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Created 09/01/2006 Revised 1-18-11SPS Technology Department 1 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010.

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1 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 1-18-11SPS Technology Department 1 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010

2 SPS Technology Department 2 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 While Waiting (Do Now) Launch Microsoft Excel Create a Blank Document Name and Save Document to Desktop

3 SPS Technology Department 3 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Standard Addressed Standard 1: Demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers and applications as well as an understanding of concepts underlying hardware, software, and connectivity.

4 SPS Technology Department 4 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Introduction To MS Excel By the end of this session you will know and be able to:  Describe structure and function of a spreadsheet (i.e., cell, column, row, values, labels, chart, graph).  Create an original spreadsheet, entering simple formulas.  Use advanced formatting features of a spreadsheet application (e.g., reposition columns and rows, add and name worksheets, alignment of data).  Define and use functions of a spreadsheet application (e.g., sort, filter, find)  Identify, discuss, and explore how spreadsheets are used to calculate and graph in a variety of settings (e.g., schools, government, business, industry, scientific research labs).

5 SPS Technology Department 5 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 You Will Demonstrate This By Creating a worksheet for Book Inventory or Equipment Inventory or Class List or Attendance Sheets

6 SPS Technology Department 6 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 What is Excel? Why do I want to know how to use it? Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows large amounts of data to be stored, calculated, sorted, and accessed quickly. Some uses: Store Information Maintain Budgets Inventories Attendance Grade book

7 SPS Technology Department 7 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Launching Excel In order to use a program, you must start—or launch—it first. 1. Click the Start button. The Start menu appears. 2. Click All Programs. The left pane of the Start menu displays the programs and menus installed on your computer. 3. Click Microsoft Office. 4. Select Microsoft Office Excel 2010. The Excel 2010 program screen appears.

8 SPS Technology Department 8 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 WorkBook -vs.- Worksheets A Microsoft Excel workbook is a file that contains one or more worksheets. A worksheet is the primary document that allows you to store and work with data. It is sometimes referred to as a spreadsheet. A worksheet consists of cells that are organized into columns and rows; a worksheet is always stored in a workbook.

9 SPS Technology Department 9 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Workbook -vs.- Worksheet A Workbook by default has 3 worksheets To create an additional Worksheet within a Workbook  Menu Bar>Insert>Worksheet  A Worksheet always insert to the left.

10 SPS Technology Department 10 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Naming a Worksheet Put cursor over Sheet Tab Right Click and pick Rename from Pop-up Menu Type in an Worksheet name

11 SPS Technology Department 11 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Columns, Rows, Cells 1.Columns labeled A, B, C... 2.Rows labeled 1, 2, 3... 3.Cell - where Columns and Rows Intersected A1, C25, D32....

12 SPS Technology Department 12 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Resizing Columns and Rows Resize a row - by dragging the line below the label of the row you would like to resize. Resize a column - by dragging the line to the right of the label corresponding to the column you want to resize.

13 SPS Technology Department 13 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 You Only Need To Resize Columns To Resolve This Problem

14 SPS Technology Department 14 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Numbers by default - right aligned Labels/Words by default - left aligned Data can be centered aligned – highlight data, select center alignment button on Formatting Toolbar. Alignment Of Data Within Cells 7782 PD Center Student Name

15 SPS Technology Department 15 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Alignment Of Data Using Toolbar Icons Highlight Cells You Wish To Format Alignment Icons

16 SPS Technology Department 16 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 1. Select the cell(s) you want to align. 2. Click the Home tab on the Ribbon and click an alignment button in the Alignment group.

17 SPS Technology Department 17 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Centering Column Headings Highlight Column Headings and Select Center Icon on Formatting Toolbar

18 SPS Technology Department 18 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Merge Columns and Center Headings Merge and Center Headings over multiple Columns 1.Type Data in First Column of data 2.Highlight all Columns you wish to center over 3.Click on Icon in Formatting Toolbar

19 SPS Technology Department 19 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Formatting Options Using Menu Bar 1.Highlight Cells You Wish To Format 2.On the Home Tab Click Format 3.Selecting Format Cells will bring to the next screen

20 SPS Technology Department 20 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Select Data Category

21 SPS Technology Department 21 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015

22 SPS Technology Department 22 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015

23 SPS Technology Department 23 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Sort Data in a Column Highlight Entire Column Or Row You Wish To Sort Sort Ascending Sort Descending

24 SPS Technology Department 24 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Sorting all Data in Worksheet Highlight entire worksheet by selecting the blank area above the row 1 Click the Home or Data tab Click sort- Custom sort Sort by-click add level  Then by Secondary Sort

25 SPS Technology Department 25 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Performing Basic Calculations Using Formulas

26 SPS Technology Department 26 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Summing Cells and Ranges

27 SPS Technology Department 27 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Formula Bar Click to place the cursor into the Formula Bar so that you can perform or edit an equation. =A2+A3 Will total up values in cells =A2+A3

28 SPS Technology Department 28 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Using Auto Sum Feature Excel allows you to quickly find the total of a column or row of Numbers using the Auto Sum Feature Highlight the Column or Row and then click on Auto Sum

29 SPS Technology Department 29 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 You can access other formula functions in the AUTO SUM Feature

30 SPS Technology Department 30 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Deleting and Inserting Columns and Rows 1. Select the row or column heading(s) you want to delete. 2. Click the Home tab on the Ribbon and click the Delete button in the Cells group. The rows or columns are deleted. Remaining rows are shifted up, while remaining columns are shifted to the left..

31 SPS Technology Department 31 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Inserting or Deleting a Column Highlight row or column Insert Delete

32 SPS Technology Department 32 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Page Setup

33 SPS Technology Department 33 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 The Print settings and Print Preview as shown in Backstage view. Use the print settings in the left column to control how the document is printed. Use the print preview area in the right column to preview how the document will look when printed.

34 SPS Technology Department 34 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Save a new workbook 1. Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar. The Save As dialog box appears. Other Ways to Save: Press +. Or, click the File tab and select Save. 2. Specify the drive and/or folder where you want to save your workbook. 3. Enter the file name in the File name text box. 4. Click Save.

35 SPS Technology Department 35 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015

36 SPS Technology Department 36 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Name of Printer

37 SPS Technology Department 37 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Your Turn Create a worksheet for  Book Inventory  Equipment Inventory  Class List  Attendance Sheets

38 SPS Technology Department 38 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Links for Learning Online Microsoft Excel Resources Florida Gulf Coast University  sp sp Get to Know Excel 

39 SPS Technology Department 39 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 References Caughlin, J. (2002). Excel Workshop for Teachers. Watertown, MA: Tom Snyder Productions.

40 SPS Technology Department 40 Created 09/01/2006 Revised 4/17/2015 Rubric Excel I Teacher Name: _____________________________________ Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY4321 Creation of spreadsheetDemonstrates mastery over the process of creating a spreadsheet Carries out the creation of a new spreadsheet without significant error Makes significant errors when creating a spreadsheet. Makes critical errors when creating a spreadsheet Utilization of spreadsheet information Demonstrates mastery over the process of utilizing spreadsheet information. Carries out the use of spreadsheet information without significant error Makes significant errors when using spreadsheet information Makes critical errors when using spreadsheet information Formulas Demonstrates mastery over the process for utilizing formulas in a spreadsheet Carries out the use of formulas without significant error Makes significant errors when using formulas Makes critical errors when using formulas. Functions Demonstrates mastery over the process for using spreadsheet functions (e.g., sort, filter, find) Carries out the use of using spreadsheet functions. Makes signification errors when using the functions. Makes critical errors when using functions.

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