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Detector Characterisation Group
Boston and the Liverpool group CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory Characterisation Group Preliminary report on AGATA detector #1 Full characterisation of prototype crystal Detailed source scans Coincidence measurement Detector Characterisation Group
AGATA prototype triple cluster
90 × 80 mm 10º tapering angle Detector Characterisation Group Prototype symmetric triple cluster Ordered from CE Segmentation scheme 8, 13, 15, 18, 18, 18 mm
AGATA data analysis summary
A number of measurements have been made: Analogue energy resolution results A 370kBq 60Co source was placed near the detector. An Ortec 671 Spectroscopy amplifier was used with 6us of shaping to produce energy resolutions. The count rate was <1000cps. The core energy resolution was measured to be 2.6 keV. Efficiency measurement Digital electronics Energy resolution Scattering / Addback Singles scan Coincidence scan Detector Characterisation Group
AGATA detector scanning
Detector scans MRD26 connector blocks Detector Characterisation Group
AGATA detector measurements
Detector Characterisation Group Performance tests of the AGATA prototype detector. Fitted with GANIL differential preamplifiers CWC differential to single ended converters (manufactured at TU Munich) used to provide single ended signal to electronics. GRT4 digital electronics cards
AGATA detector – segment labelling
Back face A5 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B4 B3 B2 B1 B6 B5 C3 C2 C1 C6 C5 C4 D2 D1 D6 D5 D4 D3 E1 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 6 5 4 3 2 1 A4 A2 A1 A B C D E F Detector Characterisation Group Front face The above plot shows the labelling of the segments on the first AGATA prototype module. Note the confusing scheme (all segs offset by 1)! Errors on can labelling are indicated in red. Our cabling philosophy shown in green.
AGATA cabling scheme Back Front
AGATA detector connected to CWC modules through 7 MRD cable cables. 37 BNC > SMA cables connect to GRT4 modules. The cabling scheme groups segments in rings: 1-6 ring 1 7-12 ring 2 etc. The core is channel 37. Detector Characterisation Group 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Front Back
AGATA energy resolution results
Detector Characterisation Group Analogue energy resolution results from AGATA Segments problems A1 / A4 / A5 / B5 / C4 / D2 / D5 / F1
Digital Pulse Shape Processing
GRT 4 cards with 80Mhz sampling 14bit dynamic range The cards now have MWD implemented, courtesy of Ian Lazarus and Martin Lauer. Digital CFD is implemented. Common card time stamping (48bit) is implemented. Detector Characterisation Group
AGATA MWD energy resolution results
Detector Characterisation Group Results from GRT4 MWD. 13.5s peak separation 8.0 s Shaping time 5.5 s trapezoid width 7.8 s Peak sample time 53 s decay time constant
AGATA – Example poor performance
2 25 Detector Characterisation Group Poor performance with MWD
AGATA energy resolution results
Detector Characterisation Group Best energy resolution results from AGATA Segment problems >2.8 keV A5 / C4 / F1
AGATA energy resolutions
Summary of best values for energy resolution from AGATA detector. Detector Characterisation Group Rings Sectors
AGATA energy analogue vs digital
Detector Characterisation Group Typical results -> specifically for sector F.
GRT4 time stamping problems
Detector Characterisation Group There are problems with the time stamp on two GRT cards. Plot shows time different between core and segment time stamp.
GRT4 Energy correlation
Detector Characterisation Group There were issues with the GRT 4 MWD code. A peak separation of >13us gives uncorrelated data. The plots above show MWD vs baseline difference energies.
GRT4 energy performance
The energy resolution performance for the GRT4 MWD algorithm was assessed with the AGATA detector. Typical response for the centre contact is illustrated. What is the cause of this tailing? Detector Characterisation Group
GRT4 energy performance
Detector Characterisation Group MWD baseline Produce a plot of the energy derived from MWD vs the FADC baseline value. Is this tailing DNL? The effect is count rate dependent.
GRT4 energy performance
It would be good to add martin lauers obesrvations here BRING HOME MARTINS THESIS ADD HERE Detector Characterisation Group
GRT4 energy performance
Options: Gate on the “true peak” Attempt to correct for effect linear? Energy dependent? Count rate dependent? Detector Characterisation Group
Automated Scanning Tables
Liverpool System Parker linear positioning table Pacific scientific stepper motors 0.3mCi 137Cs/0.2mCi 57Co 1-2mm collimator Singles/coincidence system Detector Characterisation Group Precise position calibration GSI / CSNSM Orsay
Example traces Typical example of from detector for the singles scan measurement Detector Characterisation Group
AGATA Detector Pulse shapes
20 21 22 26 27 28 Arbitrary Units Detector Characterisation Group 32 33 34
AGATA Detector Pulse shapes
20 21 22 26 27 28 Arbitrary Units Detector Characterisation Group 32 33 34
AGATA detector scan AGATA singles scan
Detector Characterisation Group AGATA singles scan Intensity map for 662keV interaction on centre contact 2mm collimator / 2 minutes per position 0.3mCi 137Cs source 300Gb of data on SDLT tape
AGATA singles scan 18 12 6 1 5 7 11 13 17 2 4 8 10 14 16 9 3 15 24 30 36 19 23 25 29 31 35 Detector Characterisation Group 20 22 26 28 32 34 21 27 33 Detector response vs depth: 662 keV on core Any energy on segments
AGATA singles scan 18 12 6 1 5 7 11 13 17 2 4 8 10 14 16 9 3 15 24 30 36 19 23 25 29 31 35 Detector Characterisation Group 20 22 26 28 32 34 21 27 33 Detector response vs depth: 662 keV on core 662keV energy on segments
Segment Multiplicity The number of segments firing in coincidence:
Detector Characterisation Group The number of segments firing in coincidence: Defined as MWD energy above trigger.
Segment Multiplicity The number of segments firing in coincidence:
Detector Characterisation Group The number of segments firing in coincidence: Defined as energy > 3sd of baseline noise.
Detector Issues Detector Characterisation Group
Detector Characterisation Group
Scattering / Cross talk results
2 (B1) – 27 (C5) 34085 counts (695 bkgrd) 7 (A2) – 25 (A5) counts (1124 bkgrd) Detector Characterisation Group 3 (C1) – 21 (C4) counts (1235 bkgrd) Multiplicity two scatter plot for AGATA segments (singles scan)
Segments 2&27 – 34085 counts (695 bkgrd)
Segments 7&25 – (1124 bkgrd) Detector Characterisation Group
Scattering : What is the cause of this tailing?
Detector Characterisation Group Low energy tailing – not consistent with energy algorithm
Scattering : What is the cause of this tailing?
Detector Characterisation Group Suppression of 2 – 27 scatters removed low energy tail.
AGATA – Addback rings Addback – confined a concentric rings
Detector Characterisation Group Addback – confined a concentric rings
AGATA – Addback sectors
Detector Characterisation Group Addback - confined to sectors
Cross talk problems Large number of counts with low energy in B1
Detector Characterisation Group Cross talking segments 2 (B1) 27 (C5)
Cross talk problems B1 C5 / C1 C5 A2 A5
Detector Characterisation Group Cross talk B1 C5 / A2 A5 / C1 C4
Cross talk problems Double hit addback confined to sectors
Detector Characterisation Group Double hit addback confined to sectors
Cross talk problems Rejecting 3(C1) 21(C3)
Detector Characterisation Group Rejecting 3(C1) 21(C3)
Cross talk problems Illustration of problems
Detector Characterisation Group Illustration of problems
AGATA singles scan : Core risetime results
Detector Characterisation Group T30 T60 Centre contact risetime results T90
AGATA singles scan : Core risetime results
Detector Characterisation Group T30 T60 T90 Centre contact risetime results 662keV segments
AGATA singles scan – T30 vs depth
Detector Characterisation Group
AGATA singles scan – T90 vs depth
Detector Characterisation Group
Risetime Results : Summary
What do we need? Look at outer contact risetimes Are the segment risetimes well aligned? What is the profile? Can we use these values along with the core Outer contact image charge response Image charge asymmetry vs position of scanning table Detector Characterisation Group
Coincidence scan Insert picture of sector to be scanned and the lines, along with the radii. Insert slide with “what is available” and how large Insert slide with geometry of scanning assembly Exact dims Collimator spread results Insert typical statistics example vs radius depth Insert typical quality example Show some pictures. Detector Characterisation Group
Coincidence measurement
Detector Characterisation Group Sector E has been scanned – singles intensity profile.
What data was recorded? Coincidence data was recorded on three lines and three radii. 2mm steps. The data was recorded to SDLT tape. Detector Characterisation Group Position from scanning table and step number High resolution energy from core and NaIs from Silena ADCs TAC of Ge core vs NaI firing. GRT 4 data from 37 channels (512 samples 80Mhz)
. Coincidence scan 2.88mm 16.00 15.65 14.00 6.5 10.00 3mm 0.3mCi 137Cs
Detector Characterisation Group 3mm . 2mm collimator 0.3mCi 137Cs
AGATA coincidence 80mm 118.55mm 100.02mm 83.14mm 66.26mm 53.38mm 44mm
90 18 118.55mm 72 18 100.02mm 54 18 83.14mm 36 15 66.26mm 21 Detector Characterisation Group 13 53.38mm 8 8 44mm 34mm 36 3mm Dead layer including Al can
AGATA coincidence Coincidence data has been recorded along 3 lines and 3 radii inside sector E of the detector. The data is in rings w.r.t. centre (x,x): Ring 1 : 28mm radius / 6 hours per position Ring 2 : 23mm radius / 8 hours per position Ring 3 : 18mm radius / 10 hour per position In lines Line 1 : 0O 26mm / 12 hours per position Line 2 : 15O 26mm / 12 hours per position Line 3 : 30O 26mm / 12 hours per position The z depths are: Detector Characterisation Group 1st depth = mm 2nd depth = – 17.26mm 3rd depth = – 30.14mm 4th depth = – 47.02mm 5th depth = – 63.9mm 6th depth = – 82.43mm
Coincidence setup Utilises a multi-leaf collimator to measure six depths simultaneously. 2mm injection 2mm ring collimators Typical count rates for outer radii Singles Ge >60keV : 500 c/s Coincidence : 50 c/min True Coincidence : 25 c/hour 288 keV 374 662 Detector Characterisation Group
Coincidence results Coincident response in segment E2 (11) and E4 (23)
Detector Characterisation Group Coincident response in segment E2 (11) and E4 (23)
Coincidence results Region of Interest Ge Energy NaI Energy 374 keV
Matrix of Ge energy vs Total NaI derived from Silena ADCs The region of interest for “true” coincidences is highlighted in red. The data was presorted to keep only the data in this region. This leaves ~ 400Mb of data per line. Detector Characterisation Group
Coincidence measurements
Detector Characterisation Group Double peaking on segment 17 (E3)
Coincidence measurements
Detector Characterisation Group 28mm radius / 2mm steps over 80O (-10O +70O) Total distance moved 40mm / 6 hours per position
Coincidence measurements
Detector Characterisation Group 18mm radius / 2mm steps over 80O (-10O +70O) Total distance moved 26mm / 10 hours per position
Coincidence measurement
Detector Characterisation Group Radial scan : line 1 : 12 hours per position
Coincidence measurement
Detector Characterisation Group Radial scan : line 2 : 12 hours per position
AGATA summary The detector has been scanned. Data is available:
Singles data 300Gb Coincidence data The detector performance was reasonable. Improvements are possible. Detail will be discussed in the detector characterisation group meeting this afternoon. Detector Characterisation Group
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