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GP Patient Survey Mouse-click your way through step-by-step instructions Software Installation Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "GP Patient Survey Mouse-click your way through step-by-step instructions Software Installation Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 GP Patient Survey Mouse-click your way through step-by-step instructions Software Installation Guide

2 The GP Patient Survey (GPPS) report will enable data to be extracted from GP Clinical Systems utilising Apollo Medical Systems Limited software so that surveys can be sent to patients asking their experience of access to general practitioners. Apollo has provided a web site to support compatible practices. The web site contains useful and essential information so it is important that you read it. Before commencing with installation of the GPPS software, you should ensure that you already have SQLSuite installed. You can check this by going to Start > All Programs > Apollo Medical System > SQLSuite If you do not have SQLSuite installed, or you are unsure, please contact a member of the Apollo support team on 0191 516 6684 or by emailing support@apollo- and someone will be happy to Now visit the web site at the following location:

3 Please read the instructions on each web page carefully; they contain essential information about the software prerequisites and how GPPS will work. If you have the QOF Wizard installed, you should have A3, the automatic report scheduler, already installed. If you’re not sure, however, click here. If you know you already have A3, you can click here to commence downloading the installer you need for the GPPS software. TIP: If you see an icon similar to the following one in your system tray (the bit at the bottom right-hand side that contains the clock), then you’ve already got A3 installed and running. PLEASE NOTE: If you use EMIS, you won’t see this icon as A3 runs on your server, rather than on your PC.

4 This page shows you how to check to see if you have A3. If you are ready to install the software now, simply skip to the next page. You can do this by right-clicking anywhere on this page and choosing Go To Slide and then choosing the next slide. A12345 Then click ‘Run’… Check to see if you are already registered with Apollo (you will be if you find that you have A3 installed.) To do this, please enter your practice national code in the box provided, as shown. Your national code consists of a letter followed by five digits, e.g. A12345 You can, of course, contact one of the friendly Apollo Support staff, who are always happy to help. …and you should see a message telling you when A3 last connected to the Apollo servers.

5 If you’re ready to download the software, click here Please read the instructions on screen very carefully. In particular, we draw your attention to the Practice Participation Message – click here to read it. Once you’ve read it, click the Back button on your browser’s toolbar to return to this page. Now enter your national code… A12345 …your name… Roger Rolt …and your job title. Doctor Then click here to commence the download.

6 The download will start. You can either click “Run” to install the software immediately… … or you can click “Save” to save it to a known location, e.g. the desktop, to install later on. We’ll assume you’re saving the installer to the desktop. Click here to select the desktop… …keep the same file name… … then click “Save” to save the download to the desktop.

7 After you’ve finished downloading the installer, you will see this icon on your desktop. Double- click on it to start the installation process. Each dialogue box will guide you through the installation. Please read the on-screen prompts carefully. You will be able to see which stage of the installation process is occurring. Click “Next” to continue. You will need to complete the fields with the information required in order to proceed with the installation. A12345 Roger Rolt Doctor In this example, the installer has already detected that the user employs INPS Vision as the clinical system; yours may well be different. This box displays your Apollo customer ID. This example shows customer number 1230. Please quote your customer ID if you need to call us. Click Next to continue

8 Please read the agreement carefully (scroll down as necessary). When you’ve read it… …tick the box to confirm… Click Install to continue... …or click Cancel if you don’t want to install the software now. IMPORTANT! You must also ensure at least one of these options is ticked. If you wish to only participate in Access, deselect the Choice option and vice versa. If neither of these boxes is ticked you will not be able to continue with the installation.

9 Click ‘No’ to go back to the previous screen and select your report. If you don’t select at least one type of report, you will see this message when you click install… You will see this screen if you opt to cancel the installation. Please read it carefully, as it outlines the implications for your practice if you decide not to install the GPPS software. If you do not have SQLSuite already installed, or you have an older version, you will be prompted to download the correct version at this stage. When you proceed with the setup, the installer will check to see if you have the necessary prerequisites and their correct versions. If you do not, you will see this screen… Click here to download the SQLSuite/QOF installer for your clinical system. In this example, the user employs iSOFT Synergy as the clinical system, but yours may well be different.

10 If you need to download and install SQLSuite, a progress bar will show you how far through the download you are… …however, if you already have the correct version of SQLSuite, the GPPS software installation will simply continue. Click “Next” to continue. The installation will continue through each stage. A progress bar will show you how far through the installation process you are. You will be advised when the installation has been successful. Click “Finish” to complete the installation.

11 Running the report After installing the software and indicating participation, there is nothing else you should need to do. The Apollo software is designed to be fully automated and will perform the necessary data extraction and will transmit this data to the central repository. Extracting the data and transmission to the central repository will typically happen on a Sunday or during the night so as not to disrupt normal operations of the clinical system. IF YOU USE A CLINICAL SYSTEM OTHER THAN EMIS, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE SELECTED WORKSTATION CHOSEN BY THE PRACTICE TO DOWNLOAD THE APOLLO SOFTWARE IS LEFT SWITCHED ON AND LOGGED IN. IF THE WORKSTATION IS SWITCHED OFF THE DATA EXTRACT AND TRANSMISSION TO THE CENTRAL REPOSITORY WILL NOT BE COMPLETED. A password protected screensaver should be used on the selected workstation to restrict access to the PC. Important Notice!

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