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Academic Senate November 6, 2013 STUDENT AFFAIRS INTEGRATED CO-CURRICULAR MODEL Presented by Dilcie D. Perez, Dean of Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Senate November 6, 2013 STUDENT AFFAIRS INTEGRATED CO-CURRICULAR MODEL Presented by Dilcie D. Perez, Dean of Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Senate November 6, 2013 STUDENT AFFAIRS INTEGRATED CO-CURRICULAR MODEL Presented by Dilcie D. Perez, Dean of Students


3 AN INTEGRATED MODEL CSUSM Institutional Learning Outcomes Majors/Minors Program Learning Outcomes General Education (GE) Learning Outcomes Student Affairs Co- Curricular Learning Outcomes

4 CIVIC ENGAGEMENT & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Understanding and appreciation of cultural and human differences Global perspective Sense of civic responsibility Social responsibility LEADERSHIP & INTERPERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Identity development Realistic self- appraisal, self- understanding, and self-respect Meaningful relationships Leadership Collaboration CAREER & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Oral communication Written communication Relating knowledge to daily life Demonstrating professionalism Managing career development Technological competence Communicating effectively CRITICAL THINKING & ETHICAL REASONING Critical thinking Reflective thinking Effective reasoning Commitment to ethics and integrity Connecting knowledge to other knowledge, ideas, and experiences Creativity HOLISTIC WELLNESS Maintaining health and wellness Managing personal affairs Pursuing goals Living a purposeful and satisfying life STUDENT AFFAIRS LEARNING OUTCOMES Each reference sheet includes specific learning outcomes, relevant campus experiences, references, and resources.

5 AAC&U LEAP INITIATIVE: Intellectual and Practical Skills, including – Inquiry and Analysis – Critical and Creative Thinking Personal and Social Responsibility, including – Ethical Reasoning and Action GENERAL EDUCATION LEARNING OUTCOME (Area A3 Goal: Critical Thinking): – GELO A3.1 - Distinguish matters of fact from issues of judgment or opinion and derive factual or judgmental inferences from unambiguous statements of knowledge or belief. – GELO A3.2 - Judge the reliability and credibility of sources. – GELO A3.3 - Effectively argue a point of view by clarifying the issues, focusing on the pertinent issues, and staying relevant to the topic. STUDENT AFFAIRS LEARNING OUTCOME CRITICAL THINKING & ETHICAL REASONING

6 Campus Speakers & Programming Involvement in Student Organizations Educational Programs & Workshops ASI Student Governance, CSSA Involvement with Campus Newspaper/Media Advocacy Groups (i.e. Political, Social, Cultural) Committee Involvement Student Accountability Processes Civility Campaign Research Opportunities Student Conduct Tukwut Leadership Circle Student Employment RELEVANT CAMPUS EXPERIENCES

7 References – Theory of Identity Development-Vectors: Integrity & Establishing Identity (Chickering and Reisser) – Leading Critically: A Grounded Theory of Applied Critical Thinking in Leadership Studies (Jenkins and Cutchens) Resources – Developing A Moral Compass: What is the Campus Climate for Ethics and Academic Integrity? (Dey and Associates) – Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking & Ethical Reasoning Rubrics (AAC&U) REFERENCES & RESOURCES

8 Training & development for Student Affairs staff The Co-Curricular Model will guide the development and assessment of Co-Curricular Programs Incorporate reflective learning into programs Intentional outreach to Faculty teaching GE Courses – A3 Critical Thinking LTWR 115 PHIL 110 MATH 110 PSYC 110 STUDENT AFFAIRS IMPLEMENTATION

9 NATIONAL SURVEY OF STUDENT ENGAGEMENT COLLEGE SENIOR SURVEY ALUMNI SURVEY American College Health Association/National College Heath Assessment Data PROGRAM SPECIFIC (e.g. Housing Surveys) ASSESSMENTS

10 NEXT STEPS Convene the Implementation Team Integrate the: – CSUSM Institutional Learning Outcomes – Major/Minors Program Learning Outcomes Implement E-Portfolios & Co-Curricular Transcripts in Co-Curricular Programs

11 Provide feedback to Dilcie Perez Consider serving on the Implementation Team Consider using Co-Curricular Programs to supplement student learning IF YOU ARE INTERESTED…

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