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Jon Keeling, PE, CFM Carey Johnson, CFM ASFPM 2012 Conference May 22, 2012 The Mission of Dam Safety Hazard Mitigation – Kentucky’s Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Jon Keeling, PE, CFM Carey Johnson, CFM ASFPM 2012 Conference May 22, 2012 The Mission of Dam Safety Hazard Mitigation – Kentucky’s Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jon Keeling, PE, CFM Carey Johnson, CFM ASFPM 2012 Conference May 22, 2012 The Mission of Dam Safety Hazard Mitigation – Kentucky’s Experience

2 What We’ll Talk About Today Overview of KDOW CTP Activities Dam Safety Hazard Mitigation Program –How it started –What’s involved –Automated Tools and Processes –Review of Products –FEMA Risk MAP Applications Q&A

3 KDOW CTP Activities Consideration of Risk MAP into other watershed based initiatives (dam safety, non-point source, TMDLs, etc.) Collected LIDAR in approximately 1/3 of state State lead agency for Silver Jackets – Partner in 2 SJ pilot projects Involved in USGS FIMI projects Ongoing development of KY Risk Communication Toolbox

4 KDOW Risk MAP Status?? Add map with watersheds, projects completed to date? Watersheds account for approximately 55% of KY population

5 Collaboration Efforts KDOW Dam Safety partners with federal and state agencies (NRCS, FEMA, KY Emergency Management): –Resource sharing (natural disaster/emergency response) –Provide staff to perform interagency permit reviews –Data sharing (LiDAR, base mapping) to support dam safety studies –Evaluation of prototype tools related to dam safety (beta tester -FEMA DS GeoDamBREACH toolset) –Evaluation and feedback on FEMA Risk Map Non-regulatory products Revised Dam Safety section of State Hazard Mitigation Plan Shift focus from regulatory-only to risk identification and reduction

6 Dam Safety Hazard Mitigation Program The purpose is to avoid situations like this……..


8 Dam Safety Hazard Mitigation Program Purposes: –To determine best practices to help quantify, communicate, and mitigate current risks associated with dams and help avoid future risks. –Align products and processes to current Risk MAP non-regulatory initiatives –To develop a prioritized list of dams to support KDOW’s planning for rehabilitation, repair, or study needs Starting Point - Subset of 197 dams –Dams are owned by state, local governments or NRCS

9 Initial Set of Dams in Program

10 Dam Safety Hazard Mitigation Program Ongoing program involves: Data Collection Rapid Inundation Mapping Field Reconnaissance Preliminary Risk Screening Simplified Emergency Action Plan Development Seismic Assessment Reviews Prototype Catastrophic Long Term Recovery Plans Expanded Dam Owner Outreach

11 Dam Safety Hazard Mitigation Program Ongoing program involves: Data Collection Rapid Inundation Mapping Field Reconnaissance Preliminary Risk Screening Simplified Emergency Action Plan Development Seismic Assessment Reviews Prototype Catastrophic Long Term Recovery Plans Expanded Dam Owner Outreach

12 Rapid Inundation Map Team using SMPDBK tool (NWS/NOAA) –2 part Arc-GIS based tool, using simplified dam break routines Team also testing FEMA Dam Safety toolset that enhances the SMPDBK tool (GeoDamBREACH) Produces a rapid, preliminary dam breach/inundation Also produces depth grids Appropriate for Preliminary Risk Screenings

13 Inundation Map

14 Automation - Field Reconnaissance GIS-based field data collection tool developed by Stantec: –Arc-GIS Mobile application –Trimble GPS units used –Allowed for rapid input of observations –Database driven –Consistency among teams Observations Remarks Recommendations


16 Field Reconnaissance – Reporting Reporting tool: –Modeled after current KDOW Inspection report format –Auto-populated initial report (database) –Editable by field teams –Maps w/observation points

17 Data Management Portal Developed by team to communicate and manage data/info Easier collaboration; coordination with KDOW’s Risk MAP efforts/KyEM Portal

18 Preliminary Risk Screening Goal - establish a consistent/objective ranking of dams Various tools and procedures reviewed by team Semi-automated NRCS/USBR tool, combined with FEMA HAZUS- MH to incorporate damages and PAR from dam breach

19 Dam Risk Mitigation Strategies Results of the risk screening being used to support a review of potential mitigation options for dams. Mitigation could include: –Structural upgrades to dam/spillways –Acquisition of easements in downstream inundation areas Could be drainage/flowage easement Conservation easements –Adoption of “higher standards” for floodplain/inundation area development –Buy-outs of affected property owners –Flood proofing/elevation/relocation of structures –Enhanced flood warning/evacuation systems and plans –Establishment of downstream development regulations

20 Simplified Emergency Action Plans Goal – to produce a “starting point”, semi-automated EAP document Product – Microsoft Word document with database driven fields and other user input fields; inundation/ evacuation map included Team is testing/evaluating of FEMA Dam Safety toolset that includes EAP (GeoDamBREACH)

21 Catastrophic Long Term Recovery Plans Goal – to produce a template Catastrophic Long Term Recovery (CLTR) prototype for local dam owners and local emergency management officials to reference for specific dams CLTR Plan for dams – guidance on what to do and how to recover impoundment and downstream assets that are damaged or destroyed as a result of a dam failure –Picks up where EAPs end –Walks through the recovery steps necessary –Help identify potential funding sources –Aligned with Kentucky Emergency Management plans Incorporation into KyEM CHAMPS system

22 How does this tie into the Risk MAP process?

23 FEMA Risk MAP Applications Dam Safety Hazard Mitigation Program OutputRisk MAP Applications Inundation MappingEnhanced Flood Risk Analysis Areas of Mitigation Interest Risk ScreeningsEnhanced Flood Risk Analysis Simplified EAPsEnhanced Risk Communication Inspire Mitigation Actions CLTR PlansCommunity Resiliency Economic Sustainability

24 Questions? Contact: Jon Keeling; 859-422-3000 Carey Johnson; 502-564-3410

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