home).

63 Underneath the PMP area is where you click to add an “Area of Concern,” if desired.

64 As with the PMP section, you add a new section with the green plus sign. You can view/edit an existing Area by clicking the magnifying glass.

65 Select your “Learning Consideration” from the drop-down, and type desired text in the boxes. Click “OK” to save.

66 The same directions apply to the “Meeting” section: green plus sign to add, magnifying glass to view/edit.

67 You can also document parent “No-shows” here.

68 ‘s Here is a brief, basic review of why some score types are preferable to use for making GAP comparisons.

69 ‘s This chart is the familiar “Bell Curve.” It shows how the various types of scores relate to one another.

70 ‘s Notice that the “distance” between percentile rank scores is NOT consistent.

71 ‘s The distance between standard scores, scaled scores, and T- scores IS consistent.

72 Here is an example of how using Percentile Scores will generate different GAP results than using other types of scores. A percentile score of 40 (target percentile for FAIR) correlates approximately to a standard score of 96.

73 The student score of 16 percentile correlates to a standard score of 85.

74 Dividing the Target score by the student score yields the GAP.

75 Better scores to use Percentage Scores Standard Scores Lexile Scores Raw Scores (if enough items)

76 If you have no scores other than percentile scores, you can –  Convert the percentile scores to standard scores and then figure the GAP. (Your school psychologist can help with that.)  You can use the percentile score WITH adequate explanation that a different measure and type of score might yield a very different result. A GAP must be interpreted in light of all the other relevant facts (looking at whole child).

77 This slide can be printed to use as reference when explaining the different types of scores in meetings or in teacher data team.

78 Some Best Practices for IPST Team reviews data in A3 online (data team meetings) to verify accuracy of data on which later eligibility decisions may be made. Availability of computer and Power Point projector at eligibility meetings. Keep sharing, make suggestions, and ask questions. We are all training each other!

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